
If there were good guys with guns on the scene, this would never happen.
8 injured, possibly multiple shooters.
The solution to this is obviously to give everyone on the base weapons training and then arm them. Can I get a "Hell YEAH!" Mr. LaPierre?
it's been awhile since the last amoklauf shooting. maybe they slow down in winter.

strange that this would happen in the greatest, most free country in the history of the earth.
Feel free to change your title from "Ford Hood" to "Fort Hood" anytime.
The CNN article about the Fort Hood shooting starts with this sentence and link: "Stay safe and share your images with iReport."

What, "Here I am staying indoors hoping my wife gets home safely"?
Why do all the soapboxes, predictable narratives, and pontifications come gushing out on Slog with every shooting?
Why is every shooting greeted by Phoebe in Wallingford as no more remarkable than a minor change in the weather?
Morons who don't realize, that on a military base, weapons on are kept in the armory.
@9: ...except for the soldiers guarding the place, you nitwit. We KNOW that they're not strewn around willy-nilly; the point is that you can't rely on a "good guy with a gun" to stop a shooter EVEN WHEN the location is a base full of soldiers, some of them armed.
@9 well duh. When guns are just left laying around unregulated people end up dying in random shootings.
Who could have foreseen that some whacko could get a gun and shoot up Fort Hood? I mean that sort of thing has never happened before...
Normally I'd have some smarmy comment for the gun control utopia evangelists, but there really isn't anything to say right now other than this whole tragic situation sucks.

I hate it when crazy people do this kind of shit.
45,414 assigned soldiers and 8,900 civilian employees with Fort Hood covering 214,000 acres fucktard. The MPs are going to have a responce time slightly shorter than any other Police Department, not to mention base security has been turned over to private contractors.

Remember when seconds count, the police are only minutes away.
Where there are guns, and emotionally volatile people, there will be intentional mass shootings.

The Republicans pilloried the Administration over Benghazi. What do you think they'll say about this? Nothing. When it comes to death by gun violence inside the United States, even on a military base, the Second Amendment still wins all the points.

It's hopeless. Even if a Tea Party legislator shot up the Congress, while in session, live on C-Span, gun control will still be off the table.

So what sort of gun control do you propose?

Military bases are the most controlled 'gun-free' zones in the country. Guns are 100% banned and you and your vehicle are subject to search upon entry to a controlled access area and the entire base is guarded by military police.

It seems that a military base is your ultimate gun-free utopian environment, controlled by the ultimate authoritarians. So what exactly is your gun control solution that would've prevented the tragic actions of a lunatic?
@16 What difference does it make? America is hell-bent on not having any restrictions. Our representatives are bought and paid for, or cowed into submission by firearms proponents. Wouldn't matter whether a proposal was radical or the most moderate thing in the world. These days there are enough voters who rabidly support the free availability of privately-held weaponry that there will be no changes.

When it comes to guns, we are the stupidest country on the planet, and goddammit, we're gonna stay that way!

@14: Oh wow, one of the biggest military bases in the country is kind of big. What, do they not have any MPs posted at various locations inside the base proper? Do they not have soldiers stationed at the armories?
It took 20 minutes for the shooting to stop, according to some reports. Are you telling me that the entire timespan was taken up by the MPs getting there, and when they arrived a good guy with a gun was able to stop a bad guy with a gun just like that?

Let me rephrase. Instead of 'proposal,' what would be your ideal gun control solution that would have prevented this terrible tragedy at the behest of a madman?

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