Blogs Feb 18, 2014 at 6:00 am


Like my dad used to say when one of us kids was trying to make a stupid joke:

Three thousand clowns out of work and you're trying to make jokes.

What's weird is that he got the number of out-of-work clowns pretty close to correct.

Hahaha, that's a great line!

(I am both a dork and a dad, probably why I like it)
I must live in a different universe: based upon the guys I've dated in the past, I'd say that there's absolutely no shortage of clowns out there.
This would be a great profession for out-of-work Catholic priests.
Doesn't a "shortage" imply an unmet demand?
Clown shortage? Let me direct your attention to the House of Representatives. If anything, this nation has a serious clown glut.
I don't know @2. I thought it was pretty awesome too and I lack the paternal element. I think it's more the dorkiness that makes it so wonderful.
Here, I can help. (short song & video, SFW)
That's it! You people have stood in my way long enough! I'm going to clown college!
@1: Gonna drop that one on my dad next time he cracks wise.

@11: I hope you like carpooling to classes...
@2, And I'm a Fallout 3 dork, enjoying it particularly since I travel every day through the same world. Pre-apocalypse of course.

@10, Treacle, loved that.

@12, Niiiice. In a car with 25 other clowns?

Perhaps Teach for America can change their mission and become Clowns for America to address the shortage. Oh wait....clown school requires more training than the 5 weeks TFA gives its "corp members" to become teachers.

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