
Have you posted/tweeted anything yet about Lambda Legal's taking up the case of transgender widow Robina Asti? It kind of takes up where the Windsor case leaves off.……
Boycott Sochi.
The 9th grader suffered a "homophobic attack from the victim’s father."

Who was the "victim"?
Hanoumatoi, I normally hate people telling me what to do, but you do it with such brief elegance. Yes Master, I will obey you.
Everything about this law is terrible. Fuck the Olympics and all their sponsors for aiding and abetting this abuse.
The girl was attacked by her own father after the juvenile authorities outed her. If the Russian sources I read are correct, she wasn't out at school or at home, but she came to their attention because she posted about her orientation and LGBT issues on VK (Russian Facebook.)
Yeah, that law really protects the kids so well. It sure worked for her. I would sure love it if somebody could expose Putin as a closet gay. Seems like the only fair and just outcome of this putrid law.
It could just be bad wording but I'm assuming it was the girl's father. Fuck the Olympics indeed, I won't be watching. I love how my local news station and NBC are pretty much ignoring the situation over there.
I don't think I can bring myself to watch these games. It would be like tuning into the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin.
For the record, I don't begrudge the amateurs who go to Sochi their exposure. I do think that professional hockey players should skip it, but for speedskaters, biathletes, and especially female ski jumpers, this is the chance of a lifetime. That said, I hereby pledge not to watch a minute of the Olympics in any manner which can enrich those not participating.
So what's the realpolitik for this law? Putin cozying up to the orth. church to shore up his popular support with Ivan Sixpack?

Or are these guys just a bunch of assholes?
@11 both. there's also a case to be made that Putin is a closet case. and maybe thinks about the kids a little too much

More a case of the Russian Orth. Church cozying up to Putin. The Church was purged long ago of the truly faithful clergy and replaced with those who would follow the Party line. Seminaries were turned into indoctrination centers for Communist ideology. The Russian people cling to the Church so what better way to control the people than to control the Church? Putin is a KGB man and he knows the value of the Church to rally support to him. Hence the anti-gay laws and the support of the Church, which has turned around the decline in Putin's poll numbers.

Boycott the media and boycott the sponsors. Boycott Coca-Cola and McDonalds and Sony. Sign the petitions, go to sponsor websites and tell them to stop profiting from hate. Tell people about the beatings in Russia and show them the videos posted on social media. We cannot stop the Sochi Games but we can make the truth known about what Russia is doing and how the Olympics are being used to put a happy face on persecution.
I'm not clear on whom they mean by "victim."
Won't be watching or buying any Olympic stuff.

you mean the Games where Jesse Owens, an African American, trounced Germany and made the concept of the Aryan Superman look foolish? yeah, God forbid...
And the official document about the offense also says, "because she didn't sexually assault her classmates, no criminal proceedings shall be opened." The news reports I read though conveniently don't mention the hospital part.
I'm wondering whether the authorities will focus on pressuring her to reveal who or what so-called propaganda turned her gay. After all, it's not as if she came by the orientation naturally. Sigh.
I knew that Putin was an ass, but I didn't realize that his conceited and grimy fingers could get around the kids MY AGE in Russia. I came out as my New Year's resolution this past January in my relatively safe environment as a 9th grade student going to a public school in LA. Now I think I know exactly how lucky I am. This shouldn't be tolerated and I think that the American government (you know, the one that's "OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE"?) should step in to the situation by stepping out of the Olympics this year. Under the intolerant rule of the despot Vladimir Putin, CHILDREN are being persecuted against for the IDEALS we have in the US: Self expression, freedom, justice, and liberty. NOT by any means simply PHYSICAL freedoms such as being able to own property, but also EMOTIONAL freedoms such as being able to love whomever you love. Is this really THAT DIFFICULT to understand? Maybe for our best shirtless-horse-riding friend Vlantirights Poontang, but for the other 6,999,999,999 of us? I feel that we should take diplomatic action against this anti-love government which is a world power and (especially under the rule of Mr. Poontang) capable of, and has already, ruined the lives of a sizable population of people. What was that number on a recent Lovecast? 5% of the human population? By my calculations, that means that Vlantirights Poontang is against about 350 million people in the world. That is almost the amount of PEOPLE IN THE F***ING USA! So, back to my original point, this should not be tolerated and we should pull our potential Olympians out of the homophobic hell that is Russia.
Es ist eine Schweinerei von Putin und den USA wie Homosexuelle Menschen behandelt werden.Die Winterspiele hätten auf keinen Fall in Russland statt finden dürfen.Die Politiker sind alles unfähige Schleimer,besonders diese Angela Merkel.Dieser Putin ist das letzte was es gibt,ein scheinheiliges Schwein.

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