
100 homeless high school students?! That's crazy. Thanks for getting the word out. Plenty of Sloggers here to take them in and give them shelter. We're an actively concerned bunch.
Wait, I just found my 2 dollars off coupon to Subway. I can ... Nah, even homeless people know it's right to be elitist assholes when it comes to their foodscraps.

this alum parent is with you and so proud of the staff of seattle public schools.
Here's who is roundly criticizing Common Core tests: a comedian and a bunch of right-wing lunatics who get their news from Fox. This feels an awful lot like the anti-vaxxer coalition.
@4 you know that is nonsense. That's the Common Core party line and frankly, it's a tired line.

There are parents, educators, taxpayers, education experts and yes, even conservatives, who oppose Common Core for many valid reasons.

I write for Seattle Schools Community Forum blog and just wrote a white paper on Common Core and the issues around it. It is deeply troubling and Jesse Hagopian is right; we need a moratorium on assessments until teachers have been given the professional developments and resources to make this HUGE switch. Ditto on parents being in the loop about what is coming. (And FYI, Louis CK is a NYC public school parent and entitled to state his opinion.)

But Common Core is not the issue of the thread; the SEA leadership is. Jesse and his slate really get it. They just spent last Sunday at an event asking parents what matters to THEM.

Teachers and parents working together? Collaborating for better academic outcomes instead of currying up to the powers that be.

Jesse Hagopian for SEA president.
So Goldy was probably fired for wanting to post a dodgy political opinion, but now apparently that's OK? Hagopian is probably the best choice but for the Stranger to come out with a campaign piece in an election that isn't even open to the public is a bit hypocritical after Goldy's departure.
westello, you make sense. a couple of questions.
Are the ideas of E.D. Hirsch behind Common Core?
and if so, back in the 80s, Hirsch's methodology wasn't exactly welcomed by Liberals. I don't believe much has changed with his thought, yet Liberals on the whole now seem to back the Common Core. Any thoughts on this shift?
The Common Core train wreck is heading- full speed- down the tracks.

Students across the state, and in 23 other states, have just piloted tests. Guess what? Results will NOT be released. We will NOT know if tests are reliable/valid until the year students take the test. We have a culturally diverse district and over 90 languages are spoken- cultural biases must be considered. Oregon is expecting a 65% failure rate!

We are talking about HIGH STAKE tests. Legislators are discussing whether or not to provide high school students ...because there hasn't been a lot of time to implement standards. These tests are used to make determinations about our children's futures.

Did I mention, the fact that our children's data is being tracked for product development and research!! Knapp sits QUIETLY!!! The district says NOTHING!!!! Sue Peters has had the courage to get-out infront of this issue, but she can't do the work alone.

I don't see Knapp taking on this issue to protect our children, and the district goes along blindly following the path of mandates. Our children need protections from corporate destruction.

Yes, I'd agree that it is strange to pursue endorsements from people outside the union. What do the city council members know about my working conditions? When has the president of the NAACP ever been in my classroom? These types of endorsements might make me take notice if Jesse were running for mayor, city council, or governor, but what do they have to do with MY UNION? Nothing at all. What do YOU know about my union, Mr. Herz? Only what you've been told by Jesse and his supporters, I'll wager - why don't you ask a dozen random educators in Seattle what they think? Make an attempt at some informed and balanced journalism? Whoever wins will impact my life, my colleagues' lives, and the lives of our students, so I'm not inclined to vote based on only one issue or on one-sided rhetoric.
What I know is that when the SEA catches a fever, the rest of the WEA gets the chills. When the SEA gave in on evaluation we all got pounded on that during the legislative session, and it would be nice to have leadership there that could put a scare into the all-too-comfortable legislature.
Beating an incumbent in SEA has been done before and recently. Typical narcissist Hagopian to think he's the only special entitled snowflake in the room. He talks about counselors but never how he is going to get them. At $90,000 per full time counselor how many does he want to service the 46k kids in the district? That's millions more tax dollars. Where is that coming from? The legislature isn't doing their job so he's going to what...magically make it appear? It's easy to cast stones when he never works with the union. Never held office, or volunteered his time for governance. It's easy to recklessly disparage his own union for self aggrandizing purposes yet never take the time to dig in and do the work.

His Teach for America training is showing loud and clear. Loud, ignorant, and unwilling to do the work but wanting to be in charge.
@7 - Hirsch does support CC (somewhat to my surprise). He had two pieces in Huffington Post about his support. I think he is dead wrong on believing that they will work for the early grades (in fact, 500 prominent early childhood educators say CC is developmentally inappropriate for K-2).

He does say (and boy, it's a big statement): "Not even most prescient among us can know whether the Common Core standards will end in triumph or tragedy. That will depend on what the states actually do about developing rich content knowledge "within and across grades."

What's interesting is that he also says:

The favored structural reforms haven't worked very well. The new emphasis on "teacher quality" implies that the reforms haven't worked because the teachers (rather than the reform principles themselves) are ineffective. A more reasonable interpretation is that reforms haven't worked because on average they have done little to develop "rich content knowledge within and across grades."

Well, that and states throwing a lot of $$ at it (it's estimated to cost California about $1B just to start implementation).

He also is VERY worried about the tests.

"These tests could endanger the promise of the Common Core."

He also says: "The solution to the test-prep conundrum is this: First, institute in every participating state the specific and coherent curriculum that the Common Core Standards explicitly call for. (It's passing odd to introduce "Common Core" tests before there's an actual core to be tested.) Then base the reading-test passages on those knowledge domains covered in the curriculum."

As for your question about liberals and public education, I think I'll ask the Slog if I can write a guest post on the topic as it is a large one. Suffice to say that I believe if most liberals truly understood how ed reform isn't working, they would not be for it.
Individuals in public education understand that we don't have adequate supports in our schools. Hagopian understands the impact of homelessness, lack of counselors etc. Our teachers, counselors, parents know what we need. Nothing is new.

Now, the Gates funded Edulab ,attaches surveys to our school publications to gather information regarding counselors. Gates will only find-out what we already know: We don't have enough counselors to deal with large caseloads.

"And FYI, Louis CK is a NYC public school parent and entitled to state his opinion."

Who said he wasn't "entitled to state his opinion"? Yikes.

Now I definitely feel like this has the anti-vaxxer-like paranoia.

But as a new report by the non-profit Southern Poverty Law Center points out, the loudest, angriest voices in the Common Core debate are making a case that is not even remotely based in reality. From the farthest reaches of the Christian right to Conservative pundits and even elected officials, a radical, factless propaganda campaign has been building that, the SPLC suggests, looks poised to take down not only Common Core but the entire institution of public education.
kk, You should look around the counrtry, and you will find that the movement is NOT comprised of extreme lefties or righties. In fact, you will find parents protesting because very young children are being exposed to endless hours of testing, experiencing anxiety, crying etc. Two thousand parents turned out to protest Cuomo;…

I'm starting to see the advantages of a union slate that encompasses social issues. For example, students are having their discipline records monitored and tracked by third parties; parents are unaware.
@14 - you'd be surprised at the number of people who said he shouldn't have spoken out. That's why I said that. There are actual people who said that he was "just" a comedian and didn't know what he was talking about. The fact is, he's an involved father and knows that his daughters' homework and testing has changed and stated that.

Even comedians get to have opinions.

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