
Much as I would love to see it, I doubt it'll happen. But I suspect Romney has far too big of an ego to desire to go down in flames - twice.
Run, Romney, run!

The White Horse Prophecy awaits.
Park City, eh? Isn't that in Utah, a state Romney won by nearly 50% of the vote in 2012?
@1: an enormous ego is probably the only thing that could induce him to do it, i.e. the inability to accept that he was soundly beaten in 2012. "Mitt Romney's been thinking it over..." and brooding, etc.

To my way of thinking, Obama is as much of a moderate Republican as one could hope for. It was painfully obvious in the debates where Romney ran against his own, previously moderate, record that Obama has essentially co-opted.

That leaves the GOP in a state of relative collapse as anyone with a reputation to protect sidles away from it (sidle, sidle) and gives it up to super libertarians and out and out radicals.
#5: Given how far things have moved to the right in the US, Obama is actually to the left of "moderate" Republican now. The kind of moderate you're describing hasn't existed since the nineties. All Repubs are rightists now.
Why isnt Cantor running, he's free... Oh yeah....
Mitt who?
People don't like Romney. Even the people who fund his campaigns don't like him. He's the Central Casting picture of a President, but when he's not coming across tinny and hollow, he just comes across mean and petty.

The American public does have a short memory, though, so if he gets a decent marketing makeover, he might have a chance.

Thank God that "47%" video is still out there, but if he can make that disappear, all bets are off.
Looking at that list Romney is ...well sorta sane. Romney would lose in 2012 but compared to that list at least he could carry more than the 5 states those clowns would carry in a general election
Might just win.
@10 Why is Jeb Bush insane? Sure, his Florida Secretary of State stole the 2000 election for his dumbass brother, but good luck getting traction with an inside baseball story like that.

Admittedly, I don't know much about him, but he seems the least weird on the list in that tweet. Kinda like the Romney du jour.
Romney must be just aching to go through not releasing his tax records again, and unlike Obama, I'd put money Hillary would hammer him into the turf with a sledgehammer over it.
I'm not completely convinced Romney can clear the primary this time. The Republican base is even more radical than it was in 2012, and they spent months running through not-Romneys until he was the only one left in the field. He won the nomination by simple attrition, not because he had a base of people who passionately wanted him to become President.
I'm still waiting for one former colleague to come out with a story about what a great guy he was to work with. I don't remember seeing a single story to that effect last time. I was half expecting someone from Bane to pipe up that they made all that cash despite Romney, not because of him.
Toward the end of 2012, I started describing Romney as "that boss." The one everyone, I don't care what your political affiliation, hates. Incompetent, in over his head, but demands the praise of his subordinates for the job he's doing. That Boss never ends well. If the company enables him (generally the case when this person is the owner's kid), the personnel turnover and the stream of bad decisions kills the company (which is pretty much the last six months of the 2012 campaign).
Run Mitt. I want to see you lose a second time.
I'm not a rich Republican, but I want Romney to run.
Would love for Romney to run again and be soundly defeated one more time. They could do another documentary about it.
@5 Exactly, This ex-republican is perfectly happy with Obama, and will likely vote for Hillary unless Jeb runs.
Everyone - Mitt Romney has already lost *twice*! He lost to McCain in 2008.
Are we sure Hillary is going to run? If she does there won't be any doubt who will win, let's encourage slick haired Mitt to spend another fortune to lose gain. That would really piss off the rich republican donors (aka idiots). Let's get sheldon adelson to donate a couple of million bucks to (whatshisname with the mannequin for a wife) that fat piece of shit newt gingrich. Let's have another republican circus of fools run for President in 2016! How many can they fit into the program?

Very big egos usually hide all of the landscape. I've not seen Romney or his wife admitting yet that their loss was anything else than the biggest injustice. They're as humble as Palin in that matter.

Anyway, the Mormon puppetmasters don't want any of their brethen to run anymore. They've just turned their backs to mainstream acceptance - which means no Mormon candidate for some years.

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