
Odd thing about this, I have been thinking about just what it would take to open such a service myself...
There's a woman in portland who is also a professional snuggler.
This was attempted in Madison, WI:

-- the article also mentions the Portland business.
Sounds creepy.
Yes, and thebackpage ads are really for people interested in bringing some arm candy to social events, so they don't appear to be single.
Damn it, he starts this up here and it will take away work from my own season "Sensual Santa" biz. (h/t Eightball Comics)
Are sweatpants ok?
I know a few people that need cuddling. This will make a perfect gift.
@5: I doubt there's sexy sex going on at Cuddle Parties.
From Japan to here.
I don't view this positively. "Professional" just means he's charging for it, not that he's trained or certified or qualified.

Plus wtf happened to friends and family helping each other? A hug should be offered freely, never be given with condition.
Christ, the PNW is filled with some seriously lonely people.
@12 Says who? If there were a professional cuddling school somewhere, your argument might make sense. I'm guessing you think sex workers should be, what, criminalized? Like it or not, physical touch for pay is hardly a new concept.

That said, I think this particular professional cuddler seems like kind of a douche bag, based on his website.
Cuddle Parties are awesome! Going for a one-on-one service seems a lot more awkward than the party approach.
Props to @12 for knowing the difference between a "profession" and a "vocation", which @14 utterly missed.

A profession:
1. Requires a college degree in the field.
2. Requires licensing (and periodic recertification) to practice.
3. Possesses an agreed-upon body of knowledge.
4. Is self-policing.
5. Has an academic/trade press devoted to improving the state of the practice.
6. Is indemnified against malpractice.
7. Has professional associations that ensure compliance with minimum requirements.

Strictly speaking, many lines of work that informally refer to themselves as "professions" are actually vocations. For example, journalism is a vocation (e.g. it isn't licensed by the state, and it doesn't require a college degree.) Doctors, lawyers, and engineers are professions.
Don't people have friends or SOs that can provide hugs without being cajoled by money?
Platonic my ass.
He likes a cookie, every now and then
Jeez, just get a hooker like a normal person
Gross. I'll just pick up my cat, thanks.
@19 -- if he's considering bringing said cookie into bed then he's not very professional at all.
I know this guy...he started this because he's been unemployed for 5 years and he's admitted this is a way to make money without doing "actual" work. Oh, and his wife (soon to be ex-wife for unrelated reasons) has been supporting him and his child for years. What an embarrassment...really sad stuff.
I wonder what the hourly rates are?

I heard Paul Constant was looking for an platonic escort to accompany him to the Hult Center for a ballet performance of the Nutcracker

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