Books May 28, 2014 at 4:00 am

Elizabeth Warren's Political Memoir Reads Like She's Going to Run for President

She’s smart. Kelly Campbell


Thank you, Paul Constant, for a well written article.
Although I fully understand why she wouldn't want to, I wish Elizabeth Warren, if not Hillary (or Chelsea?) Clinton WOULD run for First Female U.S. President, and take down a LOT of corruption in government office--particularly the House of Republicans, Congress, and the Extreme Court.
The time for cleaning out the obstructionist garbage is LONG overdue.
Let the senator know that I will also be casting my vote for her whether she runs or not. Hillary is a great ex-first lady and secretary of state, but knowing how many people want her head on pike in Washington, I can't risk another 8 years of stagnation.
Paul she did sign a letter to Hillary Clinton asking her to run, I think she won't run if Hillary runs.
@ 2 And with a liberal in the WH there would not be even more stagnation? Lot more people would want her head on a pike. I like her as a Senator she should stay there.
@4 Stagnation with a liberal in office is better than "progress" with a conservative in office. At least as currently branded.
Oh yes, please run, but that means you cannot run from the reporters with video cameras when they ask you questions. Anymore. Oh oh.
@4: if people are so blind to think it is Elizabeth Warren's head instead of Jamie Dimon's head that needs to be lopped off, then the banksters have already won.
Auntie Grizelda,
It is a sad day when people think that a Hillary Clinton presidency would be "corruption-free." Incredibly sad.
She won't run. But would she accept a VP Nomination?

I like that, though am not sure who she'd be matched up with (and Hilary's age is gonna be her achilles heal, I'm deathly afraid.)


Has Chelsea done anything whatsoever to qualify her to run for president? Even assuming she'd be 35 years old (I've no idea, though would be kinda surprised if so) I don't recall her ever delving into politics in any realm whatsoever.

What a firebrand!

Since taking office as a Senator, she's written a book.

And she's....gone around saying that "someone" should do something about all these bad things.

Because that's the job of an elected Senator of the United States.

To flail about aimlessly asking other people to do stuff.

"Even though political writing now lives on Twitter"

oh give me a break.


does that fit?
She supports Hillary Clinton? That's depressing. She obviously doesn't "get" what this country's foreign policy is about. Unfortunately, Hillary does and is a freaking war monger! The MIC would eat Elizabeth for lunch. We saw what they did to Obama. She would have no chance.

Better she should stay in the Senate and fight like hell for income equality and holding the banks responsible for the damage they've done to this country.
@Bailo: Do you even bother to read before you spew? Is reading comprehension a foreign country in your parts? Why dont you actually read up on her, her career, her life, before you pass judgement on whether or not she's accomplished anything.


Voting Record

From Jan 2013 to May 2014, Warren missed 12 of 454 roll call votes, which is 2.6%. This is worse than the median of 1.9% among the lifetime records of senators currently serving. The chart below reports missed votes over time.…

How about hearing from the pundits of her own state of Massachusetts:

Lots of noise from Warren but little delivery

Handily elected to the Senate, Warren has continued her successful career of baying at the moon. She routinely anathematizes Wall Street, the “corporate capture of the federal courts,” and loves to browbeat hapless regulators when the cameras are rolling. Inveighing against the high cost of student loans won her many headlines, and criticism from people who actually understood the issues on the table. Matthew M. Chingos and Beth Akers of the liberal Brookings Institution called Warren’s idea of financing student loans through the Federal Reserve discount window a “cheap political gimmick” and an “embarrassingly bad proposal.”

That posturing ended when the Senate shelved the Student Loan Affordability Act.…
@16: after what Beam wrote about Hillsborough, I'm not interested in hearing what he has to say about Elizabeth Warren.
I hope her intention not to run in 2016 is because she feels she's more valuable in the senate, and not because of conformity to business as usual politics.
I don't want Clinton on the D ticket. I know it was Bill the last time, but she still represents the rush to the middle strategy of winning, which should have never been done by a party that was already hopelessly centrist.
I think it would be better if Warren and Clinton faced off in the primaries. America loves a good cat fight.

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