
Paul, the gods had placed a deep spiritual Native American soul into your fetus for sure. See you at the muddy river for your baptism.
It's the DC culture, I guess, plus good old boy. Yet the Bullets changed their name in DC to Wizards. If they were smart they would change Redskins to a game of thrones or gladiator theme & appeal to a fresher fan base.
I can't bear the thought of the Sonics beating a cartoon-named team Wizards. I love my memories of Jack, Dennis and Gus defeating the Bullets. Sorry Paul, you have no say in this conversation.
When are we going to call out the obvious: the Seahawks' appropriation of a Native cultural symbol to promote a violent sport for profit?
Glad they're hitt'em. While we're at it, Cleveland's mascot is fucking atrocious. They say they've switched their primary logo to the red "C", but watch a game on TV and there's Chief Wahoo's face grinnin' up there next to the score.
The irony is that rebranding the Washington name will end up being a windfall for Dan Snyder, the team's owner. Think of all the new jerseys and other crap he can sell with the new name and logo? He could make a mint off of it, if he did it right... but then again this is Dan Snyder we're talking about, one of the Supreme Assholes of the Universe. He'll end pissing everyone off, no doubt.
The owners and heads of pro sports are the douchebags. I don't care about mascots and nicknames and neither do the Native Americans I've talked with. If Sherman Alexi or other screen personalities don't like it, great, fly your flag.
@4 the original Seahawks was designed by a Salish artist. This current version isn't a whole lot different. The Burke museum had a nifty writeup on the logo's design if you want to learn and stop talking out of your ass.
@6 yeah just look at what Loria did with the Marlins. There's a douchbag rich guy who has really figured out how to milk the system.
Can we also stop using 'white privilege' as an epithet?

Did I hear sounds like among the first three names that are acceptable they included "Indians".
@7 - Every single NA/FN person I know finds the mascot issue to be a racist one and they DO care about it. I sense you don't really talk to many Native Americans... Go to a pow wow and ask around, I bet you'll get a different reaction.
Maybe the DC team can't decide what to change their name to. They need suggestions! How about the Washington Metro?

@11, that wasn't a list of what they deemed "acceptable" (Will Rogers? Really?), just what they call themselves.
No wait! The Washington Treatybreakers!
Whenever large groups of actual Native Americans are polled about the issue, what they basically say is that they do hate the racist caricatures, and they hate seeing white people in headdresses and doing the tomahawk chop thing, but the names themselves are not that big of a deal.

Something like 90% of actual Native Americans do not care about the name "Redskins."

This issue is largely one of white people deciding that a minority group needs to be offended by something they think should be found offensive. I do not mean to say that no Native American finds the names racist, but it is a pretty small minority that actually care. Likely because Native American communities have actual problems that 99% of white people would not care about if they even bothered to look into it.

Which is why I find it kind of funny that Dan Snyder is being held up as a monster, yet he and his wealth has (and continues) to benefit Native American charities, while people demonizng him have done dick for the actual people they pretend to care about.
@ FTW!
Stuff white people and others with full voting rights Like:

worrying about a team name being racist, and not worrying about how some 600K people in DC lack equality and voting rights with you, and you, and you, and you over in the Oneida tribe, all of whom have full equality under law and full voting rights and who rule over DC folks who are second class citizens. By your laws. also: PR and other folks, too.

So much easier to go for the low hanging fruit and throw stones at it then to recognize your own privileged position and domination over others who lack full rights, by your laws.

I FUCKING HATE THIS STORY! Why? Because it makes me agree with the liberal douche bags of Seattle.
HELL YEAH they should do away with that old, racist, imperialist team name and mascot. It is WAYYY over due. But at the same time we should remember that not all Native American mascot/team names are racist. The Florida Seminoles, for example, have the blessings of the Seminole tribe and is a respectable team name.

Still, just to balance the universe I think they should rename them the Washington Rednecks and have a hillbilly with overalls, a coach gun, a piece of straw sticking out of his mouth and a Bass Masters baseball cap as their mascot.

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