
Why hasn't this risen to the level of outrage that Mackelmore's stunt a few weeks ago did on Slog?
That's a pretty good apology from Jonah Hill. I'm sure we've all said things in anger that don't reflect our political views.
Jonah Hill said it very well. His apology was deep, tactful, and to the point.
Dear Alec Baldwin,

This is how you do a proper, heartfelt apology. Please make a note of it.


Teh Gays.
I find few things more absurd than stinking rich celebrities crying about paparazzi.
So, still no apology from the Stranger?

I liked Jonah Hill's apology. Jimmy Fallon's coming out joke, was that in good taste? It was certainly lame.

Pharrell, doesn't that fall under homage? It looks a bunch of tweets in protest. I don't see any quotes from Native American tribes or representative organizations. Frankly, I wouldn't mix these two into a story for dramatic effect.
@1 Why hasn't Toure saying Holocaust victims had white privilege caused as much outrage and consequences as Donald Sterling? The Stranger has done about 6 articles on Sterling and not one mention of this. No mention on CNN, NYT (who did 15 articles on Sterling), or his employer MNSBC who also did over a dozen stories on Sterling.
@2,3, 4, 7

Fucksake, these people are professional ACTORS who specialize in falsifying human emotion for a paycheck. You people are not very bright. Keep drinking the kool-aid. Much easier than thinking.
@9 "Keep drinking the kool-aid."

That is a fantastically original and insightful way to tell people that they aren't as smart as you are because they believe things you don't! Tell me, if I learn to "think" the way you have, will I, too, have creative bursts of this caliber?
Perfect responses by Jonah Hill. All is forgiven, at least in my book. (Nice touch about how people can learn from his mistake.)
@ 5 So because they are rich its ok to harass them?

Actors are human beings, too, and capable of genuine emotion.

A side note, as a professional actor, the good ones aren't falsifying emotion. The good ones are empathising with their character and their character's at a level where they feel genuin emotion.

Now go back under the bridge, troll.
"That is a fantastically original and insightful way to tell people that they aren't as smart as you are because they believe things you don't! Tell me, if I learn to "think" the way you have, will I, too, have creative bursts of this caliber?"

You could have just called him an asshole and saved me the time from reading your fantastically original response.
#7: Native Americans are of course outraged by Pharrell's misappropriation, racist sports team names, etc. It's not hard to find them. If you only follow white dudes or other limited groups of people on the Internet, that doesn't mean those are the only people with voices. Other people are speaking all over the place and it takes 5 seconds on google to find them.……
If call someone a faggot own it. Have some fucking stones in your pants. America is so emasculated and limp.
Paparazzi are vultures and parasites. No need for homophobic slurs, there are plenty of other epithets for those bottom-feeding scum suckers.
@12 They feed the corporate vultures that peddle celebrities. Celebrities are commodities like toilet paper and vodka.
@17, 18: Vultures do actual useful work, and prey only upon the dead. I believe you owe them an apology :)
If the hurtful insult that first comes to mind when you react is 'suck my dick you fucking faggot', then you have deep-seated homophobia that you need to look at. "Apologizing" for letting your inner thoughts and emotions out, saying that you didn't mean what you said to sound the way it sounded, is disingenuous at least. You can make your "apology" sound heartfelt and genuine -- it may even be heartfelt and genuine, and you can have remorse, but it is tied to the fact that you let out your secret feelings rather than that you've actually made the journey out of -phobia. I'm an old guy, and I'm sick and tired of people "apologizing" for slinging gay-themed insults in the heat of the moment when their emotions are right at the surface -- that's not taking care of the root problem. Time for someone to do some work on himself.
Jonah Hill's apology definitely seems heartfelt. I actually thought it was overkill to offer multiple public apologies. He apologized on Stern, the Tonight Show, Good Morning America. Enough already. He lashed out with words at one dirtbag who'd been harassing him for hours. Anyone who can't forgive something like this -- or worse, won't admit to ever having made a similar mistake -- isn't worth having on your side anyway.
@1: "Why hasn't this risen to the level of outrage that Mackelmore's stunt a few weeks ago did on Slog? "

Well, maybe part of it is that Jonah didn't start his apology with "if this offended someone" but rather he took absolute responsibility for his use of hateful language. He also did not ask for anyone to forgive him, but rather took responsibility for what he said not like others who do not take any responsibility for their hateful speech.
Difference between Jonah Hill, Pharrell and Macklemore, is that Jonah wasn't pressured into apologizing.

I hate Jonah Hill (as an actor).
@23 -- I'd imagine the movie he has opening next week helped motivate a prompt apology.
If we start disallowing people to be allies because they said "Fag" and then apologized about it, and apologized on National TV, and didn't make the apology about themselves; we wouldn't have any fucking allies.

Uh, no, actually. You're a little slow. No surprise there. Kool-aid drinkers are people who lap up the bullshit that's fed to them by mass media because they don't know how to think for themselves. If you weren't able to figure that out, then I'm not surprised you're one of them. Go back to your slow clap for Jonah Hill and his apology performance. Inspirational!

This thoughtful takedown is missing a "sheeple" or two.
@20 "If the hurtful insult that first comes to mind..."

Even in the heat of the moment, a properly crafted hurtful insult is about your insight into the character of those on the receiving end of those words.

If you find that's your "go to" insult, then you've certainly tapped into some deep seated homophobia, but it does not necessarily follow that it your own.
and yet Johnny Depp's movie (the one where he dressed up like a native american) was blessed by a whole tribe of native americans.

I Still think there is a difference between homage and making fun. It's all context, but we're still to primitive to understand context. We think this is activism and doing "RIght". sure. Ok. SHitting your pants over this has saved inner-city kids and has helped women being raped in 3rd world countries.

Keep up the good "Work"

words are important. But only if you have actual "Actions" To back them up. This generation is nothing but hot air.

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