Columns Aug 1, 2002 at 4:00 am



"The cultural taboo against incest, however, is not an attempt to deny a group of people any and all access to love and intimacy, but an attempt to direct sexual feelings toward healthier, more appropriate targets."

"Healthier, more appropriate targets." The same could be said of gay sex. People don't always help who they fall for. You don't have a logical explanation for why you're all anti-incest. My suspicion: pro-incest is simply more taboo (for now) than pro-homosexuality. You'd lose a lot of followers if you supported it. Or you're just a hypocrite. It is amusing how your arguments here sound so much like right wing Christians' arguments against gay marriage. You even threw in plenty of bigoted slurs.
I have to agree with JayHammers here.

The best point Savage made was the following:

"How can children--even adult children--freely consent to sex with their parents? Likewise, older or more domineering siblings can hold enormous power over their brothers and sisters. How does one divine consent when one sibling is having sex with another, or a son is having sex with his mother, or a father is having sex with his daughter? In those situations it's simply impossible to define where "family life" ends and "consent" begins."

Of course, this argument could be made for plenty of non-incestuous relationships. For example, between a boss and subordinate. While we generally frown on those kinds of relationships, we do not consider them horrendously unethical. Fucking your subordinate will not land you in jail for 10 years with a felony charge.

I'm all for gay rights but I have to agree that the same argument about it being an unhealthy, inappropriate target could be made about the gays too.

Sorry, but the golden standard does have to be consent without immediately identifiable coercion or breaking of trust. We could say that, in a sense, we trust a boss to not make inappropriate advances. However, were a boss to do such a thing and the object of his/her affections reciprocate, we would not say that this constituted an unforgivable violation of trust nor would we say it was coercion.

Also, to be quite clear, GSA is very different from incest as incest is traditionally understood. I speak from experience here - blood relatives one has grown up with are not my cup of tea. The one I was separated from for so long though, is quite another story.
Incest? good? Or bad? Hmm. Does it make 3 legged babies? Not from where I stand. I have 5 boys and 4 girls from my sister. I counted the legs and only came up with 18 legs, same with arms and the right amount of heads.

All have better than average intelligence and some of them have paired off and have had children of their own without any sign of genetic problems.

OK so incest isn't for everyone but I do think it should be an individual's right to choose his or her sex partner with out society standing in the way.

"The cultural taboo against incest, however, is not an attempt to deny a group of people any and all access to love and intimacy, but an attempt to direct sexual feelings toward healthier, more appropriate targets."
Jay Hammers is correct: this applies equally towards "healthier, more appropriate (sex) targets" than members of the same sex.
Sex was originally practised mainly for procreational reasons (and that is still the reason for animals practising sex). With the advent of safe contraception, and especially STD's, sex has moved away from this main goal and is largely practised for recreation (or fun, for that matter).
If you remove the possibility of an unwanted pregnancy, if it is consensual, and if it is done in privacy, why does the taboo on intrafamilial sex continue to be brought up?
Actually... many animals practice sex purely for pleasure. Look at dolphins for instance. They're gay unless they're trying to procreate, and then they find temporary opposite sex partners for that purpose before returning to their same sex partner.

And while incestuous relationships doesn't always create deformed children, the chances of it happening are higher, as are the chances of them developing genetic disorders that may be recessive genes. Hasn't anyone heard of genetic diversity?
I have to agree with Dan on this one. Look at it this way - gay men and women will always be solely attracted to people of their own sex. No amount of reparative therapy, counseling or fumbling, shitty sex with the opposite gender will change that. However, people have the capacity to fall in love with more than one person. A straight man who practices incest can fall in love with mostly any woman on the planet, not just his female relatives.
In a consensual incest relationship, nobody's getting hurt. So why is it wrong?
"If, after you've moved out and spent some time away from your sister--at least a year--you decide you simply can't live without her, and if by some chance she feels the same way, you can do what other siblings in your shoes have done. Move far, far away from your parents and everyone you know, cut off all contact with your immediate and extended family, change your names, and live happily (if creepily) ever after."

Go some years back and you can easily apply this to gay people!
The incest guy sounds like the hilbilly on The Simpsons who is married to his sister. Go in-breed some more, and stop bothering us!

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