Columns Apr 8, 2015 at 4:00 am

Kinky Boys


Dan should have answered the actual question in the last one: can you catch anything from dirty panties? I have plenty of friends who sell such things and they really do wear em in, so to speak. Not always, but usually.
(I'm no expert, but I seriously doubt it)
Mayonnaise really? The condiment?
And they can't tell the difference? I figured tuna....
Seriously, is there a guy market for guy underwear? I am about to undertake a career in internet "erotica" and wonder if I should save stuff. Please advise!
@3 Mayonnaise is much more similar to vaginal secretions in both smell and texture than tuna water (or whatever form of tuna). I'm a little weirded out that some people apparently can't tell the difference between mayo and vag juice, though. They're not that similar.
To think that I've been giving all those blowjobs for free when I could have paid the rent!

Jack in the box could attend the sessions occasionally, to see if he doesn't develop a taste for heavy bondage, or to film them, which his BF might enjoy later. He could also just bring a book to read while he's there, if he's not interested in the bondage but is worried about what might happen when he's not.
Tuna @3. Give us a break.
That's only some of the Time.and none of us fancy that smell. Or maybe some do.
But Mayo? Some guys are way easily duped.
For SHARE: In their 20s and 30s, many kinky people focus on career and family, and fool themselves into thinking they can live happily without kink. Those people end up divorced in their 40s & 50s, when their needs kick into high gear. You're a rope bondage top: you like tying women up. That isn't likely to go away. You should mention your kink as an added bonus, even when talking to vanilla girls. The GGG girl you want is not likely to be freaked out by your past, and if she is, she wouldn't have been compatible with you for more than a few months anyway.

@6, Yes, that's what I was thinking: JITB could accompany Jack without giving permission to the bondage tops to do anything at all to JITB. But maybe JITB knows these guys are jerks who won't take no for an answer. Coming to film once in a while is an excellent suggestion, Ricardo.
@3, 5, 7 et al: Well, actually it was Miracle Whip - but no one could tell the difference!
re JITB.... Just YUP Dan? That's it?

as to mayo, the real deal, or any other substitute... who cares as long as it does the trick. is that Pussebo effect? Seriously doubt you can get an std unless those panties are being fedexed overnight.... you could probably get a yeast infection on your tongue under just the right conditions... but it seems like a minimal risk.
we aren't 100% certain JITB is a man, right? I mean, the basic language leans that way... but it isn't spelled out...
@ 8 - Thanks, Erica!

Filming would keep him busy so he doesn't get bored, he'd have to be paying attention so he might discover a thing or two that seem fun to him, or it could awaken his voyeuristic side if he has one. He could then watch it with the BF who could explain how he feels while the other guys are doing this or that to him, which might pique JITB's interest.

Pussebo effect, Chairman? Pay that.
perhaps the filming (if JITB didnt enjoy it) would still serve a purpose and give his boyfriend something to watch at other times.... scratch the itch without going over to the other house.
@ 11 - I simply assumed that if JITB were a woman, there would have been something in the language that suggested it, or she would have mentioned something about her perhaps not being comfortable with her BF being with guys specifically (or him being bi if she is ok with it). The lack of any such mention is what makes me think JITB is a man.

Then again, I could be wrong. I guess you could say we can't know for sure until we open the box.
@ 6 - "maybe JITB knows these guys are jerks who won't take no for an answer."

He describes them as "two guys that I like well enough but don't find attractive at all", so he doesn't seem to think they're jerks. That doesn't mean they actually would take no for an answer, though, depending on how they define their role as tops.
Jesus God - I got halfway through this column and had to stop and comment. Guy who is blowing people for rent? Dan thinks this is "regular person" kind of problem that just requires a casual reveal? Does anybody think a little bit of financial belt-tightening is really the whole story here? And even if it is, one partner deciding, all alone, to prostitute themselves for rent is WAY beyond the sort of thing the other partner ought to be expected to just accept. Seriously, how does Dan think that conversation is going to go? Husband: things have been tight lately, so I'm meeting strangers down at the highway rest stop and sucking dicks. You cool with that? After all, I'm doing it for the family. Wife: But of course, dear, thank you for being willing to go gthe extra mile for us. What would you like for dinner, by the way? Trucker dick?
And, still not having read the other letters, for letter writer one: I was a stripper before I met my husband, which seems roughly in line with what you did - performance pseudo-sex without actual physical intimacy. Fairly far out there for vanilla types (certainly twenty-five years ago when I was doing it) but not crazy over the line. Oh, yeah, PS for those who read my post above and think I'm some sort of anti-sex-work prude - no, actually, I WAS a sex worker, albeit of a tame variety.
Thank you Guera, you beat me to it.
@Ricardo 15 - well played. haha
@ 17 - Dan answered the guy's question - he's putting his wife at risk, so she should know.

With so few details about the LW's relationship with his wife (does the wife know he's bi, does he sometimes have sex with men on the side that she's aware of, etc.), we have no idea how the conversation might go, but wouldn't you agree that it's still better for her to know?

As for Dan thinking that this is a "regular person" kind of problem, that's not what he says at all. He states that "regular people" have done sex work, and that sex workers are "regular people". Wouldn't you, as a former sex worker, agree with this, at least with the second part?
@ 20 - Thanks. I was hoping you'd appreciate.
There's a brand of silicone lubricant called Spunk that looks and feels—can you guess?—just like spunk.

Good thing they used a "p" instead of another "k."
@17. Gueralinda; Love that dinner conversation.
Very understanding wife.
Roma @23: yum yum.
The smell of skunk.
A friend of mine who indulged my foot fetish (let me jack off while looking at and fondling her feet) while we were dating mentioned recently that lots of women would be up for indulging it for the right price.

In all the time I've been reading Savage's column (since its inception) I don't think I've ever seen a letter from a woman who's into feet. I'm sure it's not an exclusively male thing but it wouldn't surprise me if 95% of people who are into feet are guys.
@18, I don't think there's much in common between SHARE's days as a rope bondage top and your stripper days. It sounds like he did rope bondage in private as well as in public, and more for fun than for money -- I thought the reason he brought up the live performances was to show how talented he was, rather than to suggest it was just a job to him. He loved the kinky sex he had... he just didn't find the right person to settle down with.

@26, I like sucking on a nice clean big toe, but I think of it as part of my general oral fixation wrt male body parts rather than specifically about feet.
@26, @27, Pretty certain all the letters in this column are from men. The title is Kinky Boys and, yes, the fetish is pretty much always had by guys.
LW1; you been living under a rock?
Millions of women around the world have been reading of kinks just these last few yrs. Having Fantasies bout finding that special boy to tie them up.
The books that one dare not name, because everyone has such a melt down about them.
Still, they have introduced women to the idea of bondage. So yes, tell the vanilla or pepermint chip women, that you are going to meet.
You may find that they find it a big turn on.
LW2; sorted by Dan. Interesting.

LW3; Not freaked out by this? Well you may not be freaked out by this, but c'mon, what sort of marriage have you got?
Not one with truth between partners at the cornerstone of it. Can't find another way to make ends meet? This rent problem not one you both have?
You haven't given us enough infomation re how you and your wife incorporate your bi nature.
But sucking cock for money, and what, not telling her ever? Only worrying about not getting STDs, rather than concern you are living a lie, as well as concern re STDs.
And you're a father. Teaching your kids lies are ok.
Tell her. And good luck. Cause you may just find you become a separated father.
"Yup"? Come on Dan. What's the point of answering if you're not going to explain. JITB apparently thinks that this might be reasonable: "I am not interested in your kink. I could do it, but I get bored. I'm okay with you doing it with our two friends, but not without me there, and I don't want to be there because I'll get bored. So you can't enjoy your kink."

It is obvious to the rest of us how ridiculously self-absorbed and NOT GGG this is, but obviously is not to JITB, so you're "Yup" is pointless. If the only purpose of this column is to show letters, not give advice, you may as well leave the commentary off.

So, to JITB, you are being self-absorbed and uncaring. If your partner means so little to you that you can't handle a couple hours of boredom every once in a while to keep them feeling sexually fulfilled, maybe you don't care enough about this person to be in a relationship with them.
@TheRob: GGG doesn't mean you have to do anything. Maybe I'm an outlier for Savage Love readers, but this:

layers of latex gear, hooded and gagged, strapped down inside a coffin-like "bondage box" with the lid closed and padlocked shut.

sounds pretty extreme to me. I don't think not wanting to do that means the letter writer doesn't care about his partner. The fact that he's considering letting his partner get his needs met elsewhere, even if the idea slightly bothers him, indicates he cares about his partner's happiness.
@8: The GGG girl you want is not likely to be freaked out by your past, and if she is, she wouldn't have been compatible with you for more than a few months anyway.

Lately, I've been thinking this advice is oversold--we tend to overlook the fact that anything that's both intimate and unusual tends to freak people out if it's disclosed too soon. For most people, even if it's a kink they might be interested in, there's still that early period where it's too soon to bring up something like that.

FWIW, I suspect that the younger you are, the longer that early period is--partly because everyone involved is less likely to already know what they're cool with and what they aren't.
@31: Dan has answered about 10,000 letters along these same lines, always giving the same advice: If you're not willing to indulge your partner's dealbreaking kink, you should allow them the freedom to get the kind indulged by others. JITB had already answered his own question.
*kink, not kind.
Wildesplaining for Ms Lava:

"There is no such thing as a moral or an immoral book. Books are well written, or badly written. That is all."

Not that Ms Lava quite called applied the Moral label, but it was close enough to provide a good excuse to quote dear old Oscar, especially in response to a near-quote of the dreadful Bosie (such a rivulet).
Combining two letters: Maybe SNIFFF's panty provider put Spunk Lube in her drawers? :)
@ 31 - Because of the way the LW's question was framed, I took "Yup" to mean "If you don't enjoy it but your partner needs it, you'll have to accept that he does this without you." Was it really necessary to say anything more?

And ciods @ 32 is right: being GGG does not mean having to do things that you really don't want to do.

SHARE sounds like he has vanilla madonna/rope whore complex. I can't imagine liking X, enjoying sex with others who like X, but wanting to settle down specifically with someone who doesn't have a thing for X. Is there a better recipe for a sexless marriage? For misery, cheating or divorce?

I think that kinks should be disclosed before sex. Not his whole history, just that he's into rope bondage. He doesn't have to spill on the first or second date but if he tells people he has long term intentions, he should spill before sex with them. It looks shady if it's not casual and he hides a potential deal breaker until after he's laid.
Jack in the Box, you could also just go, take a book, and check out the scene once or twice so you were more comfortable with what was happening instead of participating, you know.

Foot guy, Jesus, I'd let you do it if you just bought me pedicures and threw in nice foot massages!
@40: "SHARE sounds like he has vanilla madonna/rope whore complex."

To me, SHARE sounds more like he's decided to lower his standards in order to widen his dating pool. It's not a bad idea; if you've limited yourself to one subculture for a while and haven't found anyone, try dating people you wouldn't previously have considered.

It works.
PBR - if the roles were reversed.... would you feel betrayed? Would you thank your wife for sucking cock to make ends meet? If she told you she didn't feel bad about it and had written SL to ask if she should.... would that be fine with you? Seems you already KNOW the answer... being duplicitous in a marriage is never a good thing. This isn't you working the nightshift moving pianos to make ends meet, worried to tell your wife because you feel like a failure on some level... this is you putting her at risk, putting yourself at risk (aside from STI/STD...there IS violence in sex work at times...), and being dishonest. I suggest you ask her opinion or you stop now before her finding out is out of your control. (you end up in the hospital, catch something, a john comes to your house...etc)
I appreciate that Dan has already answered many letters like JITB's letter... but... if he isn't going to answer it with an explanation (or at least refer to an older letter)...why publish it at all?

As to the GGG idea... I love it and i consider myself very GGG. But, if your partner has a kink that requires WAY more effort than any that you have...its hard to keep any semblance of balance. Its human nature to seek fairness. If i told my partner that one of my dealbreakers was that i needed her to have occasional quickies, and her response was a dealbreaker that required me to spend hours tying her up, flogging her, etc.... I would hope she would accept a 10 to 1 ratio. A kink that takes 5 minutes to fulfill should not be considered the same as one that takes 5 hours. Just a thought.
BARE could also use his own. Harvest and keep some in the fridge for the wife to apply before the scene. Just don't let any house guests stumble across it while looking for a drink.
Huh. I wonder if there is a market for spermless, germ-free semen.
Also, I'm grass-fed and organic.
Cage-free, 10% alcohol by volume.
If your spunk is 10% alcohol by volume right now, then man, either I'm really impressed or you've got a truly stellar autocorrect. Scratch that: Impressed either way. My hero.
@EricaP: my general oral fixation wrt male body parts

Envious of your males.
@31 I'm not saying not wanting to do that is not being GGG. I think it's reasonable. And feeling comfortable with him getting his needs elsewhere, but not without JITB there, also reasonable. It's this comment:

"I'm uncomfortable with the idea of him going over to play with these men without me there, but I find these bondage sessions really tedious."

If watching your partner do something that they really enjoy is so boring that you don't want them to be able to do it at all (not, that squicks me out, or pushes my boundaries.. just sooooo boooorring), that's not reasonable. Hence the not GGG thing. not being willing to spend a couple hours of "tedious" watching every once in a long while (or until JITB feels comfortable with their partner going alone) is not GGG.
@33 If you've had an idle thought or two about water sports or enemas, sure, keep that to yourself. Or if you're just looking for casual sex, then, sure, those people don't need to know your serious kinks.

But if you have years of experience with a particular kink and you know you love it, then it should be disclosed soon after you start having sex with someone and the relationship seems to be getting serious. Let's say: disclose before you say "I love you." I just know too many people who wish now that they had been more honest ten or twenty years ago. If the person has experienced good sex with you, and runs away at the disclosure of a kink, then what do you think the odds were of that relationship lasting for decades if you didn't disclose?
@51 : ) I've got a new man in my life, and, yes, he seems to enjoy my oral fixation.
there seems to be a contradiction in JITB's language. He says "its way too much for me" and "tedious"... which to me are at odds...(as far as WHY he doesn't like it) Implies he is overwhelmed AND sooooo boooooring-as Rob put it). Wonder which it is...
@55, actually, that sounds just like my feelings towards tying people up. It's a LOT of work for the top, and especially if the person wants to retreat into themselves via hoods and other isolation devices, it's like tying up a big package. No fun for me, unlike flogging someone, where maybe that's not my primary kink, but at least it's fun to see the reaction I get from the bottom
If I was JITB, and being a practical woman, a million dollar life insurance on my partner is what I'd be looking at starting up.
@53: I agree with you, but I meant there's sometimes a lot of space between having sex and meeting. If we look at categories like first minute, first hour, first day, first week, first month, first year, first decade... there are a lot of things you'll roll with if you hear about in the first month, but will run away from if you hear about it in the first minute.

It seems like our kind of people often overlook that--that someone's list of giant red flags isn't static. I mean, if your husband has had some thoughts about water sports, and you hear about it in the first decade, it's probably fine; but if the same guy brings it up in the first hour you've known him, that's probably going to be different. That wouldn't mean you're a prude who all right-thinking kinksters should avoid. We have a tendency to assume that someone who isn't cool with hearing about kinks right away is someone who can't handle dating a kinkster, but I don't think that's true.

Given that, I think the "when to disclose" issue is more of a live one than it's often treated as being--it can be hard to tell when something is properly disclosed in the first month, but disclosing it in the first hour is going to scare off otherwise-fine prospects. It gets more complicated because, like you mention, disclosure too late is just as much of a problem, so there's a (sometimes narrow) window in which it's appropriate to bring it up, and this window can move based on a lot of different factors.
Totally agree with Eudaemonic @58 re: timeline on rolling out kinks. It's not just about the kink; it's about whether you have enough social awareness to determine the right moment to bring up that sort of thing with something new. Bringing it up way too early might scare someone off because it indicates a lack of understanding about how that sort of thing is done, rather than because they are scared of the kink. Not unlike being scared off by someone who says "I love you" way too soon, starts planning travel together six months out on the third date, etc.
Mr E; how's this, I agree with you.
Though this guy's past is kinda hot, I think a little time is needed before telling all the parts of one self to the other. Especially if it's a kinky part.

Just so some attachment/ affection is built up first. Then the love interest has more to go on in responding to any disclosure.
@58/59, I just pulled the advice to disclose serious kinks before saying "I love you" out of my ass, but I'm not seeing any problems with it so far. How does it strike you?

@60, He has had a serious girlfriend for eight months now, and he is delighted that I am starting something that feels like it has potential to last. Unfortunately, my new dom is not local, so that's frustrating, but we've had two visits in the past month and another one planned for the end of the month, and lots of chatting in the meantime... It has been interesting figuring out how two doms can share a sub without stepping on each other's toes, but it's working out well so far.
As long as you're a prince you may be able to get away with both feet AND shoes fetish.
Ask Cinderella for details.
Ordinary people may have a tougher time.
@ 45 - Why publish it at all? Because it fit so nicely with this week's bad boy theme. I'm sure he just couldn't resist. And perhaps by not giving a lengthier answer, he got his word count for the week's column just right.
bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do when they come for you. it a whole new meaning...
Just wait I guess, Chairman, just wait.
Oh, and put on some lipstick.
Not sure it would be my list of bad boys.
Except maybe the first letter.
The rest of them, nah, not bad boys to me.
The cock sucker is not a bad boy , he's a shit boy.
now you're splitting hairs Lava. :)
Really Chairman, licking fake cum, out of a can, from your woman's cunt?
A pretend bad boy there.
The panties guy? Like yeah. Just smelling some random woman's mayo, is of course not going to mean anything to him.
The buried and locked into a box guy, is he a bad boy? Sounds like a man
who trusts those around him way too much.
And the foot one. Does he shoot it over her feet? Surely, some girl out there could take pity on him, so he doesn't have to pay for it.
Is he a good cook? Or handy with an iron?
Bartering- much better look.
LavaGirl The problem with those books you hint at is that they introduce women into bondage as being the subs not the Doms. It is a way to reinforce the same old damaging sterotypes, where women are submissive and men dominant. Sexuality does not exist in a vacuum. It is a reflection of culture and society. Would have been very refreshing if in those books the woman was the Dom and the man the sub.
I am a dominant woman who, among other things, likes to tie men up, give them a good spankig, then put them on their knees and make them pleasure me while calling me "Master". The thrill this gives me is undescribable. Unfortunately, I have extremely limited sources to turn to, as these kinda of desires from a woman are very unusual and unheard of. Culture and porn portrays women as meek, submissive objects, whose sexual fantasies are about pleasing men. When a woman plays the role of a Dom, it is usually to satisfy, once again, male fantasies not her own.
If one wants to experience "new" kink, flip the gender role scripts for a change.
1. Commendable? Maybe for a Boy Scout, but otherwise it seems neutral.


3. My first instinct is to advise LW to buy his wife some nice pearls in which to vacuum. I suppose this exemplifies why the role of He Handles the Finances doesn't get an unconditional FTWL from many of the feminists I've seen address it, and I don't blame them. I'm almost sensing a story here in which she's supplementing the grocery money in the same way, and they'll learn about it when each is booked by the same client fro an MMF. As for other aspects of the letter, one could spin out the cross-examination for a nice little supply of daily refreshers.

4. I hope there's a good deal we haven't been told about LW's lamentations. Given how relatively low voltage this is on the GGG scale, one would certainly think Barter With a Partner before Pay a Professional.

5. On the plus side, Jack is not stinting on the vanilla. Filming as an end in itself (if the other two are fine with it and LW is fine with their having a copy) seems about as far as it's likely to get; I'd not hold my breath for it to be the Magic Gateway. I'd like to go into LW's feeling pressured in greater depth.

6. I might play my X card here. (The X card is something new some people are inserting into role playing games in order to avoid being triggered.)
@71 Gddss136
Not sure where you are located, but in at least one place I know where there's an active, growing bdsm community there's always a shortage of dominant women. All sorts of. And calling one "master" (should I capitalize it Master?) seems like a fairly small price, potentially even a turn on, to many submissive men
The trouble with those books are many. When I went to see the movie, I copped the mothers and baby viewing
Session. That was sad.
All these mothers, babes in arms, whose husbands probably look at them all now as just their children's mothers.
The lights were up, so it was pretty surreal. I went again, for a proper adult viewing.
And as Venn has pointed out, badly written stories.
So, where are the books, written by women like you? I'd read them.
Like the sound of a man calling me master. I'd have a few more chores waiting for him, once he'd pleasured me.
Hot story. Thanks for sharing it.
All we women can do, is push back.
@62: "I just pulled the advice to disclose serious kinks before saying "I love you" out of my ass, but I'm not seeing any problems with it so far. How does it strike you? "

It seems reasonable, though I'm not sure where I'd put that. Certainly inappropriate before the first month, but overdue before the end of the first decade, so it seems like a good candidate for "first year" in my crazily crude scale of relationship timelines.

Kink disclosures vary, though, based on how kink-appropriate the context is. Mentioning that you used to do public displays of rope bondage is probably fine within the first minute at a BDSM munch, but not so much in the first minute on the subway.
Some more inequality:
How about women paying men to send them their soiled underwear, or a female foot fetishist placing an ad and offering money
To the cocksucker:
Getting tested for STDs is important, but most places don't swab your throat--which can also harbor many of the bugs and is where *you* would be most likely to catch them. Find a clinic that tests you appropriately.
@76, I guess I think that if you are saying you love someone, that should mean that you're willing to tell them this level of private information. Whether you feel that love at one month, or six months, or two years -- it's when you feel that serious connection that you should be sure you are being open and honest with the person.
To the guy who likes the taste and consistency of semen, here's an idea: jack off and freeze your own semen. Whenever you feel like doing it, unfreeze it or insert the frozen spunk (if your wife is up to it) and taste away!
CMD, really? Women buy men's soiled boxers?
Not this woman.
CMDwannabe Are you trolling or you really don't understand what equal rights and opportunities are? Let me give you a hint. They have nothing to do with women requesting soiled underwear and being into foot fetish, and everything to do with women having the same political, economic, and social rights and opportunities men enjoy by default on account of their genital makeup. How is that equality when you want to force people into fetishes they aren't interested? Did you lose your freakin' marbles if you had none in the first place?

LavaGirl You are right! I need to write a book about a woman Domme and her male slaves whose life purpose is to keep Her happy by doing chores all the way to appeasing her sexually.
i don't even want to know what the recommended substance is to make men's underwear appear "game worn".... lol
Gddss136 - he was just playing....not trolling.... not his style....
and CMD... apologies if i used the wrong pronoun. What is your preference?
Chairman; I'd always like to smell my lover's clothes. The scent of a man.
His boxers. No. Never.
haha... yeah.... sometimes there is no analog for what turns us on.... If i tried to pull my partner's panties down and go down on her in an elevator... she'd probably smack me upside the head... if she did it to me... she'd get flowers every day for a week. I guess soiled underwear falls under the same concept... (hers turn me on... sorry... )
Chairman "If i tried to pull my partner's panties down and go down on her in an elevator.she'd probably smack me upside the head..." Why would she smack you on the head? Have you tried or you're just assuming?
unless smacking you upside the head is part of the arousal ;)
haha. Fair enough. I mean to say... she wouldn't want me to do that to her (she can't enjoy cunnilingus unless she is laying down and most definitely not in an elevator)... whereas i would love it if she did it to me. Just joking about the idea that reciprocation does NOT mean doing the exact same thing back... and it seems we often confuse that when discussing gender and sex. I'd like it if she smacked me upside the head... as long as she didn't also stop me from continuing...
Fair enough Chairman@90.
Being a woman who has lots of fantasies about sexual plays in public Places, I'd rather enjoy the elevator story happening to me.

Gddss; Do it. Write it. Let us know how it's going.
Gddss and Lava and Chairman
My point is that, at least in my experience, there is way more demand for women for different fetishes and acts, hence the "inequalities." The stuff that some men are willing to pay for, since it's very hard for them to get it any other way, is unheard of among most women.
Gddss- you never replied to my first post just saw red at the second one.
Chairman- a "he" is fine in this context, thanks for asking.

CMD I'm located in NE Florida.
I'm on the other side of the continent
Ever placed an ad in any site like fetlife or
Even cl may work. Playing with a novice or "curious" can be a lot of fun
Keep us posted as who and how. If you have your own "facility" you can also make some money
@94; CMD. Where in any of Gddss's comments, has she said she wanted to make money from her relationships with men?
That is one weird direction to go in.
@71: Female Dominants, unheard of? Not by a long shot. One of the reasons it surprised me to learn there are more female submissives than female dominants is the prevalence of the Dominatrix in popular culture: The Velvet Underground's "Venus In Furs", the archetypal BDSM song, is about a female Dom; other songs include John Mellencamp's "Hurts So Good", Depeche Mode's "In Your Room", "Behind The Wheel" and "Master And Servant", Iggy Pop's "I Wanna Be Your Dog", along with Madonna's entire Sex album and book. The rubber- or PVC-catsuited Domina (cis or trans) is an iconic figure, and femdom fetish clubs abound. A good blog is Bitchy Jones's Diary at

Perhaps you're young; popular culture portrayals of BDSM do seem to have swapped genders starting with the film Secretary. In any case, there are a lot of resources out there and a lot of men waiting to submit to you. Good luck!
@77: There's no demand from women to buy men's soiled boxers because most women can get all the soiled boxers they want just by shacking up with someone ;)
@92: A point well made, but just remember there are always exceptions for every gender-based tendency one might identify.
@EricaP: Good luck with your new guy. I hope it lasts and continues to work well.
Ms Cute - Given that you had a theory about lose/loose, would you agree with a suggestion that the lie/lay confusion is due to "lay" being the past tense of the applicable "lie"?

If it weren't for Mr Savage's frequent misuse, I'd be tempted to say that this ought to be the one site where people would know the difference. Once upon a time, I'd have guessed this to be a regional marker, but it seems to have spread.
I am a dominant woman who, among other things, likes to tie men up, give them a good spankig, then put them on their knees and make them pleasure me while calling me "Master". The thrill this gives me is undescribable. Unfortunately, I have extremely limited sources to turn to, as these kinda of desires from a woman are very unusual and unheard of.

I only know something about the commercial side of BDSM. In that world, dominant women outnumber submissive women 50 to 1 or something like that. I can't imagine a female dominatrix having trouble finding submissive men.
@95 Lava
If she invests in the right gear she may have a right to ask for a return of her investment.
As this week's column proves some men may be desperate enough to buy mayonnaise soaked panties.
If you provide a decent, honest, agreed upon act and invest your own money to create the environment I don't see a problem with it. This not prostitution and it's not as weird or uncommon as you may think. The payment stuff also helps set the tone and the dynamic between the dominatrix and her subs right from the start.
She has the right to use it any way she wants, the money suggestion is only part if it.
nocutename @99 likewise! :-)
@71: Those who have actually read the "books that one dare not name", as opposed to those who simply opine about them, would know that Christian was introduced to BDSM at a young age as a sub to an older woman.

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