Books Feb 12, 2014 at 4:00 am

The Dismal Science Will Make You Feel Sympathy for the Men Who Destroyed the World

Probably not Occupy Wall Street’s favorite novelist. Willie Davis


Mountford is da bomb.
@1: I rest my case.
The complexity of the novel lies in its inability to reach easy conclusions, and to require its readers to ask these questions. I interviewed Mountford for The Nervous Breakdown (up the week of 2/17) and he has quite a bit to say about fundamentalism, and the necessity for holding ambiguities and complicated reasoning. As any kid raised in that DC vibe would.
There's just not enough Thomas Friedman fanfic.
Yeah, right, because we invaded Iraq, the 2nd largest reserve of cheap oil on the planet during peak oil because everything was stable and on auto-pilot. Quit drinking the Kool-Aid.

A novel isn't meant to be a scientific representation of truth. It's a representation of truth as the main character perceives it. This sounds like a fantastic novel. Wolfowitz and his ilk aren't people I naturally have much empathy for, and I love being pushed outside my frame of reference.
@1, 5, 6 and 9

Unlike you, at least Constant has read the fucking book before spewing stupidly all over the thread. Why don't you try actually absorbing the text before you opine on it? What a shitestain you are. I probably complete agree with your politics, by the way, but I'd save my opinion on the novel until I'd actually read it.

This does, I'm sorry to say, make me a slightly better person than you, at least in one small, insignificant regard.

That's all. Have a nice day, jerk.
I have neither tolerance nor sympathy for profit-lusting white collar criminals out to destroy the world just so that they can claim to have it all.
Evil monopolies can rot in hell on their own; they don't need to take us all down with them!
@No7 Dirge: LMAO

@Sgt Doom, you don't actually think book critics read all the books they critique, do you? They skim, they paraphrase what others have said and they turn it in to their editor.

Someone should add an addendum to Woody Allen's old line:

Those who can do.
Those who can't teach.
Those who can't teach, teach P.E.
And those who can't create (a novel, a film, a play, a painting) just critique them.

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