Columns Nov 27, 2013 at 4:00 am

The Week in Review


Can the world stop saying, now writing " had" before every past tense verb. For Christ's sake people, do not no how this started but,"had killed"?. Had been; was, had gone, went, had done, had, or did, had killed, killed, has the world gone mad,where are you at?
At least Legett died doing what he loved. Go ahead and double down on the turkey and stuffing Last Days. gobble, gobble.
@1 the "had" establishes that the killing of the deer was already complete at the time of focus, i.e., the time the dude collapsed and died. Maybe you could ease up on your dosage or something.
Hey fed up, it's called past perfect tense. It's part of the English language you profess to be able to speak.
Hey, fed up: Here you are, ranting away like a little bitch kitty but you misspelled a very easy word: Know, instead of no. As in: "for Christ's sake people, do not NO how this started..." Also, the entire sentence is gibberish. I agree with Sprinks. Maybe you ought to ease up on your dosage.
Where are we at?

Not ending sentences with prepositions is where I am at now.

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