
That is some of the funniest writing I've seen in ages. Thanks for the belly laugh or twelve. The Liza Minnelli bit alone was worth it.
I swear to God Lupita has in just a year become an icon of the caliber of Audrey Hepburn. She is style personified. And this isn't even her best dress, but it's still better than anyone else's by a mile.
Tina is the very best highlight of the award shows!
Did you notice that Lupita actually has shoulders? For real. She obviously keeps thin though physical exercise, unlike the vast majority of Hollywood starlets who keep themselves thin through starvation. Their shoulders look like toothpicks without a shred of muscle fiber present. Not Lupita. That girl looks like she could kick my ass, and be beautiful doing it.
I LOVE THIS! I'm reading the whole blog now. Please hire her to be your fashion correspondent or something. Anything!
Thank you for making me waste a big chunk of my afternoon. Except that it wasn't wasted, because reading great writing is never a waste of time. (Even if it's not what you're supposed to be doing right now.)

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