
He should've gone as a leprechaun and headed the whole thing off.
I think Kelly O 'discovered' the NAACP in a similar manner...
Okay, there's our Ben.
4 I don't buy various varieties of dimwitted "but I wuz only kiddin'!" bigotry from the plethora of rightwing comics who've managed to step on their dicks in the last decade or why, Mac Daddy, should I buy the same claim from precious progressive you?

Stow the shit, Macklemore. You fucked up bigtime. You went for the cheapshot (with a chorus of "Right On!" from some quarters, no doubt, since Orthodox+ Jews have done some right good oppression overseas)...and you discovered that however liberal (and queer, thenkew) your audience might be, we know ugly stereotypes when we see 'em...and all the fumfuring about "witch noses" is just frantic backpedalling.

You. Fucked. Up.

I don't give a shit what your motivations for that piece of stupidity were, You. Fucked. Up.

Own it, apologize, and do better. Or, alternately, fuck off home.

My point in the original thread was that no part of Macklemore's track record remotely suggests that he's at all anti-Semetic, or that he would perform an aggressively, blatantly anti-Semetic act onstage. It's weird that anyone at all familiar with him would be convinced that he's out to get Jewish people.
I think it's a pretty good apology.
@4: You seem pretty sure of things for someone with ZERO knowledge of the situation.
Why does he keep saying "witch nose?" He or someone in his entourage bought the Sheik/Fagin nose and he doesn't want to own up to it. So, either he bought the Fagin nose and is lying, or he's lying about going to the shop to buy the nose and someone else bought the nose. Now, he's proven he's a weasel on top of whatever else...

Also, he says "the images of a disguise were sensationalized leading to the immediate assertion that my costume was anti-Semetic " Buddy, I gotta tell ya', that get-up didn't need even a tiny bit of sensationalizing to scream "hateful caricature." And it wasn't the sensationalizing that led to the costume being called "anti-Semitic." It is hatefully anti-Semitic on its face, whatever the intention, as is black face, perhaps more so because of its use in Nazi propaganda.

He needs to get a new PR firm.
That nose Ben is wearing does not look the humpty hump nose at all.
Should we start a pot on how many hours earlier he could have apologized and it would have been okay, but this was definitely too late? I take 10:30 a.m.
The only thing that makes that costume racist is uppity buttholes like you who get upset over stupid costumes. by getting pissy, you are the ones who are saying jews look like that. you. ignorant. losers. get a life. this world is in deep shit if all of you have nothing better to do than bitch about some rapper's costume....
@ 5 I don't think that anyone thinks that he's actually anti-semetic but if you're unaware of that particular stereotype then that's a huuuuge gaping hole in your knowledge (he looks like the poster for Der Ewige Jude fer christsake) and I think the correct response is "Damn, I really didn't know that. I'm super sorry and I'll make sure to do better" NOT "well some people thought I was this and some people thought I was that and I guess I can sort of understand why people might think I was dressed up like a Jewish caricature."

It'd be like if someone showed up like this:…

and then said "Well, some people thought I was a chimney sweep with a speech impediment but I guess I can see why some would think it was a caricature."
Yeah... no.

Doubling down on the "random assemblage / I was unawares" defense completely ignores his "Friday night... I finally feel like a man" cracks from the stage.

This is a guy who trumpeted (literally) an MTV appearance last year by blowing a fucking shofar. "Never crossed my mind" continues to simply ring hollow.
If it wasn't closed already I would burn down my grade school for making me play Shylock in the fifth grade.
@11 "this world is in deep shit if all of you have nothing better to do than bitch about some rapper's costume...."

And where is the world when you have nothing better to do than bitch about people bitching about some rapper's costume?
I do like the idea of 'The Stranger's Hero Crusader For Gay Rights Is Also Anti-Semitic Caricature'.

Because the world is complicated.
Slog was so upset by Macklemore impersonating/culturally-appropriating Jews in a lighthearted fashion...

"How upset were they?!?!?"

So upset they forgot gay men were impersonating/culturally-appropriating women in a lighthearted fashion on the season finale of Ru Paul's Drag Race!

Quick, switch gears from offended to celebratory!
(Also, I'm @18, here's my privelege disclosure: heterosexual white male atheist who culturally appropriates Jewish culture from my wife, ala that Seinfeld episode. Go Bianca!)
Anti-Semitic not anti-Semetic. There were Semites but there were never Semetes.
This is the lead story on KOMO tonight. Congratulations Stranger! #Mackghazi
Hilarious. And went exactly as predicted.

"All we want is an apology, Macklemore!"

Aaaaaand five minutes after Macklemore appolgizes:

@18 So, you believe he was "impersonating Jews" intentionally?
@22, Yeah...I don't get the stranger anymore, did you see this:…

Mayor suggests Car Tab - Stranger says it's horribly regressive
Not Mayor suggests Car Tab - Stranger says it's truly progressive

I thought that was a photo of Mike D.
my people are preparing as response to Macklemore's people's press release.
And... my people are frantically searching for Jews to consult. Do Jews live here?
I'm Jewish and don't care, but in solidarity with the Stranger staff, I'll go along with whatever they say.
I think the real disconnect I have is with the idea that there are only two options: that he was 100% aware of what he was doing, and therefore, *intentional*, and 0% aware of what he was doing, and therefore, *innocent*. Have you not seen frat parties? I saw people in college dress up as Native American chiefs, "pimps", cops, even Jonbenet Ramsey. Now, I am not defending his choice at ALL, or his ignorance. I'm just saying this: to assume he spent a lot of time considering his outfit might be an inaccurate way to look at the situation.
What you do (action) and why you did it (intent) may or may not be related.

You are responsible for both.

If you get in your car and drive with the intent of doing so safely, but accidentally hit a pedestrian or bicyclist, you are responsible for that action, regardless of whether or not it was your intent to hit the pedestrian or bicyclist.

Ben, few, if any, who know you or your work hold your intentions in doubt in this matter. However, your lack of a mature perspective about individual responsibility indicates that you have not availed yourself of the opportunities to grow by learning this fundamental understanding of human existence - you are responsible for what you do and for what you intend, regardless of whether the two are related or in agreement.

We can do harm without the intent to do so.

When we do unintentional harm and the world around us calls us into account, we should listen.

Though you may not now or ever understand the world from another's perspective, one of the essential building blocks of an interdependent, highly social species is that we listen with respect and become aware of both our shared experiences and our differences.

Stop talking.

Stop defending.

Stop making it about yourself when it isn't.


Be open to connect.

Be open to learn.

When a hand is closed in anger or defense it is neither open to give or receive. So, it is also with our mind and our hearts.

Say less. Listen more.

Shalom, My Young Friend.

Great question!

Why yes, Seattle has one of the highest populations of Sephardic Jews in the US!

Feel free to look that up on wikipedia at your leisure.
Y'all sucking his dick when he's raising money for the community, but dude makes one dumb & honest mistake and you have, what, FOUR POSTS about this, along with how many comments crucifying him? JMJ. Give me a fucking break with all this breathless reporting and manufactured controversy.
There are absolutely no words to describe how little I give a shit about this. If this is the best thing you can find to get all worked-up over, I really feel sorry for you.
Can we brand something on his face so that no one ever forgets this horrible tragedy?
The idiot is from Seattle so, of course, he wouldn't have even thought it resembled a Jewish stereotype because there are no Jews in Seattle (yeah, yeah Ravenna - tiny pocket, nice try, How many bar mitzvahs have you been to? How many Jewish friends? None, of course).

This is classic Seattle behavior. "I am so open and accepting of every one and every thing and of all diversity" but I have ZERO personal experience with issues like anti-semitism, racism, etc, because all the people in my life are WHITE so I end up pulling stupid shit like this.

Macklemore is so white & so clueless & so sheltered, yet believes he's SO wise, deep, all knowing about the world, etc. Which makes him fucking ridiculous. It's laughable. Anyone who hasn't been living in a white, Christian bubble their whole life would instantly recognize his funny-funny as potentially racist. Idiot. A perfect representative of the city though. Perfect. He typifies the locals.
@32 Maybe "crucifying" was not the best choice of words in this context. You know, because of the persistent anti-Semitic trope about the Jews crucifying Jesus.

Now, I assume this was unintended, and not something you thought about when you wrote it. And you are probably a perfectly lovely human being. But you could prove me wrong about this assumption and get huffy and defensive and deny that there is any reason to point out what was probably just a mistake, which is exactly what Macklemore is doing.
Ms. Harrop was one of his friends who gave the costume a pass so I wouldn't imagine she has the cultural depth to understand the implications of her own words much less that silly costume.
To paraphrase Steven Colbert, the SLOG has now become a professional umbrage-taker.

He should be banned from the NBA for life!



Social media for offendobots.

I'll abide by that. He apologized.

I hate apologies that go, "I'm sorry you're offended".
It's pretty clear to me that Macklemore was thoughtless and stupid, particularly since nobody has provided further context supporting the theory that he did it deliberately. (Was he rapping against Jews? Was he acting out the stereotype in addition to wearing it?) Until any such evidence is presented, I'm willing to take this at face value. After all, this is America, and with our substandard, patchwork education system it is VERY easy to make it as far as the age of 30 and be ignorant of such things.
First of all, if you are all stupid enough to give a shit about what an overpaid celebrity thinks or does you have too much time on your hands. Seriously, there are ACTUAL cases of real life hate and bigotry and Slog spent how much time freaking out about a stupid pop star's costume? Fuck, I was expecting someone to compare Macklemore with Hitler or at the very least Himmler or Goebbels.
Am I the only one who thinks he should give his PR advisors a raise? The postscript linking ADL was a nice touch on so many levels.
I'm not Jewish and have never been to a mitzvah or whatever. This is totally unnecessary for someone to understand how this is totally offensive, because it is also offensive for historical reasons that should resonate for everyone. If this was unintentional it is made sadder by his failure to grasp exactly what it is that makes this offensive. It doesn't take being in contact with the ADL or the NAACP to grasp this.

Oh, well. America. We are sooo over that, dude.
So this is what happens when slog and line out merge.
47. Slog-Goldy=LineOut
That's nice, but I see no promise made to actually vet the choices you allow others to make for you in the event that they decide to pick out another Jew nose later on down the line.

And you're still a shitty role model.
And just because a small segment of posters here have never personally met a Jew doesn't mean that Jews don't live in Seattle or that Macklemore somehow wasn't being offensive to them. Get outside of your tiny little bubbles and open your damn eyes.
@42: Your reading comprehension sucks balls. "I truly apologize to anybody that I may have offended." Is not the same as "I'm sorry you're offended."

What a bunch of nonsense this whole thing has been.
This wasn't even a slow news day. Far from. There is a magical little machine that manufactures controversy from nothing but the attention we, who suck, feed it.
Anyone who thinks that Ravenna is Seattle's "Jewish Neighborhood" is either entirely clueless about the world around them, or has never been to Seattle.

"Y'all sucking his dick when he's raising money for the community, but dude makes one dumb & honest mistake and you have, what, FOUR POSTS about this, along with how many comments crucifying him? JMJ. Give me a fucking break with all this breathless reporting and manufactured controversy," writes Kerri Harrop at 32.

For what it's worth, the "dick-sucking" support of Macklemore's charitable deeds involved way more posts than four. And then, when he made a stupid mistake, The Stranger dared to stop "dick-sucking" and write about the mistake. (The multiple posts, it should be noted, rose in response to Ben's less-than-impressive early attempt at an apology.)

Sorry we can't all be full-time dick suckers, Kerri.

nearly every single commenter maintains and is part of and intentioally or unintentially and ignorantly supports a system of laws that deny DC residents and puerto rico residents equal voting rights; that lets many rot in jail or suffer convictions for posession of coke, while we've had two presidents who possessed coke; here in washington we're not even removing the pot convictions that hold back many while we sit around smoking pot legally now, woo hoo.

some of the transgressions that get most comments or ink or outrage are just not as important by a factor of one million as others.

you had a mayor saying he picked someone because he bonded with her over garrolousness which is a typical irish trait. this ethnic stereotype which could be evidence in a civil rights discrimination lawsuit didn't merit much outrage and when it got some it was mocked with a clutches pearls reaction, which is itself a stereotype mocking elderly females.

we seem rather arbitrary in the outrage here. we ignore the stuff WE are culpable of, of course, LOVING TO CATCH OTHER PEOPLE even in minor things as this gives us the chance to display our superior moral chops.

meanwhile, not one of the commenters was upset in the last two days about how we make law over puerto rico and no, if you are puerto rican in that terrirotry the USA owns and governs you don't get a vote; you are a second class citizen compared to those of washington state and all other states. legally. every day. you don't get democracy! and hello most there are poc or are of differing "national" origen, but hey they're latino so who cares right? they're not us! us, who are so moral, so antiracist, so superior we vigilantly comment if some idiot singer in his clueless way has an anti Semitic stereotype, I mean I doubt he even knew who Fagin was or his religion. I doubt he's ever even read a book by Dickens. Yes, in the all white dominant culture of washington state and seattle there are MANY who're unfamiliar with basic ethnic stereotypes and there are MANY who knowing them love to catch the clueless to display superior moral chops. it's a display ritual mainly -- it's not about correcting REAL AND SERIOUS RACISM as in the examples I gave where people have real harm being in jail, having a conviction or suffering legal lack of voting rights or representation. this macklemore thing may be racist -- it's just not that fucking serious compared to the big time institutional and legal systems of racism we're all a part of today. Why don't we stop pointing the finger and start fixing the problems we're responsible for? that would show TRUE concern about real and significant racism. blasting the idiot singer really doesn't.

It's a sincere apology. We all know what kind of human Ben is. He stands up for all kinds of different people. No one really put too much thought into the costume, which obviously was a mistake. But I am sure that won't happen again.

Katy Perry just got in big trouble via media bc she did a performance that was Asian based, but like meshed a bunch of different Asian beliefs and ideas together which in real life would never be together. People were offended and pissedd. I personally didn't care, she was dressing up, but others did Care
You people remind of the hardcore conservative Republican teabaggers that see anal sex in everything (except for the anal sex they're having while looking for meth). I think the minds of some of these people being offended need to be analyzed, what you are offended at may have more to do with yourself than the person who is offending you.
@51: This is the bit that says, "I'm sorry you took offense"

"Thus, it was surprising and disappointing that the images of a disguise were sensationalized leading to the immediate assertion that my costume was anti-Semetic [sic]. I acknowledge how the costume could, within a context of stereotyping, be ascribed to a Jewish caricature. I am here to say that it was absolutely not my intention, and unfortunately at the time I did not foresee the costume to be viewed in such regard. I’m saddened that this story, or any of my choices, would lead to any form of negativity."

He just stuck the "i apologise" on the end of that.
"Earlier in the day I thought it would be fun to dress up in a disguise and go incognito to the event, so that I could walk around unnoticed and surprise the crowd with a short performance."

What I don't understand is why he didn't remove the costume before he got on stage. Why continue wearing it while performing?
@54 David, I like you. You're a great writer and an enormous talent. And one of the few grown ups left at the Stranger. But this statement is a very poor justification for bad journalism.

Your paper expends an inordinate amount of time and column space deriding the journalistic integrity of the other media in this town. In fact the first article about this so called controversy was about how the OTHER papers in Seattle were insufficiently outraged. You wanted MORE outrage.

This is a minor celebrity who did a minor transgression. The Strangers response has been total disproportionate tabloid hype. Some of the implications dropping off your pages - that Macklemore is anti Semitic - is borderline irresponsible.

And the fact that the paper spent years promoting Macklemore as the god damned gay marriage Messiah is an irony and problem worth noting.

After all it is a well worn tabloid tactic to pump up and pump up a celebrity and knock them down.

I expected more from you, of all people.
tkc: I don't hear anyone implying that Mack is antisemitic - just unaware. As to whether a transgression is perceived as minor or serious... isn't that more of a democratic decision?
You all really need to stop trying to find fault where there is none. How ridiculous for you to just INSIST that he did something wrong.

One can always find something wrong that another does just as one can always find a fool as soon as they start talking (or typing).

There's nothing here - move on.

And, to the Jewish writers that chose to make this an issue: All that you're doing is watering down REAL anti-Semitism. Look at what's happening at UW today - there's a divestiture meeting there. THAT is something to talk about, but all you're doing here in whining about nothing.

i have a bigger nose than you. i'm more jewish than you'll ever be
61: Agreed, thank you.
@ 58, I think it's a mixture of both. He probably thought his reputation was such that nothing he would do would be perceived as any kind of -ism. He's probably shocked that a joke would be taken that way. If you've ever had a joke backfire, you likely know how that feels.*

But to be fair, he didn't "[stick] the "i apologise" on the end of that," he ended with "I truly apologize to anybody that I may have offended." My only quibble with that is the word "may." It's a minor ambiguity but an ambiguity nonetheless, and if there's any reason to doubt that he's fully taking responsibility, it's in that little word.

* I don't mean the "fuck em if they can't take a joke" kind of joke either; I mean the kind that's never intended to make anyone angry and makes you feel like shit if it does.
if you think he looked Jewish, maybe you're the racist. first thing I thought of was Ringo Star.

I don't hear anyone implying that Mack is antisemitic - just unaware.

Then we can't be reading the same pieces. Because the implication and dog whistles are there in the framing of the original article and in the follow-ups. And then of course through out the comments. And in the age of social media, where a paper like The Stranger get's significant bumps on shares, incautious framing is enough to whip up an unthinking shit storm. And that is exactly what has happened. This thing has hit my feeds at least forty times in 24 hours.

As to whether a transgression is perceived as minor or serious... isn't that more of a democratic decision?

Hell. No. This is simply a euphemism for "The Mob."

Please stick with me. I'd like to try to convince just one person why this is bad.

These outrage bait posts create an atmosphere of hysteria that lead to absurd false equivalencies (FI, count the Godwin's in those threads). They don't "raise awareness" or what ever participant like to say to justify going ape shit.

Outrage journalism spreads anger. Not understanding. All these posts accomplish is for like minded people to signal to each other how pure they are and how bad this other person is.

And yeah. I'm just as guilty as everybody.

Murder, Rape, War, Death, Destruction, Abuse of Power. THESE are Major Transgressions to civilization.

A local celebrity's rather tone deaf costume choice is minor to any sane person. But internet mobs are not people. They are unquantifiable consequence free entities.

Macklemore, despite his rock star status, is an individual person. A weak and flawed person like the rest of us. He is not a powerful politician or global elite. He is not a racist institution. He is not causing Global Warming.

The disproportionate attention this event has been given is grotesque in comparison to the crime.

We live in a world with limited bandwidth to address REAL problems. There were four or five posts on Macklemore yesterday. And one very poor post on the coup in Thailand. None on the analysis of the deterioration of the arctic ice sheet.

I realized yesterday I was in the middle of writing my congress person about Net Neutrality when the trivial Macklemore thing hit my feed. And I got distracted. Today I wondered how many people did the same.

I think maybe one better framed, less inflammatory, post yesterday would have achieved what ever positive story The Stranger wanted to achieve. Not four or five.

I think the people who find his apology inadequate are not upset because he apologized to those who were offended, but because he did not apologize for his own insensitivity, nor for his lack of very basic cultural awareness, from which that insensitivity arose.

This, I'm pretty sure, is why people are characterizing the apology as "I'm sorry you were offended," and not because they misread the precise wording of the statement.
@67: If you want to call being educated about the past century and Jewish stereotypes from the 30s and 40s "racist", I think you do not understand the term.
I don't like his music and I'm half Jewish. I did think his costume was possibly offensive but whatever, he apologized and I don't think he would actually go out there to deliberately be an asshole. Seems like a fine apology to me.
@35 and others.

Yeah, okay, granted, this is not a very diverse area and there is not a huge Jewish population. But this hyperbole everyone using is a ridiculous stereotype of our area. As my counter-argument, I will answer @35's questions. I am not Jewish, but I grew up here and attended at least 10 bar/bat mitzvahs growing up. Like everyone else, my social circles have changed since 7th grade, but I still have several Jewish friends.

I get that this stereotype of our region comes from an attitude of wishing there were more diversity, but by always exaggerating how white and non-Jewish seattle is, it eventually gets to the point of discouraging non-white and Jews from moving here or making those who do live here feel like they don't belong/aren't welcome.
Have we readied the stakes yet? I have several pitchforks for people who forgot theirs. Also who gives a shit.
TKC: This is a discussion about culture, involving an artist who purposefully, wholeheartedly, regularly inserts himself in the cultural conversation. A performer gives a performance and we're not allowed to discuss it because genocide/global warming/etc? (I agree that those jumping to "Macklemore is anti-Semitic" conclusions are hotheads who aren't helping things, but I'm not going to stop discussing culture just to avoid inflaming unthinking blabbers.)

I understand and share your frustrations with the 21st-century American attention span, but that's a different, bigger issue than what we're discussing here.

If you believe any of the staff of The Stranger are implying Macklemore is a bigot rather than a lout, you'll need to supply more evidence than an appeal to unspecified "dog whistles." Give us the quotes where you feel they imply bigotry, and tell us why you read that into them.

Even the comments look to me to be pretty lacking in outright accusations of bigotry-- the trolls seem to have taken Mack's side in this one, after all.

As to all those bigger problems... why yes. There are always bigger problems. And attempting to use that as a bludgeon to suppress discussion of smaller* problems is a pretty lousy thing to do.

* or smaller to you, at any rate. I wouldn't be at all surprised if some people felt that basic sensitivity to other ethnicities in your own city is a bigger deal than net neutrality.
"but that's a different, bigger issue than what we're discussing here"

Because you're all a bunch of whiny ass "millenial" fuckwits who can't be bothered to talk about shit that actually matters when confronted with a choice between that and dumb ass sub-water cooler bullshit.

Go get hit by a car. Today. Yeah, that's nasty. No, I don't give a fucking shit. But I'm still not as cool as you, am I? Boo hoo hoo.
tkc: typing on a phone so a lengthy reply isn't practical. Yes I see your points and share your apparent disgust generally with the outsized territory celebrities claim in the popular consciousness. But you can jump up and down till your head explodes and still not be in a position to enforce your claim as what is 'real' or what is manufactured 'outrage'; nor can you expect anyone to listen to your proclamation that this story is meaningless.

"nor can you expect anyone to listen to your proclamation that this story is meaningless"

Not around THIS fucking shithole he can't.
79 wait. I can kind of sort of see how you interpret that paragraph full of nuance into "I apologize if you were offended by that," though I'd say that's a pretty willful reading. But then he just flat out apologizes. So he did both. Is that not good enough for you?

Jesus....can't believe I'm bothering with this whole conversation.
@74 I have never said that the topic is not worth discussion.

I said are the levels of discussion here proportionate and fair?

The other poster stated that it's up to euphemistic "democracy" to determine if the transgression was minor.

I was NOT saying we must only talk about Big Stories.

I was defining what I think we can all agree are major transgressions/important issues - IE: War, Death, Global Warming, etc.

If the mob then defines wearing a racially insensitive costume as a major transgression - then logically it is equivalent to War, Death, Global Warming, etc. Right?

I was attempting to outline the type hyperbolic false equivalencies poorly framed outrage stories inevitably create. And how that hyperbole soaks up bandwidth.
@31 and @53:

Indeed, Seattle is home to the third largest number of Sephardic Jews in the country. That number is 4,000. Sephardim constitute a very small portion of United States Jewry.

The combined Jewish population of the entire Seattle metropolitan area is only 37,000 -- smaller than 22 other American cities, smaller than places as renowned for their Jewish identities as Atlanta, Dallas, Minneapolis, and even Portland. Seattle is the only city where I have found myself to be the first Jew many people have ever met.

So it is fair to say the majority of the Seattle populace knows no Jews, rarely encounters Jewish culture outside of media tropes, and feels freer to openly engage in soft Antisemitism (stereotype-dependent jokes, opining about Israel policy with galling false equivalencies and generalized guilt-by-association, shifting the onus onto us to "stop being so sensitive" for 300 consecutive Slog comments) than in cities where Jews are less of an "other".


This is a pop-rapper who returned home from his surprising and sudden leap into mainstream success, and proceeded to sell out the Key Arena for three consecutive nights. This is a guy with significant cultural influence, at least for the time being.


He cracked jokes about it being "Friday night... finally becoming a man!", and he sang "Thrift Shop". Maybe the association between miser costume and miserly lyrical content went over his daffy head, but the jokes demonstrate that he knew exactly what costume he was wearing.

That's why his non-apology above has failed to put this argument to rest. "A random costume" remains a fucking lie.

Anyone who thinks the PR agents should be rewarded for the shirking denials and the ham-handed ADL links, when this idiot continues to lie about his sartorial intentions, is dumber than a pile of rocks.
@77 I never said the story is meaningless? Where did I say that?
As someone who lives a 5-minute walk from a predominantly Orthodox Jewish and Hasidic neighborhood, my first reaction to the pictures was, "If that's supposed to be some sort of stereotypical Jewish charicature, it's not very good." The beard and hair were all wrong. It mostly looked like some sort of ogre or medieval peasant to me. All the yelling of "antisemite!" does influence the way you see it, though.

@ 69, it takes a while for the insensitive to develop sensitivity. That said, I think he's displaying a decent amount of sensitivity here. Maybe not smarts, but this wasn't an insensitive fauxpology as some are characterizing it.

He apologizes... for accidentally offending people. Because he didn't understand the implications of his costume. Supposedly.

Except that he made a bunch of banter-y bad-taste jokes that clearly demonstrate he did.

So now he lies, by apologizing only for a lesser form of cluelessness.

That's not acceptable.
@ 85 - Right there. I was asking for more context upthread @ 43 - evidence that he was doing more than just wearing the costume. I haven't seen it in any of the reporting. Not even Adam Sekuler's piece.

What did he say and do, in addition to the getup? What jokes did he make? What banter did he engage in?

This is a guy with significant cultural influence, at least for the time being.

That is highly debatable. But Okay. If I agree. Then what?

You are basically saying that the guy who essentially broke through by being one of the most progressive performers in decades, who speaks some what eloquently about love and understanding, is somehow this whole time a raging anti-semite?

I suppose it's not impossible. Let's throw Occam's Razor out the window.

Okay. Say he is the vanguard of a new form of liberal progressive pro-gay marriage anti-semite or something.

And? So let's even say this pro-gay pop star is a blazing nazi.

What does he do? What words exactly do you want to come out of his mouth to appease you now?

Frankly I don't see him being able to ever come out of this in your eyes.
Is it like a McCarthy hearing? You form a tribunal where he has to appear and admit to being a Nazi and turn in other Nazi's or something?

You bring him down. He doesn't sell another record (god, I'm old). He dies poor and alone. And that does what to the sum total of anti-semitism in the world?


What's missing from the bumbling, heartfelt apology, to those who feel it's inadequate, is the part where he says "I did something bad and it's my fault." I'm sure this is entirely honest on his part-- I have no doubt that he never for a moment felt like he was doing anything wrong while wearing that costume.

And that's got to be doubly infuriating to those who were most offended: "the definition of privilege is never having to think about it," and all that.
Public figures get called out for saying or doing unintentionally racist, sexist, or heterosexist things all the time. I would really like to see one of them respond with "That was unintentional, but I've been schooled, and yep that was [blank]ist. Here's what I'm going to do about it in the future..." instead of "But I'm not a [blank]ist/I didn't mean to offend any one/I'm sorry YOU were offended/but some of my best friends are [insert minority here]"
Okay, this is a decent apology. He reaffirms that he isn't an anti-Semite, and more importantly acknowledges that he offended people. The nod to the ADL is nice too; they're one of the better organizations combating racism and anti-Semitism. This Jew is satisfied with Macklemore's apology and is ready to let it blow over.
@75 - Ansel Herz' original post was titled "Why didn't anyone notice Macklemore's anti-Semitic costume at EMP?" Not "questionable costume" but "anti-Semitic costume". And in Adam Sekuler's piece he describes Macklemore's "anti-Semitic behavior".

I'm still waiting for Larry Mizell to step in and let us know that he knows Macklemore personally.

I think it might be fair to characterize the costume as antisemitic. The same hair-splitting doesn't work for descriptions of behavior, of course, but then Adam Sekuler doesn't work for The Stranger, either.
@87: see @88.

And as to what words would suffice?

He should probably start with: "It wasn't just a 'random' costume. Obviously. Duh. I can't believe anyone bought that bullshit the last three times I said it."
Pennsylvania ban on same-sex marriage ruled unconstitutional, but slog should stick to the more important celebrity news.
Also, Fnarf hasn't even stepped in to mention Der Stürmer once yet! (I'll save you the trouble.)
I watched the video, and when he said he finally felt like a man, or something to that affect, it seemed to me he was referencing the fact he had a full beard. Maybe I'm not sensitive or enlightened enough to know that he was making a slight against bar mitzvahs, like some people are implying.
@ 88, in my opinion his intention is clear enough.

@ d.p., did you see my query directed to you @86?

"Public figures get called out for saying or doing unintentionally racist, sexist, or heterosexist things all the time."

Yes. They do. Even if the callouts have any merit or not. Being under a microscope 24/7 will do that.

So. What percentage do you suppose of all those callouts are for actual real offenses?

FI: Does nobody remember the bullshit aimed at Stephen Colbert just a few weeks ago?

I can imagine constantly being hounded for everything you do or say would be exhausting.

And in that light expecting a perfect response to each and every slight is outrageously unfair and unrealistic.
He should have gone as a Leprechaun with a jug of whiskey and a cops hat in honor of the new SPD chief
Matt @98:

The "Friday night" comments and the "finally a man" joke were the two examples in Adam Sekuler's original (longer) Facebook post, and corroborated elsewhere. Supposedly there is video floating around, but I haven't yet seen it, so I can't speak to the degree to which Macklemore's delivery did or did not make the connection obvious to the uninitiated.

Nevertheless, between the costume, the comments -- oh yeah, and this -- it becomes incredibly difficult to believe that he was just naively donning arbitrary facial props.

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