Blogs Jun 10, 2014 at 10:44 am


Really, "school shooting" is where you want to get into a semantic argument, Nathan Hale?
@1 +1. "School Shooting" isn't really any better.

Saw an article this morning on bulletproof blankets for kids to put over their bodies during shooting drills. It's so surreal that we'd rather have our kids do that then revisit the second amendment.
Cue the gun nuts!

And remember: your freedom to be alive ends at the barrel of their penis-substitute bang bang toy.
Asshole tweet of the day sounds just like some old H.S. people I used to know.
@2 I think it has become pretty clear that in the good ol' US of A, maximizing profits is more important than protecting children's lives. The NRA works to undermine and eliminate firearm regulations not out of principle but because of its lucrative relationship with gun manufacturers. All this talk about a gun making you safer is total BS, Orwellian doublespeak at its worst, and yet we keep hearing it. This is a good example of the power of the Big Lie - repeat a lie often enough and loud enough and people begin to accept it as being true, regardless of reality or facts or empirical data.
Don't give into media sensationalism folks. There are guns at stake here. GUNS!!!!!
Clearly the dude's pissed to be cheated out of a cool mass shooting. Who can blame him!
Even if he was correct, the very fact that Nathan Hale thought it accepable to note that a school shooting with one dead wasn't much to write about shows how fucked we are with the new normal of gun shootings. Because I had the same reaction: only two dead? Wow, not so bad, relatively speaking.

If Newton didn't change things, it will be a generation until anything will meaningfully happen to address gun violence. It's religous to many Americans. It's like trying to convince middle eastern religous extremists that perhaps belief in radical Islam really is the problem with their society. Good luck.
So...two needlessly dead children should be considered what, not that bad? As a country, we are dying of abysmally low expectations. And idiotic policy. And guns. .

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