
Syzygy!! Ryan Reynolds!!
I loved the x-files!
The absolute best was "Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose" with Peter Boyle.

It was funny, sad, poignant, and also gave some very special intimate insight into Scully. Revealed what in incredible actor Gillian Anderson truly can be.
Eugene Tooms!

Also fantastic: Monster of the Week, an ongoing cartoon recap of every episode.
can't remember the title... There was one with a monster underneath an escalator; when I was younger it really freaked me out and I avoided escalators for a while :)
Tooms, that's it, thanks @4
Can someone open an X-File about why everyone's suddenly re-watching X-Files? Seemingly unprompted, I fired up the first season last week, too.

I think that I originally went to Netflix to bear witness to the really-final-we-swear-this-thing-is-dead season of The Killing but just couldn't face it.
The show could be simply hilarious...on purpose!

My favorite episode is Je Souhaite (Season 7, Episode 21) with Will Sasso.

Be careful what you wish for!
My favorite episode is the one where Fox Mulder becomes my boyfriend
@7 I think it's because post-wikileaks that conspiracy and secrecy is very much on everyones minds at the moment.
Started from the beginning a couple years ago and could only make it halfway through the fifth season before it got too silly for me.
PS. In early the 90's I ran into Gillian Anderson at Nordstroms. Good lord she was beautiful. And so tiny.

At first I just thought she was somebody I'd met and I couldn't remember her name... so I just said that kind of enthusiastic 'Hey! How are you? Nice to see you." You know, when you try to avoid somebodies name?

And she said "Hey! Hi yourself!" the same way back. All warm and enthusiastic.

Then we smiled and walked away from each other.

Aaand suddenly I realized... wait a minute! SCULLY! I looked back and she she winked and was out the door.

Totally Jedi Mind tricked me.
HA! I likewise started rewatching recently and am simply in awe of the fashion of the era. Wow simply awful. Also really enjoying the use of silence punctuated by meaningful glances - seems like we are deluged by constant dialogue nowadays.
I like monster of the week episodes rather than story arcs, whatever the series. If you miss some vital part of a story arc, nothing makes sense any more. Stand alones are much more enjoyable.

Try watching the original X-files...The which architect David Vincent tries to persuade an unbelieving world about strange visitors from another planet who want to make Earth their world.…

And yes. The Invaders was a Quinn-Martin Production complete with Epilogue.
Where is Annie Wagner for this discussion?
What about the monster-of-the-week episode "Home" with the Peacock family, i.e., the one that ruined Johnny Mathis's Wonderful, Wonderful forever?
@17 Hell yes. Rarely aired in syndication.
Being a huge X-Phile, I've never stopped rewatching the X-Files. But I'm conflicted when asked to name my favorite episodes, because they are almost all MotW; when asked what I would prefer to watch, I have to go with Conspiracy. I loved the overall arch of the show (until the end, when it just spun out of control) and I loved watching Mulder on his quest. And who could object to any episode that showed the relationship (romantic or otherwise) between Mulder and Scully?
OMG MARY. You and I have similar favorites. I love Post-Modern Prometheus, Bad Blood, Triangle, The Unnatural, and Field Trip. Huh, looks like a lot of my favorite stand-alones were in Season 6, though the mythology definitely peaked in season 4.
@ 11, was that when they started filming in California? (The first few seasons were shot in Vancouver.) I remember that suddenly bright and arrid landscapes, already out of key with the show, seemed to coincide with a noteable decline in quality.

My favorite episode was the one written by William Gibson.
Come to think of it, it started going downhill with the movie. And the movie wasn't very good, either.
Are you calling Duane Barry...a liar?

@3 is correct, Clyde Bruckmans Final Repose is the best episode of the x-files.
@3 - My biggest nerdgasm moment ever: I posted a drawing I did of one of the orangutans at the Woodland Park Zoo on their Facebook page. I checked out the profiles of the few people who liked it and happily saw that one was Karin Konoval, who did the performance suit work as Maurice in the Planet of the Apes movies...sweet!

Then I saw that she also played one of the fortune tellers who gets iced in Clive Bruckman's Final Repose and I swear I swooned. Best 45 minutes of TV ever! The only time I've ever written a fawning fan letter.
Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man -- it inspired my tattoo ("Nothing can seem foul to those that win.").
Squeeze and Tooms.

If you disagree, then you are just wrong.
Another for Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose. My all-time favorite.
Followed closely by The Unnatural.

And my favorite lines are the money pee one from Erlenmeyer Flask, and the sleeping bag one from Detour. :)
Mulder: I was told once that the best way to regenerate body heat was to crawl naked into a sleeping bag with someone else who is already naked.
Scully: Maybe if it starts raining sleeping bags, you might get lucky.
"Home" was the goddamn weirdest thing ever. Watching it was like witnessing Flannery O'Connor peg William Faulkner with a hickory wood hammer handle, while both of them ranted about their daddy/daughter relationship.

I loved every second of it.
Agree too with 3, 23, & 27: absolute best was "Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose". Have always remembered that when Scully asks Bruckman how she'll die, he replies "You don't."

Jose Chung's 'From Outer Space' was amazing also.

One other "revival" aspect is the current X-Files comics set in the present with Mulder&Scully still a couple, and re-assigned to the X-Files. As Chris Carter is Exec Producer and they're called "Season 10," they're definitely/arguably (take your pick) canon.

Oh yeah, and David Duchovny turned 54 today.
@17 beat me to it! best episode evah
"Bad Blood," "Humbug," and "The Host" are the ones I've watched over and over and over.
@30: The topper is him idly musing in Mulder's direction about how he can't think of a more undignified way to die than autoerotic asphyxiation.

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