I, and my husband, have followed you for over a decade. I think we grew to become very open minded, subconsciously, because of it. We never planned to open up our relationship, I had sworn off my attraction to women, but after kids and life, we didn't really have sex for several years. It has been quite unfulfilling when we did. We get along quite well in every other department, but his low libido and my raging one was bound to end badly if something didn't change. So, because of all of your advice, swirling around the back of my head, I just recently asked, "Can I please meet my needs elsewhere?" and you know what, it's fine that we both do, if we choose, and we've had a lot of amazing sex this week because it's brought us closer than ever. Thankful for my open-minded guy who isn't threatened by my raging bisexuality and need for variety. Thankful for all of the future amazing sex on my horizon. Damn, Dan, thankful for you this Thanksgiving.

Now Living Fully

You're welcome, NLF, and thank you for the lovely email.

You're welcome, Eric. That episode is here... for anyone who needs it.