
You're trying to rationalize the man's emotional outburst with logic. It's unlikely to work.
Well, yes, those opposed to abortion are (for the most part) not actually opposed to abortion, it's merely a convenient and more socially acceptable way to be opposed to equality in general, and women's rights specifically. But in any case, this pathetic old man, Jim, is a waste of time. He'll die of natural causes long before anyone will be able to drag him, kicking and screaming, into a better world.
Jim merely proves what I said in another comment thread on this topic: when abortion is illegal women die.

If only Jim were the only one! I hope his grandchildren and his employer and his neighbors all read those tweets. But even if he were to turn away from hatred this very moment, there would still be SO so many more hateful shitbags out there threatening and terrorizing women.
Jim is probably upset he wasn't born in a country that allows "honor killings."
Jim Britt, "'Cause a man owns your uterus."

(As an aside, I was married to an Iranian-American for many years. And even though HE was pro-choice, his parents sure the fuck thought they owned my uterus).
More proof Lindy is a fucking hero with way more guts than most, and a perspective to the truth behind society that awakens us all at the cost of her own personal safety.

@11 fuck off asshole.
I replied to a #ShoutYourAbortion tweet and got about 24 hours worth of abuse on Twitter. Charming people in the so-called pro-life movement. Good thing the early days of the Net gave me a very thick skin.
The men who are posting these threats are idiots. I am calling YOU out idiots; ignorant, misogynistic, half-baked fools. How would you like it if the state took control of your genitalia and forced you to make babies? How would you like it if you were treated as incapable of making your own decisions simply because you are male? And don't start on your religion because it holds no water here...I do not care what your old book says, or your pedophile preacher. It is time to grow up and get it...women are your equals (in many cases surpassing you) and you have no right to tell them what to do with their bodies.
PS Jim's Twitter account has been suspended.
My comment @11 pointed out that these are not threats, threat being defined at "a declaration of an intention or determination to inflict punishment, injury, etc., in retaliation for, or conditionally upon, some action or course." Because this Britt person did not express an intention to harm anyone, West's statement that he spammed "death threats" is false.

This viewpoint was deemed worthy of immediate removal--quoting the dictionary at feminists, of course, is harassment.

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