Columns Sep 3, 2003 at 4:00 am

What Happens in Vegas


I don't understand how it isn't ILLEGAL (as well as obviously immoral) to have unprotected sex while you are HIV+, disclosed or not. If I told you I had a loaded gun and you asked me to fire it at you, it would still be regarded as murder. There is no legal understanding for "permissibly" killing someone.

If I had an it-could-happen-to-anyone honest accident and someone died I could still be charged with involuntary manslaughter, murders third cousin. This is in utterly innocent and accidental surroundings with nothing intentional, no malice or recklessness. Reckless endangering someones health by say tossing bowling balls off the Empire State building would be a crime. I wouldn't be aiming at anyone, I may not be meaning to hit anyone, but any fool could see that death would be a likely result and everyone would treat me like a murderer for doing such a thing.

Yet fire a deadly, incurable disease at someone intentionally and there is talk over whether or not it's immoral?! The very existence of this 'discussion' shames the gay community. It is inconceivable that this isn't illegal. An intentional act, done for any reason, that results in death is murder; if death doesn't result it's still attempted murder. So there are only two questions on the table: is sex and intentional act, does HIV+ status lead to premature death? After you answer those questions the math is pretty easy.

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