Columns Nov 20, 2008 at 4:00 am

Klueless Kinksters


You know, myself and others are pretty much convinced the Mormon church was embezzling money, and that's how so much got donated. Ever wonder why so many average-income Mormon homes were able to give tens of thousands of dollars to the Yes on Prop 8 campaign?

(No offense to Mormons; just the Mormon churches in California.)
And BBIB, you'll probably out-live her, so you will have more time to be Uncle than she will to be Grandmother.
Whoa, a little harsh with SHEESH, there, Dad. Not that you couldn't well be right about him, but I think it's just as likely that he's not seeking the last word OR a dressing down for his ex-domme so much as looking for a way to get around her "don't contact me again" rule. He might just be doing his best to get in touch with her, tell her how much their relationship matters to him, and affirm that he intended no offense all in the only way he can while still being obedient, through your column.
"your letter leads me to believe that in person, as in print, you're a disrespectful, controlling, and manipulative piece of shit"

Wow Dan, you may have played right into his "toping from the bottom"ing hands and answered his prayers/fantasies and publically humilated him. It may be a long time before a Professional Dominatrix or Dominate partner live up to what you just did.

Dan, don't you think that any self-respecting bottom should request a clean dildo? Being submissive should not involve putting yourself at possible risk of contracting STDs.
My favorite sign was a picture of a wedding ring that looked a lot like the "lord of the rings" ring along with a caption "The precious, we wants it"
BBIB: The way that I see it, gay marriage is a human and civil rights issue. My sister argues that she thinks that whether or not to allow, license and recognize gay marriage is a "States' Rights" issue.

When you see your brother's mother-in-law during this holiday season, remind her that it really wasn't that long ago that mixed race marriages were forbidden in many states. In that short time, we have come so far.
It is NOT the Mormon Church that donated the money. It's the gajillion members of the Mormon Church in California that individually donated with the same faithfulness they use to fork over their 10% tithing. The Church is VERY careful not to get involved in this. They don't want to lose their tax exempt status. They would have to pay A LOT if that happened. (Anyone read that book about how much money the Church has)

I know that people are angry. I grew up Mormon and I'm furious they are so proud to be so politically ignorant. But I feel it's important to fight with the truth.
I have met so many people who would call themselves social conservatives, who learn tolerance by meeting tolerant others. When tolerance becomes hip and popular (as it seems to be becoming), even our brothers' mothers-in-law will come around. It is only a matter of time. As "Don't Ask Don't Tell" falls down, as Prop 8 fails in court, as more social conservatives meet and develop friendships and working relationships with those of us who are different, change occurs.
What self-respecting sex worker would refuse a request to make sure a dildo is clean?
As an ex-mormon, I was hoping to use prop 8 as an example of why others should leave the mormon church, but after reading all the facts I could find, the church itself spent only around $2,000 on the campaign, and that was to fly people over to California to speak at public assemblies. So it became a really lame argument, and you can't argue that individuals supporting a campaign is bad, because every individual has the right to support whatever they like. So I have to agree with AnnoyedJackMormon. And to reply to Suki, the Mormons don't need to use some elaborate embezzlement scheme to help members to donate stuff. Individual members already pour thousands of dollars into the Mormon church every year - 10% of their gross income as a way of life - so seriously they will give a bit more to other efforts if the church tells them it will help preserve their way of life. We need to educate people more, instead of playing the blame game and vandalizing stuff, which I think is damaging future pro-gay campaigns. Educate the population, and pray to the god of ass that all fundamental religious groups lose their genitals and cease to procreate ;)
I would really, really like to know why people even think it is their God damned business who marries or fucks who.

My family is a bunch of biggots, excluding my brother. My mom even sees two women holding hands and she points them out and says how it is disgusting and against Gods will. I have a lot of problems with this.

I am bisexual. I have been with a woman. I have sex outside of marriage (gasp). I have had a threesome, my boyfriend is 20 years older than me AND we have an open relationship. This is what makes me happy, and I feel and ahve always felt that so long as no one gets hurt (hurt in the bad way) then there is no reason whatsoever for other people to stick their noses in it. Marriage is about love and commitment, not gender or race.

And also, I don`t think SHEESH was out of line to ask for a clean dildo. I am a submissive to my boyfriend and before and after we are together we talk, in depth, about likes and dislikes and things that would make me or him uncomfortable. He respects my wishes and limits. I think asking for a clean dildo is NOT a huge deal, I think what pissed her off is him insisting she do it in front of him. If not for that, it may have gone diffrently.
I'd like to point out that BIB's aunt-in-law (?) isn't really all that much of a bigot. She is opposed to gay marriage for religious reasons, but other than that she seems entirely tolerant of who you are and the way you live your life. She even says that if gay marriage were legal, she'd help you find someone. That's not bigotry, that's civil disagreement undergirded by love and affection.

My advice to you is to drop the issue for now, and look into Christian and Evangelical groups that support gay rights, and from them get some Biblical glosses in favor of gay marriage. Next time she brings the issue up (and that means SHE has to bring the issue up, you can't bait her into it), you tell her that Pastor Jones of Brotherly Love Institute says such-and-such, and it will give her something to chew on.

Or you could dismiss her complaints with "A guy named Saul opposed the rights of a minority, too, until by God's grace he saw the light and changed his ways." She'll know what you're talking about.
To the X-Mormon: the president of the Mormon church had a letter read at all the churches telling them to donate and volunteer. As you know Mormons do what the pres tells them to, other wise they don't get into the temple and with out that you can't go to heaven. The church was involved and should loose their tax exemption.
Here's a thought that would make us feel good and piss off the Mormons. So just for fun... Lets start a petition to change the state constitution restoring the traditional meaning of a Christian as one who follows the life of Christ through the teaching of the Bible, the true word of God.
Obviously this would be needed to protect our children from being taught that Mormons are Christians and tricking them into the Mormon lifestyle.
Once all the evangelicals hear that the Mormons are closer to Scientology then Christ, I guarantee they would support it!
What's even funnier, with the right amount of money and the right PR firm, you could probably do it.
Fucking hell, Dan! Being a bit harsh with SHEESH, don't you think? Seems like the capped pronouns really sent you into a frenzy. If his Dom reads the column and recognizes his query, isn't it possible he still wants to appear respectful to her, and as someone upthread pointed out, possibly get back into her good graces? Maybe that's misguided, but does that make him 'a manipulative piece of shit?'
I think anti-gay people can solve their problems easily. If same sex marriage pisses you off that much, don`t marry someone of the same sex. It`s that simple.
Unfortunately folks, as much as you may think SHEESH is the victim here, I do wonder...

I mean, whatever it was that happened, he was specifically asked NOT to contact this woman ever again. This is a rather passive-aggressive way of contacting her without contacting her, isn't it?
Since when did having limits that include safe sex start being topping from below?

I have never believed that being a bottom means abdicating all responsibility for your own safety. Domme wants to tie you up and leave you alone gagged? Dom says it is just fine if he pours boiling water from a kettle on you? Top wants to share sex toys without putting a condom on them? No, no, no, no, no!

And if a prodomme gets snitty about you taking responsibility for your own health then shame, shame, shame on her. And shame on you too Dan for not saying so.

You're well shot of her - take your cash and give it to a better and more professional woman.
The debate with Perkins might have gone better if either of you were speaking one at a time.
"Dan, don't you think that any self-respecting bottom should request a clean dildo? Being submissive should not involve putting yourself at possible risk of contracting STDs."

"What self-respecting sex worker would refuse a request to make sure a dildo is clean? "


You may have been right about him, but that doesn't mean his request was out of line.
Hey Jack Mormon. Prop 8 was funded by way more than Californian Mormons. The biggest donor was from, guess where..... drumroll please.

I was raised Mormon too, and who really cares about truth applied to a religion that was founded on a liar, propagated by liars, and is practiced by an odd mix of the desparate, the brainwashed, the bigoted, and the.... Liars!

The Mormons don't need to embezzle. Tithing is an incredible money-making machine for their missionary-sending, membership-driven empire. The faithful pledged this money like they were placing it directly into their god's gigantic, straight hand.

As an ex-mormon (ptl! (praise the lesbians)) I'm not surprised at their ability to drum up money. I mean, they don't drink, smoke, engage in premarital sex, etc., what else are they going to do with their money? (I say: buy birth control.)
Just watched Anderson Cooper thing on youtube. Awesome.
'When you see your brother's mother-in-law during this holiday season, remind her that it really wasn't that long ago that mixed race marriages were forbidden in many states. In that short time, we have come so far.'

The problem with this tactic is that many people who support prop 8 (including Mormons) aren't too hot on interracial marriage, either. Not that they can say so out loud (anymore. But just take a look at their not-so-colorful history).
If that mother-in-law is a bigot, she is an extremely poor one. Gay marriage supporters would be lucky if all the opponents were so polite and loving. Unfortunately, those opponents also include raving fundies who'd like to slaughter gays and all sorts in between.

It sounds like she is already balancing her religious beliefs with compassion and love for individuals. I'd say that makes her a pretty Christ-like Christian. We could use a whole lot more of that variety of Christian.

Tolerance certainly comes with proximity. I would hope BBIB would learn to tolerate her beliefs (despite his disagreement with them) the way she tolerates his lifestyle and sexual orientation (despite her disagreement with them.)
Why were you so harsh on SHEESH? It's certainly an angle that I never thought of, but I think he's well rid of that domme if she refuses to play safe.

Perhaps it's you, Dan, and not SHEESH who's got some kind of undisclosed drama going on. Maybe you're making an example out of SHEESH for some reason that's not immediately apparent to your readers.

Or you could have been drunk when writing the column...
What would have been wrong with putting a condom on the dildo?

Dan, I'm surprised at you. Shouldn't safety come first?
I am a researcher and I suppose an expert of some sort on the LDS Church (I'm not LDS). The LDS Church has no problem generating funds for itself or for others. First, they do not pay any of the their Church workers since the LDS Church opposes paid ministry (they compensate time, travel and provide food, but not pay). Second, their tithing set up, business investments, companies, etc. give them tremendous financial clout. Finally, each LDS member feels a deep moral obligation not only hand out 10% of their income (the tithe) to the Church but will even damage their own financial prospects to do Church business (oppose the gays and the marriages, one might say). It's a cultural model that's been comfortably in place for 170 years. And subtlety is not their strong point.
I was really surprised at the harshness of your comments to SHEESH. As I read the letter the first time, and then again after reading your answer, I found the writer to be someone who is sincerely bewildered by the sudden turn of events and simply looking for some closure.
Oh my god, what a terrible response to SHEESH.
(a) SHEESH did not "have his dispute carried into [your] column". YYOOUU published it, Dan. HOW'D THAT HAPPEN?!
(b) And how 'bout this third explanation: the dominatrix is a psycho who is knowingly attempting to infect her clients. Not even a possibility, Dan? Should we learn from this to "take our chances" with foreign dildoes? Nice!
As an occasional domme (not for pay but for fun), you try to get everything laid out ahead of time, people's desires, toys you are using, etc. Once you are in the mode, it's frustrating if someone wants to change the rules, break your flow, you stop and change toys or break out the bleach. She likely was going to use a condom on him, but either way, if he knew this was a possibility, he should have stated his preferences up front. This is easy to negotiate beforehand. Likely, this was the end of a long line of annoying twists and turns he would make in the scene. Plus, you can see how he needs to be right in a passive/aggressive way, just in the writing and wording of this letter.

So yes, I think his request was valid, but it was poorly timed, and definitely topping from the bottom. "Wash it with bleach in front of me" is not a suitable request for a sub once you're into a scene.
I gotta echo the chorus calling you out on your rough treatment of SHEESH. Why are you so angry at him? Here he is, giving you a great opportunity to educate everyone on the proper etiquette involved in Bondage-TS-Male-Sub/Professional-Female-Dom relationships, and what do you do? You chew out the writer!

Now, everyone who engages in sex should take care of their sexual health, which includes monitoring what gets inserted into them. How does one do that when you've paid someone money to take away your control? And if you're not sure, I know you've got plenty of people to call for advice. So why did you withhold it from him? Is this _your_ way of playing the Pro-Dom???
if this lady went to the lengths of having a contract, one would think she would be safe. I think drafting up a contract for the work she does proves she handles all matters in her business professionally. Dan was a bit rough, i myself had to close my jaw, but Dan was right. He was a being a douche and she did what her contract promised, kicked his butt to the curb.
SHEESH - Just ask her politely to incoperate a condom on the toy into the AND kinky umm

KC - So you can't decide on bondage or a Pulitzer- check out Xtube for all the amateurs who are showing it ALL for free

Now, Dan my have become my new HERO -what a wonderful "spokes gay " for us . My partner and I have been together since 1968-and were married in San Francisco City Hall in July. We will prevail in this battle ...
I think Dan was probably right on with his treatment of SHEESH although he would have done better to include a line that mentioned using a condom. Bleach seems like kind of a complicated request... gotta pour it in a bucket, clean it up, then rinse off, all while wearing gloves. And then there are the fumes. What a pain. Asking for safety is absolutely the right thing to do, but asking for it to be done in such a pain in the ass way would probably have pissed me off too.
Kinky Coed- Even if you made it as a journalist, I think that you'd have time to take your little pictures. Sounds to me like your dilemma can be attributed to your laziness. Good luck in either field if that's the case.
Kinky Coed- Even if you made it as a journalist, I think that you'd have time to take your little pictures. Sounds to me like your dilemma can be attributed to your laziness. Good luck in either field if that's the case.
Regarding SHEESH, she decided to start using a dildo on him during a scene? She didn't discuss that beforehand? That's totally wrong, IMO; and if he then has to start stating limits mid-scene that's her fault not his. He may be an arse, but he's better off away from her.

Read the IRS rules. While church advocacy for a *candidate* is categorically forbidden, church advocacy for an *issue* is not. Do you also think the Quaker Church should lose its tax exemption if someone at Meeting stands up and says "There's going to be an anti-war protest next Saturday, meet at City Hall"? Should a synagogue lose its tax exemption if the rabbi asks members to support legislation to ensure that mohels will still be allowed to perform circumcisions in people's homes?
Nic said: "Gay marriage supporters would be lucky if all the opponents were so polite and loving."

Why? If you support gay marriage, you are in no way lucky to have people voting against gay marriage, no matter how nice they are about it. If anything, it's worse. People like her who preach their pseudo-tolerant bullshit lend the Prop 8s of the world an air of legitimacy that Fred Phelps never could. Sane people don't really pay attention to the "god hates fags" stuff, but "love the sinner, hate the sin" just sounds so warm and cuddly. It rationalizes bigotry.
Best protest sign in SF: "Would you rather I marry your daughter?"
Lol@ "She's not Tony Perkins; she's a human being."
I was at the Philly protest on Saturday, and my favorite sign was "A recent California poll shows that you have a 52.5% chance of being an idiot."
I don't know much about dom/sub ettiquette, but my first guess is that what ticked her off was his request that she wash the dildo IN FRONT of him. Meaning, he's in charge of the scene, checking up on her making sure she does it right. Sounds toppy from the bottom to me. If he has so little faith in her as a professional maybe he shouldn't be with her in the first place.
clean dildos are in
I'm happy that gay people have the self esteem to say hell no we won't go, away.
I think the religious right has been allowed to make politics with impunity, so I glad to see them called out from behind their pews. True Christians do not condemn, or criticize others and they don't pay others to do it for them
A sub should NEVER be put at risk to contract an STD purely for the comfort of the Dom. Safe sex is always a right, not a privelege, not something to be compromised on.
Maybe SHEESH was topping from the bottom, as some people have suggested, but "My Name Here" makes the excellent point that the dom broke the rules first by introducing dildo training in the middle of a scene. That's something that should have been negotiated before they started, and then SHEESH could have brought up his completely reasonable and healthy request to supply his own dildo. Not only is cleanliness an issue (and bleach or sustained boiling would be the only way to guarantee no STI or bacterial transmission if she'd used the dildo on someone else already) but many toys are made of unhealthy materials. (As an aside,I'm chemically sensitive and I always supply my own lube, condoms and toys because most of what's out there causes me irritation and/or yeast infections. I support anyone who wants to protect their health by bringing their own toys.) SHEESH may or may not be a jerk - we don't know from his letter, he doesn't sound like one to me - but I think Dan's jumping to conclusions and being way too harsh. I understand him wanting to defend sex workers, but I don't think SHEESH was out of line - the dom was, and SHEESH is well rid of her. And Dan passed up an opportunity to address an interesting question of sex etiquette in favor of using a reader as a punching bag.
PG - Your comparing Apples and oranges.
A "synagogue losing its tax exemption if the rabbi asks members to support legislation to ensure that mohels will still be allowed to perform circumcisions in people's homes" Is not the same thing as a tax exempt church using its vast tax free network of churches and printing presses to LOBBY to eliminate the rights of a minority. For anyone else to fight such an onslaught have to pay dearly to even put such a network together, not to mention we would have to pay taxes on all of it.
You need read the IRS rules, they can't LOBBY.
I have to agree you were too harsh on SHEESH there. This woman sounds like a control freak on a power trip pretending to be a pro dom to me.

The "topping from the bottom" problem is when subs are nitpicky and try to direct all the action ("I like the rope around my wrists five times, not four"). Asking for basic assurance of personal health and safety is not the same as that, and if people start calling it "topping from the bottom," you might as well throw out all guidelines around BDSM, since it's supposed to be SAFE.

The guy sounds like he's pissed that she overreacted and he's kinda passively-aggressively trying to get back at her. That seems like his only problem, not that he was being unreasonable with his request. I can't blame him though, I'd want to do the same thing.

I come from the Bitchy Jones school of BDSM though, so I'd rather everyone wash their hands of it. Feminization and Very Important Capitalized Pronouns, ugh.
I love your column Dan and 99% of the time I agree on your views/responses to your letters, but the one to SHEESH was outta line for sure. This Pro Domme refused to give her sub the piece of mind of washing the dildo in front of him? Then I think she's the "disrespectful, controlling, and manipulative piece of shit". Yes, there are rules in a 'scene' and topping from the bottom isn't something most Dom/Dommes take, but this isn't like the sub intentionally acting bratty so they'll get their desired spanking, this is real life concerning safety and cleanliness. Any responsible Dom/Domme, pro or otherwise, would not refuse this request from a sub. I can understand not wanting to use his dildo, but hers (could be a control thing among other things) but he was being responsible and safe himself in asking if she would clean it in front of him. Ironically, I have an inkling that if he didn't and she made him take one of her dildoes up his ass without a second thought of cleanliness, you'd come down on him as well. Maybe, just maybe, I can see another side to this: maybe she thought he didn't trust her and she was mad or disappointed or offended by that. But it certainly doesn't give her reason to act that way. Dom/sub play is a control thing yes, but real life also exists, and it needs to be acknowledged now and then. So SHEESH I think you did the right thing in your request to her; and I think she herself needs to step out of her heeled boots once in a while to do a reality check...
And in case you think SHEESH the sub was being nit-picky: HepC can live for up to 6 months in dried blood.

I have been thinking about this for a day now and just getting angrier. Dan's bitch slap can only have had the rotten effect of making subs, already fairly vulnerable, reluctant to raise legitimate concerns about safety.
Favorite sign from the L.A. protests on Prop 8 was:

"When do I get to vote on YOUR marriage?"

I am a Professional dominatrix and I believe that SHEESH is a "do me bottom!"

I can't speak for every Domme out there, but *I* would never use an uncovered toy on a sub/client.

I don't know why he didn't just ASK the Domme what happened! She was likely planning to cover it and got annoyed by him "questioning" her judgment!

The whole idea of submitting is to do as the Mistress says, if you do not want to go there, just say so.

Since you didn't respect the Domina's wishes, it sounds like you deserved what you got, SHEESH!
Hey, any of y'all figure that SHEESH's domme might have have felt insulted that SHEESH thought she would be so unprofessional not to take proper care of her tools? Also, in no place does SHEESH state that said dildo appeared, she said dildo training was on the agenda.
Hey people! It wasn't just Mormons in California! Mormons from all over the country gave money to support bigotry in CA. Check it out:
The problem with SHEESH is that he assumed that his Mistress was so stupid that She wouldn't know to clean a dildo before using it again. THAT is why the session was stopped. That is the epitome of 'topping from the bottom'.
Hands up, everyone, who routinely ignores posters who use all caps?
Let us say you are right, Dan, and that SHEESH is "an insufferable controlling twat," and "managed to annoy the fuck out of her".
SO WHAT? This is why he is PAYING her for her time! Sure she has the right to terminate the contract, but he also has the right to demand a clean dildo. This isn't a lovey-dovey snuggle-fest. He is not her boyfriend. We are talking about a business arrangement. If she isn't able to accept that the people who need to pay for sex generally have issues, then maybe she is in the wrong business.
And before someone jumps on me for generalizing about people who pay for sex: nothing personal, we all have issues. If you are paying for sex, odds are your issues have to do with sex. That's all.
@prof domme, Dan, thread:

I thought sub/dom was supposed to be a trusting relationship, with the sub's safety and security in mind?

no one should have to apologize for protecting themselves against possible FUCKING STDs on a dildo that could have been up some stranger's ass. no matter what the "scene". when health comes into play, everything should stop.

Whether she's pro or whatever, if their relationship was all it's cracked up to be, she should have been willing and caring enough to give that peace-of-mind to SHEESH, and then promptly returned to abusing him and treating him like shit or whatever else it was he got off on.

Dan, is there something else in the letter you're not sharing with us that caused you to respond so harshly?

also, maybe he wrote you to get some advice so he would know what to expect from the next Dom he subs with? not necessarily a passive-aggressive play to get you to dress Her down in your column.
If SHEESH is paying for dom services, doesn't he at least get the privilege of having a clean one shoved you-know-where? SHEESH!
Wow, Dan. Every once in a while I see something that makes me want to stop reading your column. Your response to SHEESH definitely fits that description.

What an awful thing to call him, first of all. Since you made assumptions about his motivations, I'm going to make one about yours: it feels very attention-getting for the sake of attention-getting. Very "Oh look, I'm Dan Savage and people pay attention when I say extreme things." For shame, Dan. You say some wonderful things. That op-ed you wrote for the New York Times was brilliant. This response was not.

Second, I don't think it's manipulative to believe so strongly in your right to know the situation you're in is safe and ask for what you need to make that happen, that you want to write a public letter about it.

I think if the domme felt uncomfortable with his request, given their relationship, she should have ended the scene and then negotiated with him a healthy way to navigate something like that in the future. Since that's not her style, it sounds like this wasn't the right domme for him. But that does not make him a piece of shit.

As big a douche as LBJ was, he basically strong-armed segregationist senators into not filibustering desegregation. It'd be nice to see the new administration do something similar (but more diplomatic and less apt to lose the dems the southern states again) and say, "Look, marriage rights for gay people is inevitable. We can be cutting-edge and make it happen, or we can look like rearguard douches by being one of the last governments to oppose it." And then say that any gay marriage anywhere is recognized by the federal government, esp. the IRS.

As for dildo-guy.... Dan, don't you think you were hard on him? Yeah, it's crappy that he's all, "And she reads your column," but anonymous sex is risky enough - someone who refused to reassure me that her sex tools were hygienic would lose my business anyway. Seems to me that if you're in the sex trade, you should be willing to go out of your way to demonstrate your extra care - because that, not extra kinkiness, would attract more business.
Wow, Dan. Every once in a while I see something that makes me want to stop reading your column. Your response to SHEESH definitely fits that description.

What an awful thing to call him, first of all. Since you made assumptions about his motivations, I'm going to make one about yours: it feels very attention-getting for the sake of attention-getting. Very "Oh look, I'm Dan Savage and people pay attention when I say extreme things." For shame, Dan. You say some wonderful things. That op-ed you wrote for the New York Times was brilliant. This response was not.

Second, I don't think it's manipulative to believe so strongly in your right to know the situation you're in is safe and ask for what you need to make that happen, that you want to write a public letter about it.

I think if the domme felt uncomfortable with his request, given their relationship, she should have ended the scene and then negotiated with him a healthy way to navigate something like that in the future. Since that's not her style, it sounds like this wasn't the right domme for him. But that does not make him a piece of shit.
@Just Me

I do not think it was the fact that the request was made, JM, but moreso the fact that he violated the terms of their contract and refused to give up on it.

Pretty much this is what it comes down to: before entering into the scenerio it is important to make sure the person you are hiring is clean and responsible BEFORE beginning your session. This isn't your average "hire a prostitute" situation. This man was hiring a woman, under contract, to dominate and humiliate him. So once that gear is on, once that door is closed, those are the terms you must abide by. Have any doubts? Want to make sure she cleans all her tools? (because, frankly, a dildo is not the only dom-gear that can spread infections) ASK HER BEFOREHAND. And don't give me "I didn't know it would come up". You should have properly researched how these things worked before jumping in if that is the case.

If she were to stop what she was doing to reassure him of whether or not her dildo was cleaned it would have completely destroyed the atmosphere of control. The session would have been compromised. So it was either her doing what she did, or giving up her power- which is what her entire point is.

This guy was a douche. Not because he wanted to be clean, but because he didn't even think to ask about her cleaning habits or how responsible she was BEFORE signing that contract or winding up in that situation.

She had every right to do what she did. And this is coming from someone who thinks being responsible and safe in sex-play is of the highest priority. I don't wait until after the guy fucks me to ask "So hey, got any STDs?" I ask BEFOREHAND.
(oops, sorry for the double comment. it disappeared and then reappeared.)

I don't think the Mormons have been as careful as you think. They instructed members via an hour-long message that went out to churches in Utah, Hawaii, and Idaho as well as California to contribute money directly to assist Prop. 8 and to volunteer.

I suggest you take a look at
which looks more closely at this issue, and determines that at the very least the church failed to comply with even minimal reporting requirements, and absolutely violated the spirit of the law, if not the letter of the law.

No matter how careful you think they are by not violating the letter of the law, I would not be surprised if it was there violating the spirit of the law that will be enough to undo them.

Even before Prop. 8 you were getting sloppy on calls to the podcast, forgetting important details and not even bothering to go over the details again when formulating your answer, and in some cases even criticizing callers for not including information they clearly stated in the beginning of their calls.

As someone that only recently started listening to the podcast, I caught up by listening to all of them over the period of about a week, and there is a noticeable drop in your level of interest over the last several months. Now I think your disinterest is just turning to hostility.

If you don't care about the people that call and write to you anymore, at least have the decency to not hurt them.
Dan, While you were sitting beside him, did you mention to Anderson Cooper that visibility is the best way to combat homophobia and the biggest role he could play would be to come out?
No one should ever be dumped as a client because of an insistence on hygiene. Particularly in the disease-strewn age we live in, it's the only sensible thing to do. His domme was clearly in the wrong if she refused him on that basis. If he was being a dick about it, she should have told him that's why she was dumping him so he didn't get the wrong idea. Being a good top is about being responsible for your bottom and making sure they are kept safe.
I agree with henri. A clean dildo is just common sense. Being the sub shouldn't put you at any health risk. Yeah maybe you got him off by humiliating him, good for you... but i don't see any issue with his request. Part of the dom/ sub contract is respect for the sub as much as the other way around. Where is the sex worker's scruples?
BBIB - Next time you're having the conversation about the Bible's rules, ask to go over the specific passage that dictates marriage is only m-f. And then ask about the other rules in there, like not eating meat and dairy together. And how about shellfish? I'm never satisfied with the answers I get.
yowza, dan... pretty harsh on SHEESH. even if he is a manipulative piece of shit, you're making it seem like it's not okay for someone to look out for their own health. don't let your column give other people in similar situations the wrong idea--even the douche-baggiest have a right to be disease-free
I have an idea. The States and the Federal Gov't should all cease being in the marriage business in favor of Civil Unions for ALL. Then, let the various church organizations decide who they will "Marry" or not.
Battling Bigots should check himself - he has no "right" to time with those kids as their uncle. He has the exact same legal status as anyone else in the world who is not their parents - he gets to see them at the sole discretion of the parents, revocable at any time for any reason. So why antagonize the MIL? She's got more clout with her daughter than you do. And the mother of those kids may well be able to win on a "I'm not comfortable with all the drama, let's not invite your obnoxiously political fight-picking brother this time" argument with your brother. Why not just chill out? The MIL knows you don't agree with her. That's done. Any further discussion is just about your ego, IMO.
If I was being paid to dildo people I would make sure that each person had their own dildo. I would keep it clean and everything but they would be assured that the only dildo they were getting was theirs.

.... cue full metal jacket with dildoes ....
Honestly, I would want to know if the dildo in my ass was recently in someone else's'. Politics aside...its just polite.
I think you were way off base with SHEESH, Dan. Anyone at ANY time has the right to be concerned about their sexual health, particularly when there's a strong chance the object in question has been used with multiple partners. People are told they should make sure to watch a tattoo artist open a fresh needle in front of them, but suddenly it's not alright to ask someone to bleach a dildo? Whether or not he asked in an assholish, topping from the bottom manner, he has the right to make sure that it's clean. Period. He's well shut of this particular domme.
As a long time reader I am very put off by your response to SHEESH, so what if that dumb bitch he was complaining about reads your column (and aren't you a little high and mighty on yourself for assuming that she reads you) your responsibility - such that you have any - is to the person that wrote to you.
I agree with some of the others here - SHEESH was right and their employee for the moment was WRONG. Period! That person should be named and other clients who care about their health and safety should be warned.
I agree with "Just Me." SHEESH was totally correct in requesting her to clean it.
Dan, I generally love your column, but I'm appalled by your response to SHEESH. Safety comes first, and the dom introduced the dildo midway through the scene. What you seem to be so pissed about is that the guy wrote to you. Did it occur to you that the guy might not be trying to "manipulate" the dom, but instead be trying to (a) make sure that he, as a sub, is in line in asking for a clean dildo, and/or (b) make sure, for the sake of the dom's future clients, that the dom knows that a client's request for a clean dildo is a reasonable one? You've got a lot of influence, Dan, and your answer just might have made for a nice new little crop of STDs and AIDS among subs who will now hesitate to ask for a clean dildo.

You should have said something along these lines: "SHEESH, you should always negotiate such requests in advance, and this issue was foreseeable. But given that the dom introduced the dildo in the middle of the action, you were reasonable in asking for a sterile one. Sounds like you and the dom are not on the same wavelength, and you're better off parting. And dom, next time, use a condom, or take steps in advance to assure your client you're being safe."

My Mistress says the way his Dominatrix should have handled this is she should have made him wash the dildo under her watchfull eye.

Kudos for your appearance on Anderson Cooper 350. Not only did you articulate the legal case for freedom of marriage perfectly (yes, Loving v. Virginia as a perfect example of the Court's existing to overturn tyranny by majority), but I loved it when Tony Perkins had to resort to kvetching about you interrupting him. What? He thought he'd get fewer interruptions from Ann Coulter?

Here's a question about the "kids need a mother and a father" argument. When my grandmothers were widowed before their children were grown, should the government have stepped in and split up their sons and daughters among foster families headed by married couples? And would it have been appropriate to remove them from any of those settings in the event that Mom or Pop Foster met an untimely end?

Audrey Rasmusson, Esq.
Pittsburgh, PA
The response to SHEESH seemed a bit harsh to me, too. However, I can see that it might be insulting to be asked to be WATCHED washing the dildo.

He missed a step... one that includes diplomacy... perhaps asking about her sterile proceedures for her sex paraphernalia.

I can see how she would be insulted. By not asking if the item was sterilized, and instead asking to watch it be sterilized, it implys that he wouldn't have taken her word if she simply told him the dildo would be (or had been) sterilized.

Re SHEESH: I've looked to others for opinions when I'm wondering if I was out of line in my actions. Maybe that's all he was doing too.

Mistress, permission requested to scrub that dildo with bleach?
What self-respecting sex professional would accept her professionalism being so rudely called into question ? "Of course it's clean !"
As a unitarian, I see same sex marriage as a 1st amendment issue. Marrige is a scared rite, so the Government shouldnt pass laws that shows favortism to one faiths practicing of this rite over another faiths. While some people want to address it as a civil rights issue (not saying its not) the relgious freedom aspect should shut most conservative fundies down.
MarsAttack wrote: "Want to make sure she cleans all her tools? (because, frankly, a dildo is not the only dom-gear that can spread infections) ASK HER BEFOREHAND."

Bullshit. They hadn't discussed dildo training in the preliminaries; she sprang it on him. Cut this guy a break; he just wanted to be safe. You can quibble that his reaction wasn't exactly the right ettiquette, but the fact that she sprang this on him in the middle of a scene and then got all indignant with him means that she's the asshole, not him.

And Dan: You over-reacted. Just because he says the Domme reads your column doesn't mean he was being all passive-aggressive. He may have partly wanted to reach her, but so what? I mean, he was still asking a legitimate question. How many other sex advice columns could he have gone to? Jeeez!
I can state with authority that Kinky Coed has zero chance of making a living as a non-nude bondage model. Her chances would increase slightly if she were willing to pose nude, but even then, her chances are low. Yes, you can find non-nude bondage photos around, some of them nicely done even. But most of those models do it for kicks; few of them get paid anything. There are far more kinksters out there willing to pose than there are photographers willing to pay for it.
Chalk me up to the "too harsh on SHEESH" team. Jesus Christ, dude. What's gotten into you? It certainly sounds like we can assume that this particular issue was not foreseen and thus not outlined in his contract, and of course he has a right to his personal safety! What happened to your passionate support of safe sex in all situations? Why were you such an asshole to this poor guy? I'm totally baffled.
You were great on Anderson Cooper. It's so important for Americans to be exposed to a counterbalance to the right-wing pro-prop 8 talking heads. Thanks for presenting a logical, rational, well-reasoned argument in such a cool-headed manner.
Dan, you are waaay off in your response to SHEESH. He may well be a controlling twat, but dildo sanitation is as non-negotiable as getting a brand new needle from your doctor or dentist. Being vigilant about your health does not constitute topping from the bottom -- it just makes you an informed consumer. In sex work, like in all fields, there are sloppy practitioners who cut corners and/or engage in unethical practices. SHEESH is lucky to be rid of her.
Maybe the problem was the suggested method of cleaning the dildo? From what I hear, bleach is some nasty shit. You don't want that up your ass. I'm betting you don't want to pay for a new (expensive) silicone dildo after the bleach has ruined it, either.

He should have asked for it to be boiled or disinfected by some other means, and it definitely should have been used with a condom.
I thought when you got a chance to speak on Anderson Cooper you were good. However, AC was not a good moderator and let Perkins dominate the conversation. I bet if you count the air time, he had more. I felt AC could/should have done better and wonder why he didn't. Oh wait, it's CNN, for gosh sakes. Anyway, I'm a straight 53 year old dad and my 19 and 22 year old daughters love your column.


When I came across your column it was informative and educational enough that I went back and eventually caught up the missed articles. What you said to SHEESH may be the meanest thing you've said in the column to anyone. Not only did you offer no advice nor educate; not only was the situation a gray enough area that a detail had to 'tip' your opinion to judge him wrong; but you then say he is a piece of shit. Wow. I've witnessed people do some pretty lousy crap to another, and yet rarely if ever would I write a person off completely in such a way. You know almost nothing about SHEESH. Your response makes it clear your opinion about him was basically a guess, so how about showing a little respect for a fellow human being. If you are too frustrated with other things to do that, maybe it would be better to take a short break from the column.

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