
The bigger asshole? Are you talking about the poop chute between the butt cheeks? If so, I'd appreciate an artist sketch.
Dinosaurs, all of them.
If the issue is not with the article but with providing easy access to the material, then how is this different from what search engines do?
@2: Yes, with billions of taxpayer dollars spent on this script and Tarantino's flagrant violation of the Constitution, it's clear that this is a public interest issue.
You left out a critical part of the story:

"This time, according to Tarantino's lawsuit, Gawker has refused to back down from "repeat demands for the removal of the posted URL links" and "submissions of DMCA notices of copyright infringement.""

The lawsuit was after Gawker refused to be reasonable.
If I were Tarantino I'd go metallica on all their asses.
It's stolen, unreleased, copyrighted material, owned by the creative artist himself. This is not your garden-variety DRM annoyance. It doesn't matter whether Tarantino is as rich as Disney or not. He's entitled to have the material taken off the 'net, and that includes links to it

OTOH, good luck with that. But, in the meantime, he can sue violators and win..
I'm with @8. Artists have the right to decide if and when to share their creative works with the public. If you are pro-artist, Gawker is the asshole here.
I think it should be a death match. Machine guns and swords!
Assholes deserve each other.

The biggest asshole in the room? The person who implies, jokingly or not, that there can be only one "good" and one "bad" and then force us to choose.

Those are the true assholes, as they are the ones reinforcing the view that creates assholes to begin with.
Gawker is slightly more distended than Tarantino in this situation, but not by much.
Hollywood runs on munnie and cocaine, so if the script were worth a shit, they'd be making it into a movie, leaked or not.

P.S. They should call it H8ful, obviously.
@4: A search engine isn't hosting the stolen document on its site, refusing to take it down nor proclaiming to the world that it has posted the stolen document for all the world to enjoy.

Do you really not see a difference?
I mean, this is the equivalent of Gawker publishing "The Wolf of Wallstreet Leaked!", and including a link to The Pirate Bay.
The news is that the script was leaked. Stating that is news. Saying who leaked it or how it was leaked would also be news. Providing a link to the leaked script, however, isn't news; it's crime.

When revenge porn is discussed in the news, they don't provide links to videos.
Gawker is always the asshole.
I thought the Stranger supported artists' control of their art? How is this even in question? QT aside, Paul, if your favorite author had an unfinished draft leaked and promoted via Gawker, would you even be having this poll?

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