
Ireland also doesn't have secular schools, generally.…

Basically, Ireland sucks.
If it was 'Merica, the next thing they'd do is dump the premature child on the mother, throw her out the door, tell her to get a job, refuse to give her any support, and tell everyone she's a lousy parent.

And they'd tell her the whole thing was her fault for making bad life choices.
She's 18 and has had to have a c-section, making future pregnancies and births more more difficult and likely to cause death of the fetus and mom.
That's thinking things through, Ireland. Good job.
*more likely*, not "likely" on it's own. But it does raise the chance of future bad things.
@3 - Many doctors and midwives will now refuse to do a vaginal birth with her if she gets pregnant again, just because of that increased risk.
Well, at least the Irish aren't torturing them in their churches anymore and shoveling their babies into pits. Are they? Fucking hypocrites!
@5, whilst I am as horrified by this story as anyone, there is an active bunch of midwives and doulas who encourage "VBACs" -- vaginal birth after C-section. My second child was one such.

But I'm sure you're right that there's a lot of CYA refusal to deal with that on the part of big swaths of the medical establishment.

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