How São Paulo handles its water lockout could be a harbinger of future climate-change impacts.
How São Paulo handles its water lockout could be a harbinger of future climate-change impacts. Rich Lonardo/Shutterstock

While we're all on the subject of climate change—have you been following the drought in São Paulo? has a good story about the city's partly privatized water agency/company Sabesp, whose directors recently gave themselves big bonuses while some residents have been drilling through their basements to find water and 2,500 people in one favela are all living off the same thin blue plumbing pipe.

Le Monde Diplomatique also has a great story, detailing how São Paulo sent intelligence agents to the US for SWAT training in anticipation of water riots, and how law enforcement acquired 14 new riot tanks to disperse crowds with—in the irony of ironies—water cannons. As Sydney pointed out in a meeting this morning, catastrophic climate change won't kill or immiserate everyone. Some folks will be fine. But the question stands: What kind of future do we want to live in?