
The meth problem has always been worse in the U District than on Cap Hill. What rock have you been living under?
I get freaked out when I go to the u-district sometimes. I mean, there are weirdos in capitol hill too, but there's enough of them that they can all play nicely together.

In the u-district they're just freakin' you out at the bus stop.

Then again, I only go there like 4x per year.
@Grant: if the "meth banshee" had been a male, what would you have called them?
The only one I know of raised holy hell in housing, got evicted, and now sleeps in nearby doorways. He's really a tragic figure. Skinny and alone and wandering the streets in bare feet.
Seems more like a meth squirrel.
More like Meth Honey Badger, because clearly they don't give a shit.
A dead dog is found at a scene adding
@3 - Meth Manshee
I saw some meth people yesterday. Had the windows open, and heard them trading yells. She looked like if Dorian Grey had been a woman and had her picture painted in 1983 -- she looked like the picture. He was a bald pitbull of a man. They weren't happy with each other, and as she griped at him her hands soared and jittered around her body like bats.
Took you a while.

I know the person who found her under her bed.
I live in that building, and the couple in question were feeding my cats while I was on my honeymoon. I awoke to texts from them at 3am EST and then went back to bed. When I woke up in the morning the first thing I did was rush to my phone thinking, "Did that really happen? Was it all a dream?" I'm so glad everyone involved is OK.
#9 I know EXACTLY the couple you are talking about!
@7 Sam Fantasy II, you just made me SCHOON! No dead dogs at this scene, the scene was already confusing enough.
I lived in the U District for seven years and I never felt more or less safe than in any other Seattle neighborhood I've lived in. That said, while I lived there I did pay an extra hundo per month to park my car in a locked garage.

I think the weird drug people are more noticeable in the U District during the summer, because there are fewer people around. Capitol Hill is always crowded, but the U District in summer, especially after summer quarter lets out, can feel like a ghost town.
Our place overlooks Freeway park. 2-3am is such a 'festive' time of the morning. The echo of the building's creates a sort of Autotune effect to the screaming, It both mellows and amplifies the 'song' of the meth banshee.

There's a tone of mockery/'making fun' here that's a little unsettling given the close ties between drug addiction and mental illness. Though the couple suffered an intrusion in to their space that was pretty terrifying, the woman using meth sounds like she has been brought pretty far down the rabbit hole by a tragic battle with substance addiction. One that there are less and less resources available for her to utilize in battling. Sending her to jail certainly won't fix the problem. And making fun of her via thinly veiled sensationalism masked as pop-journalism won't help either.

Nearly 20 years ago, my roommate developed a meth habit and he ended up under my bed just like this woman. Finding him there was one of the biggest frights of my life. Needless to say, after my own resulting freakout he was no longer my roommate.

Meth. Just don't, people.
I live in the Ravenna area, and the first two years I lived here nothing ever happened. Suddenly, the last two years, my car has been broken into 5 times -- and they're not trying to steal it, they're just scrabbling through everything to find money. Even pennies. Makes me think it's just desperate drug addicts.
Looked at an apartment in the U-district a few years ago with my girlfriend. We hadn't spent 5 minutes looking at it when we came back out to find her car broken into. It wasn't a tough decision deciding not to take the place.

But we did move to a place between Greenlake and Greenwood and had a meth head try to open our door in the middle of the night. Not necessarily break in, just jiggle the handle. Cops came and he told them he was trapped in the area.

Also had a homeless fella give me a hug and try to kiss me. Not... Much... Fun...
If this happened in my apartment, my wife wouldn't be able to sleep for a month. Good luck to that couple.
On what grounds do you believe she has "battled" her addiction? I missed that information in the "story". Most addicts I’ve known (weather booze, pills or other) were exactly where they wanted to be in the sweet embrace of their favorite chemical.
what the hell? you all could stand to be a little more empathic. scratch that: a LOT more empathic.
Drugs screw up a lot of lives. If you're young and healthy, get out of Seattle and go on an adventure somewhere, instead of screwing up your life with stupid drugs. Live your life , don't let drugs control you.
@22 Why do you expect people to be able to read the minds of others?

Perhaps you mean empathetic?
@25 Well, that would buy a lot of meth.
@24 they mean the same thing. look it up.
Could be loads worse. Westport and Aberdeen come to mind. I cruise down to Westport's beaches on some weekends -- their fucking grocery store just went out of business.

Hail satan

I threw away 16 years of my life on meth & spent another 3-5 around it prior to that. OH the stories I could tell! Yeah, just don't do it. Love your friends extra hard so they don't do it. #mathnotmeth #wheredmyteethgo
I find it very disturbing how derogatory the tone of this blog and many others is. I am not related to either party whatsoever, I don't find this young womans behavior "funny" nor do I look down on her. She is a lost child under a potent drug. I hope she will read this comment after all the other blogs and know that most of us understand and don't judge her character based on past behavoiors.

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