

Jim Crow?

Meet Jane Crow.
#1 hits it out of the park.

Fucking fuck is this how things should be in 2014?
Can the state get sued? It's a pain and it shouldn't happen, but the people may still have some recourse.

And if it makes the lives of people miserable, can there be enough outrage to vote these people out? Politicians wouldn't do this if there wasn't support from the people that do (and can) vote. For instance, crap like this would never fly in Washington State.
@3 - Should be easy enough to demonstrate the harm done and the invalidity of the law as having no legitimate purpose since the restrictions are excessive and do nothing to actually improve the quality of life or medical care for Louisiana. But I'm no lawyer.
The miserable dark joke will be on Louisiana when they have a generation of under-cared-for, single-mother children being raised, and needing extra State services.

Of course they'll probably cut more social services by then, which will turn into a glut of homelessness, for which they'll request more Federal dollars to boost their Police forces, and expand their Private Jails.

And Louisiana will lead the Republic in the "Human Misery" category. :(
This is the reason we have a judicial branch of government.

The Death of a 1000 Cuts strategy bears fruit.

Expect a Federal Injunction.
This is what happens when conservative Christians take over a secular government party. They try to create a de facto theocracy. Next up will be passing a law that makes the Bible a legally binding document. That should be entertaining.
Too bad they can't focus on real problems - like poverty
I live in Louisiana. The public hearing was rescheduled for Feb. 4. You can read more about it here:…

I have thoughts about this is as a pro-choice Louisianian--a minority, I think, but I also have the worst cold I have had in years. I'll post more later if this headache ever goes away.

And this would be different from right now, how?

Louisiana already has the second-highest percentage of single-parent households (right on the heels of #1, next door neighbor Mississippi), is #1 for percentage of unwed births per-capita, 5th highest for SNAP recipients, and has the 2nd hightest per-capita poverty rate (again right behind Mississippi) of U.S. states. Oh, and also one of the two states with the largest number of public schools allowed to teach Creationism. So, apparently, the folks in charge down there like to keep the masses, particularly the female ones, poor, stupid and completely dependent on the big, bad gubbamint - THEIR gubbamint, that is - for support.
It's not like women could just drive across the border; they'd probably have to drive to Dallas, Oklahoma City, Little Rock, Memphis, or Jackson.
Where you been, Danielle? They've been pulling this shit ever since 2010 in every state with a Republican governor and legislature.
Bottom line is this: if you don't own your own body, you are a SLAVE. This is horrible and actions like this have no place in a "free society."
Between religious fanatics in red states wanting to control my body and socialists morons in blue states wanting to control my wallet and free speech rights, where the hell am I suppose to move?
@15, since the "socialists morons" are imaginary, it's an easy choice.
So what the hell would you call Sawant and her followers if not socialist morons? (redundant, I know, "socialist moron")
@12, Not Jackson, if you mean Jackson, MS. There is one clinic in MS that performs abortions, and it is in Biloxi.

From the sounds of the article I posted earlier, DHH has realized that some of the requirements in the law, especially the 30 day waiting period after the blood tests, makes no medical sense and they are kind of backtracking on them. The problem is that anyone in state government who crosses Bobby Jindal or takes action that does not advance his insane agenda has a way of vanishing from state government.
Good thing women won the GOP's War on Women (according to the GOP, and why would they lie?) Otherwise, I might think it was still underway...
@17: Do you understand the difference between being a minority voice and a solid majority (well, with gerrymandering not really all that true) getting pretty much anything they want?


What free speech rights have been taken from your recently?

Also, do you complain to the check out person at the grocery store because they set the price for the things you buy there instead of you just deciding how much you WANT to pay?

Goods and services cost money, regardless of whether they're provided by the private or public sector. The problem is people who think on the one hand that the private sector has a God-given right to set prices however they want in order to maximize profit, but then turn around and scream bloody murder when the public sector tries to collect tax revenue to cover what the goods and services they provide actually cost.

Yes, you have a choice as to whether or not to purchase goods & services from the private sector, but the entire point of government is to provide goods and services that ALL of us need - even if only occasionally.

This is the early 21st Century, not the mid 19th Century. You don't really have the option to hitch up your oxen to a covered wagon and head out into the vast frontier to make a go of it on your own anymore (although, frankly, I do sort of wish we could carve out a place - maybe in some of the more remote parts of Wyoming or the Dakotas, where "I don't need no stinking help from anybody" types could give it a go for a few years, at least until they either come to their senses or disease, isolation & malnutrition finally hammers the point home.)

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