Columns Mar 22, 2001 at 4:00 am

Remarkable Rim Job


By insisting that male love bonds always include the frigging sex act in some necessarily wierd form, a vast range of valuable relationships is excluded. It almost appears to be illegal to form male friendships unless they are (A) depraved (B) under political surveillance (C) unemployed (D) some other as yet unresolved classification or classifications. All male bonding is suspected of being anti-government, ipso facto, all male bonding is by definition mischief, and must be classified so.

Males who associate with each other closely are made out to be druggies, revolutionaries, right-wing reactionaries, gangs, counterfeiters, tourists, or god knows what. We've lost all companionship that is not suspect. Meanwhile all are politely, enthusiastically and cheerfully required to register their interest, no matter HOOOW suspect or fishy... preparing the way for the martial capital regime to swoop down and collect all the names (whether that actually ever happens or not!) Which it probably would not if it were not prepared.
What the fuck are you on about, Joe? If you don't mind me asking.

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