Columns Sep 30, 2015 at 4:00 am

Asshole Moves


In response to LIAR, Dan wrote: "You want love, happiness, stability, and the freedom to fuck other guys"

Isn't that what most people want? Stability of a relationship and freedom to sleep around when the mood strikes. Point being, LIAR's sexuality seems totally normal and common, and I wonder if she would benefit by knowing that most people who make monogamous commitments do so despite strong desires to have sex with people other than their partner. Price of admission and all that. By all means, she should break up with this guy and try honest non-monogamy, but I get the sense she may be confusing people in monogamous relationships with people who are naturally monogamous.
"Is this the price I have to pay to keep her happy?"

If you want her to be happy, and you hate maintaining a long-term relationship, but want to be in a relationship with her, leave her. You're pretty selfish, duder.

Long distance relationships involve more work, effort you don't want to put in. She wants to talk to you, so do it or break up.
"I want to keep fucking my friend, but I also enjoy dating this other guy." Faack. Seriously? Is this amateur week?
Dan, I can't stop laughing at this week's final response. Too funny!!
Helping the kids weeks, hey Dan. Fine.
Though LIAR @28 is a little past the kid Mark.
Are you serious young lady? You have been with this man for two years, and have his " kid" stay on weekends. So I assume you are important in the kid's life as well as your bf's ?
Hope that fuck was worth it. Whichever way you go now, I'd call you an asshole.
And here I thought, from the title, that the column was going to be about anal sex ...
Ack, I hope the gf of letter writer 2 wises up and dumps his annoying butt soon. Bleah. The whole idea of a guy who gets "depressed by the monotony of it all" after, what, 4 months of long-distance "relationship"? So basically he's irritated that these ladies want him to text them occasionally? Bleah bleah bleah. So glad I'm an old.
@TMI: " I haven't told the guy I'm seeing about this and I don't plan to. But I feel guilty. I keep rationalizing that we have never had a talk about exclusivity, and I therefore have no obligation to him."

So how long do you intend to continue advancing this rationalization? Your Honesty Clock started ticking when you fucked this new guy and rationalized it this way. From this moment forward you are going to have to actively dodge anything that remotely resembles an escalation of relationship status, in order to be able to continue to make the claim (mostly bogus, and mostly to yourself) that you owe him no duty of care towards exclusivity since you haven't officially discussed it. This Lie By Omission is only going to keep growing.

Second, the question is not can you claim innocence on a technicality, the question is will your "actual" boyfriend agree with you that the technicality is fair and valid? Or is he going to tell you, "Nice try, but you just showed me your true character: a sophist and a technicality hunter. Out. Now."

You seem to have forgotten that there is a real, live person on the other end of this transaction. Not just a Rule that some hypothetical cosmological referee enforces. He does have agency, just like you, and he does have the right to dump your ass for any reason he sees fit. So if you don't want to piss him off and lose him, you have to make a better effort at representing his interests as co-equal with yours.
@Not An Asshole: Did Dan pick your sign-off acronym? Because "Naa..." pretty clearly describes your attitude towards your LDR girlfriend. She deserves to know that you're bored with her. You can get out from under the burden of having to interact with someone that you supposedly love, and she can go spend her energy with someone who actually gives a shit about her, unlike you. Sounds like a win-win to me.
@LIAR - "If he fights on that point, LIAR, if he tells you that he's sure you're capable of being monogamous, then you can tell him that by "sooner or later" you meant "last week, with this dude I met in a bar."

You tell him that even if he agrees to give it a try. Otherwise you are deliberately leaving him with the impression that this is hypothetical until proven otherwise, when in reality otherwise has been happening right under his nose but you are keeping it from him. That is still cheating.
avast, I think you're reading too much into her personality than is actually evident here. A lie of omission, excused on a technicality, that a person feels so guilty about that they take the time to write to a national advice columnist about, is not indicative of a pathological attitude toward the truth, but a pretty standard attitude toward the truth (self-serving revisionist fudging) alongside a possibly better than average gut-level moral compass (the enduring guilt). She did something shitty, and she feels shitty about it. Since most people don't like the feeling of being shitty, it's pretty unlikely that a person with a normal degree of self control is going to repeat an action that makes them feel shitty. It's a self-resolving problem.
Re: @8 vs. @11: i'm inclined to agree with avast2006's nicely delineated appraisal of TMI. Granted, without additional detail or follow up, weighing TMI's character is tricky business. Still, when I read her sentence "But I feel guilty." it seems to implicitly finish with ... is that not enough?

No TMI, it isn't.
The important part of TMI's character that we don't know is why she wants to continue dating someone she has not-wonderful sex with. I understand liking someone and having high expectations for them, then having trouble letting go of those hopes when reality sets in. I understand really really liking someone and feeling so invested in the relationship that it seems worth it to work on the lousy sex part. Neither of those seems to be the case here-- though the latter seems the more likely. I wonder if the problem is that she (she?*) gets off on the illicit part. That's the only thing that would explain why she doesn't break up with Mr. Two-Months and pursue a relationship with Mr. Great Sex. She NEEDS Mr. Two-Month to keep the hot illicit part of the sex with Mr. Great Sex going-- and that I think is a nasty move as Avast has said.

There's a larger question. I have often felt like the old-fashioned relic on this column for clinging to the notion that exclusivity is or ought to be the fall-back assumed model for people who are dating as soon as they start having sex together. That's unless there's something obvious that would spell non-monogamy as is the case with a one-night stand or unless they've never dated as is the case with fuck-buddies who never see each other outside of the bedroom or something else is spelled out. With this letter and Dan's answer to it, it would seem that there's more support for my position that previously seen here.

*No pronouns or other identifiers mark TMI as female, but the letter screams young woman to me. I think the dynamic does change in this case if all the players are gay men.
Is Joe Newton's illustration this week a Fecal Eclipse?
Lots of DTMFA letters this week, though in every case it's the LW's significant other who should do the dumping. "If I really want to cheat, that makes it okay to be a CPOS, right?"
Nope. It doesn't.

Assholes like this are also why it's so hard for well-meaning nonmonogamous people to broach the question, since it so often means "I'm a cheating piece of shit, and I've already cheated on you." Ruining it for everybody.
Ms Crinoline - "Other male friend" seems sort of a half-marker; that would be very odd phrasing for a gay man, but a bi man might put it that way.

I more or less agreed with your post, but worry that the elaboration of your conclusion won't be much to my taste.

(We need a statistician like Greg Sharko to track problems and responses; it would make it much easier to compare Mr Savage to Ms Williams [though V or S I'm not sure].)
NAA-- She's really happy? I've only got your word to go by, but it would seem to me that we have a great, cute, intelligent woman in a casual, non-destructive, non-dishonest relationship in which she's monogamously having sex with a man who's openly having sex with some number of other women, whom she rarely sees in person and feels like skyping with her is a chore. If you say so, but it sure seems to me that something's not computing here.

I think it more likely that we've got a troubled young woman who for some reason (a reason she should seek the bottom of in therapy) has thrown her lot with a man who isn't faithful to her, doesn't particularly like her unless circumstances mean that he has to put no effort into the relationship, and isn't making her happy. She's settling for what she thinks is the only thing she can get. Despite being great, cute, and intelligent, her self-esteem seems to be in the crapper.

While I do believe she's responsible for her own choices to stay monogamous with this guy, I also hold him at least a little responsible for leading her on. If NAA really wanted to keep her happy, he'd either be encouraging her to have sex with men who can be around for her on a more full-time basis or would make a clean break.
LW1@TMI... "I haven't told the guy I'm seeing about this and I don't plan to." THAT makes you a CPOS, not the fact that after only two months you discovered you also have the hots for a guy other than the one you're dating. Two months is about the point where the "exclusivity" conversation should occur (conversation, not necessarily decision)'ve had enough time to get a fairly good handle on how much you like guy no. 1. In SavageLoveLand open relationships and poly partners sound like fun, but HONESTY STILL COMES FIRST. In the world most of us live in, fucking another guy behind the back of a current boyfriend shows a total lack of respect and that's a deal-breaker even if you haven't really been dating that long, and even if the sex is only so-so. Stop being an asshole, HAVE THE CONVERSATION then make a choice. Who knows? Guy #1 might be cool with non-exclusivity. Guy #1 MIGHT be fucking another girl behind YOUR back. After all, turn-about is fair play.

LW2@NAA... You're 23 and afraid of commitment so you keep your relationships long-distance mile-wise and emotion-wise. She'll get tired of your selfishness pretty quick and that will solve your problem.

LW3@LIAR... Some people don't want, some people DON'T DESERVE the stability of a relationship where "the sex we have is consistently good, sometimes amazing". This is a guy with a kid. You're fucking around with TWO people's happiness, and that's a doubly shitty thing to do. Get to couple's counseling or break it off immediately! "Too self-conscious to be dominant in bed" is surely something that can be worked on.
"Dear Dan: My current partner either has very low self-esteem or mistakenly trusts me, so I can get away with acting like a total shit as long as I tell the right lies. This makes it all okay, right?"
I find it a bit baffling that Dan thinks cheating on Mr. Two Months is an asshole move, because 1. They still haven't discussed whether they want to be exclusive, 2. Dan is always loudly advocating nonmonogamy, and 3. How do we know Mr. Two Months isn't doing the same thing?
Also, LW3@LIAR... Dan's position is that people aren't "wired" to be monogamous (which I disagree with, although I do think SOME people aren't wired to be monogamous and your history does seem to indicate that's the case). If you are one of the non-wired, get out and get out now. If, however, you desire monogamous relationships but are consistently sabotaging them due to insecurity, past trauma, or just plain old bullshit, you gotta take a look at yourself, and a good therapist can help with that.
@ 11 - "Since most people don't like the feeling of being shitty, it's pretty unlikely that a person with a normal degree of self control is going to repeat an action that makes them feel shitty."

Please define what is a "normal degree of self control", because in my experience of the human species, a normal degree of self control is "almost none"; people do indeed repeat over and over and over again the actions that make them feel guilty, then blame their victim for what they themselves did in order to alleviate their guilt.
@ 21 - Nonmonogamy and cheating are two different concepts. The first one can be done honestly, the second, by definition, can't.
Loved Dan's advice. She made an effort to put her preferences out there, but BF did not get on board. She really needs to be honest with him and then accept the consequences. Her rationalization feels familiar to me as I read this. I guess there is quite a bit of rationalization going on in my life too perhaps???
RE Naa
This guy is so needy. My impression is that he keeps the LDR going just so he is never really alone between hook-ups. sheesh.
LW1, just break it off with the two month dude, you're in the honeymoon phase and already fucked someone else.

LW2, you are wasting this woman's time. Dump her and find a girl you actually want to talk to.

LW3, you my dear are a cheating piece of shit. This guy has invested two years in a relationship with you and trusts you with his child. Tell him you fucked someone else and will continue fucking other people whenever you want to so he can dump your ass and find someone who doesn't take a loving relationship for granted. Next time you want a partner try being honest from the start. There's nothing wrong with not being monogamous unless you lie to your partner about it.
NAA: "the weekly Skype calls feel like a chore" - wow, just wow.
Beccoid @7: "Nine months and counting", and she wants to talk to him by phone every day. I don't talk to my local partners every day. Sorry, but NAA isn't the annoying one.
Lolla @27: Maybe that's because he's already talking to her on the phone, as I noted in @28, every day? The guy's 23. His girlfriend is in another town. Cut the dude some slack.
i can see why Dan published all of these letters together. Seems each LW already KNOWS they are being inconsiderate a-holes... and they each reached out to Dan on the SLIM chance that maybe he would give them some absolution in the form of a "sex and relationships are evolving and you are doing fine" reply. But they knew that was probably not going to happen.

I think the long distance guy irks me the most. Somehow, calling your partner a chore... etc... without any other info other than that his partner thinks she has a boyfriend ffs.... is worse than the two cheaters. LW2 - you don't want to be in a relationship. Stop getting women into relationships under false pretenses.
oops... i thought the long distance guy was 28. only 23 does cut him more slack.. although... just how many long distance relationships can someone get in before 23? and does he keep going that route (long distance) because he doesn't want to be in a relationship at all anyway?
Crinoline @13: "I think the dynamic does change in this case if all the players are gay men." Interesting, in what way does it change? And Venn, as the resident expert, would you agree?

Crin again @17: I agree with your assessment of NAA's girlfriend. I'll bet she's very young, and needy, and that's why she's willing to accept non-monogamy on his part while insisting on daily phone calls. A slightly looser grip on the reins might allow her some time to discover herself and her other interests. I disagree with Hunter @20; NAA's situation seems to be the only one in which nonmonogamy has been discussed.

Ricardo @24: nailed it. Dan didn't describe TMI's cheating as anything other than cheating, probably because TMI initially told Male Friend s/he was off limits due to being in a relationship and then changed their mind. Ergo, they KNEW they were cheating, and that's why they felt guilty. Dan supports honest non-monogamy, but not cheating other than a last resort in a sexless relationship the aggrieved party cannot ethically leave.
DonnyKlicious @18 >> "Too self-conscious to be dominant in bed" is surely something that can be worked on. >>

If someone needs serious kink in their life, they should avoid committing to someone vanilla. The principle of GGG helps explore when your partner is new to the idea and may actually find it hot (everyone was new once), but GGG won't resolve a serious kink/vanilla incompatibility over the long term. Two years is long enough to figure out that he's vanilla.

She doesn't say if she has ever dated someone rough & dominant, and still ended up cheating at the two year mark. My sense is that she has a madonna/whore complex going on. A man who treats her roughly isn't suitable for a relationship. But the gentle ones don't turn her on. She should try dating one of the guys she's actually attracted to, and find out if that helps curb the desire to cheat after two years.

If she still cheats when she's with someone rough, then maybe it's the illicit sex that turns her on, and she should state that up front in future relationships. Someone out there will find that hot, and they can negotiate their way to an ethical understanding.
NAA (LW2) called it. He gets into LTRs, gets bored, and ends them. He is just wrong to think he resolved it this time. He's heading towards his usual endgame yet again.
My post @33 is about LIAR (Likes It All Rough).
NAA called it: he has a pattern of starting LTRs, getting bored, and ending them. His mistake is in thinking he resolved it this time. He's heading towards his usual endgame.
Sorry for the double post.
Generic @34: Yes, I see what you mean. He doesn't want a Big Commitment, so he gets into long-distance relationships where he can't get smothered. But he still feels smothered in this one. Perhaps what he needs is someone who is local and poly? I think being a secondary could suit him quite well.
LIAR - get out, get out, get out. Do not continue dating the nice guy with the kid who makes love to you. You want to be fucked. That's ok. Dragging kiddo through the mess this is about to be is not. It's too early for you to settle - get into therapy and figure out what you really want. I suspect you think you can't have an awesome kinky sex life and a good man. But you can. You can also have an honest relationship. Not this one though.

TMI - there's nothing wrong with not being exclusive after 2 months. There is something wrong with allowing someone to believe you are, behaving as though you are, and then changing your mind without telling him. As a person who has done that, and has gone on to date ethically and still gets everything she wants, just be honest. It's so much easier, you weed out douchebags right away, and you get to know the person before committing. And if I'm honest, lots of the most awesome guys are really, really stoked to find someone who isn't just looking for generic boyfriend, but really looking for the right one. They want to know you really chose them and that they have to prove themselves awesome, just like you do.
@23, that's a rather pessimistic view. Or perhaps we simply have very different social circles.

Current technology gives people the means to cheat on partners very easily and get away with it. However, a minority of people cheat in any given relationship. Something other than the threat of a partner finding out restrains people, and for most this is probably the anticipated guilt.

There's a reason religions the world over use shame and guilt as the tools of power - it works.
@40: You really live in a world where shame and guilt are a reliable means of keeping people from doing what they want to?
Huh. Sounds like a nice place, albeit a boring one.

I think a more accurate summary is that shame and guilt keep some people from doing things that'll make them feel shitty, and that the LW has demonstrated that she's not one of those people.
@ 40 - I wouldn't call that pessimistic. It's realistic. And I'm not talking about my social circle. I've lived in several countries, and more importantly, I've dealt with people from all over the world, and it's the same all over.

You learn an awful lot about human nature when you spend five years working in hotels, I can say that much. When people are away from friends and family, they reveal their true nature. Quite an eye opener. Very little shame or guilt is displayed.

And on this topic: shame and guilt only work to a certain extent, i.e. they mostly make people try to cover their tracks and pretend to be ultra-religious, which is to their religion's advantage. On the other hand, they have so far thoroughly failed to eliminate the behaviours they're supposed to, like cheating. And that's not the point. If it did eliminate them, religions would be out of business. As you say, they are tools of power, and they are used in a way so as to preserve the religions' power over the long term by prohibiting natural behaviours that the faithfuls will have a very hard time not engaging in. Hence the lack of self-control I mentioned earlier.
@ 41 - "shame and guilt keep some people from doing things that'll make them feel shitty, and that the LW has demonstrated that she's not one of those people"

My thoughts exactly.
@ 32 - "in what way does it change?"

In most cases I know of, gay people have that conversation around the third fuck if they want monogamy, before the second one if they don't. As in: "Would you like to see me again? Nothing serious, just for sex. Here's my phone number." (Obviously, more often then not, dating of any kind starts AFTER the first fuck; another change in the dynamics.)
I mostly agree with your post, though given limited information in the letter it's hard to tell what steps LW has taken to address the situation.
Did she just say, "Honey, could you get a little rougher when we make the beast with two backs?" Or did she spell it out? "You gotta throw me around, call me a whore and choke my ass when we fuck or I'm not going to be satisfied. And when I'm not satisfied, I cheat." Don't sugar-coat it. She sounds like she genuinely loves the guy, but just can't help but cheat on all her partners at the two year mark, which is either pathological, deeply ingrained or a bullshit excuse for being lazy. No relationship is perfect, but asking for rougher sex isn't unreasonable (unless she REALLY wants him to beat the shit out of her). Seems like that could be overcome with a little work. The real question is why does she sabotage her relationships at the two-year mark? You had some good guesses.
@42/3: Right. I mean... if shame and guilt worked, then the Pope would probably rule the world (or maybe never have existed in the first place), Ashley Madison would never have existed, nobody would need locks on anything, and none of these letters would ever have been written. TMI also wouldn't have become a CPOS in the first place.

We've already tested the theory of whether TMI's conscience would keep her from cheating. Experimentation has demonstrated that this hypothesis is false.
@45: I think TMI gives us the important insight into both of them: "but to be honest, I was insanely turned on by his forwardness."

Rule-breakers make shitty partners, so people attracted to rule-breaking lead difficult lives.
@ 46 - Hopefully she won't try to do a follow-up study.
DonnyKlicious @45, generally speaking, kinky people should only commit to other compatible kinky people. It's a big issue, like wanting kids or not.
@48: My money's on "she will." The rationalization's already started.
@BiDanFan @29: I think I just didn't understand "I just find myself not wanting to talk to her every day" as that they actually talk on the phone every day - and was a little surprised by Dan's answer. I understand "talk" as any kind of communication these days, including texting. I read it as, "I don't want to hear from her every day or have the weekly skype calls." And then he says he only wants to talk to her when they meet in person ("I only feel like catching up when I see her in person"). I guess it depends on how often they meet.
@49EricaP Totally agree, though I don't think she's THAT kinky. All she wants is rough sex...she's not asking him to dress up in a batman suit and screw a horse on main street. She says. "We are very much in love and have a supportive, happy relationship" and "My boyfriend and I have sex that I truly enjoy". There's something else going on - It's not that hard to rough it up a little in bed unless the guy is a total weasel-eyed wimp. Which he might be, in which case she, and he, need to move on.
@ 48 - The mere fact that it's not obvious to her how assholish that move was pretty much tells us it'll be a long while before she changes her ways.
EOD special midday edition:

Some semi harsh words to the big Kahoona:

Dear Mr. Savage,
Some of us here have been reading you for some time. Only last week we have generated almost 500 posts, although a very welcomed newcomer– she asked me to be nice to her- suspects she is responsible to 400 of them.
We have witnessed you evolving over the years, quick to learn new things, and right on when it comes to social, political, activism, and many other aspects of our lives.

We may disagree from time to time, but I’d say these are often nuances that are interpreted differently. As you may have noticed yourself our positions are defined by the jello between our ears, but are often influenced by the stuff we have between our legs.

Unfortunately your ignorance of that young lady drinking issue last week is not one of them. Look Dan, some of us got it right away in the first read, after a long day that included couple of drinks at the neighborhood pub prior to getting back home and wind down.
I assume many more would figure it out once they edit the letter and articulate a response.

Your apology seems to be in line with prior apologies, humor and all. I understand. I wish I could also drink on the job. I’d still aim to provide knowing I have such following and potential influence.

Granted, Ricardo is not the only one who’s intoxicated here. But if EOD staff members write an important business-related email at night while under the then they may opt to save the draft and look at it again the next morning.
It’s a strictly enforced company policy, not that anyone ever follows it.

EOD still loves you
DonnyKlicious - I don't want my men to dress up in Batman suits and screw a horse over on main.

But I need them to be happy to run the fuck most of the time and enjoy tossing me around. That sounds like what she needs, too. From seeing a lot of marriages end over this issue, I don't think it can be reduced to a casual "it's not that hard to rough it up a little in bed unless the guy is a total wimp."

Actually, it is that hard to bring dominant energy to the bedroom if that's really not your thing.
@ 52 - I really don't think you need to be THAT kinky for it to be a deal-breaker. I wouldn't say I'm super kinky myself, but I wouldn't have a relationship with someone who doesn't share my kinks, even if the relationship is non-monogamous. Because if I did (and I have, after being lied to), I would always see sex with my partner as second-rate, and that can't be good for a relationship (it wasn't).
@ 55 - "Actually, it is that hard to bring dominant energy to the bedroom if that's really not your thing"

Totally agree. I tried a few times, and I just disappointed the subs. I can play submissive for a little while, but I don't really get into it either, and the few doms I've been with could sense it.

"Kinky people should only commit to other compatible kinky people". Truer words were never spoken.
@ 54 - So now you tell me I've got a reputation as a stoner? Gee, how did that happen?!?
Shame and guilt.
LIAR is the one that spooks me. Her dispassion in the letter re any concern for how she has behaved towards her partner and his child, so easily going off and fucking some stray dude, oh that's right, she gets a little toey at the two yr mark.
She wants to feel like a porn star?.. This woman, I sense, has serious issues with her humanity, her empathy for her guy.. Who she says she loves.
Special midday edition, CMD, already..
ricardo... it happened from smoking lots of weed i presume... ;)
Who cares whether LIAR is getting tossed around enough. That's not the issue. Too late now with her bf, she has punched a hole right thru that one.
And following Dan's advice sounds really callous and dishonest.
Leave this man and his child LIAR, or front him Now with the truth. No bullshit manoeuvres re Dan's suggestion. No more lies.
If you decide to go the leave way, do it with real care.. And forget to mention the hot fuck. Just tell him you made a mistake committing to this little family. If the child has developed an attachment to you, wean them off you over time.. Don't just disappear from their life.
@55 – @57 I concede your point, though I think this still smells faintly of a handy excuse to bail on yet another otherwise satisfying relationship at the 2-year mark. Which is totally her prerogative – satisfying relationships that aren't perfect in every single way aren't for everyone, and you gotta have what you gotta have.
Well said @62Lava.
You've got staff members now CMD?
How quickly your little enterprise has grown.
Ms Fan - Thank you for the compliment, but Mr Ricardo would be a much better choice for resident expert; I had perhaps the least sex out of all the regulars in my prime, and am not particularly upset that that ship has presumably had its last sailing.
@ 63 - I have a feeling she has yet to admit that what appears satisfying to everyone else simply doesn't to her, and it takes her about two years to get fed up with pretending to herself that she's got a great thing going (she does, but it's not what she needs). So when she gets to that point, she sabotages the relationship. In some ways it's easier to admit (to yourself and to others generally) that you're just not made out to be faithful than that you need to be roughed up, especially if you're part of a group that's usually on the losing end of a power imbalance in society.

@ 61 - ... and hijacking a thread about weed addiction with long posts in defense of the sacred herb, I guess.
Yes Ricardo.. Her business, her choice.
Yet she shacks up with a man and helps rear his child? Not too smart really, whatever sex she is, if she knows she lasts only two yrs till the itch starts again. Much better she own up to herself how she wants to play it and not drag others with her down the wrong path.
And rosary beads to you , Donny.
Ricardo @44: Thanks. So, assuming for a moment that TMI were in fact male, would the fact that they have been seeing each other for two months and not explicitly made a monogamous commitment mean that other options are open, or would the lack of specifying that options are open mean that by default they weren't?

Lolly @51: Ah, Dan and I both read the letter literally. I guess it could be interpreted as "I don't want to communicate as often as she would prefer, which is every day." I guess I can more easily sympathise with NAA because I don't need constant communication from partners. Sounds like, either way, she needs a lot more communication than he does. She's not giving him enough absence for his heart to grow fonder.
@70: For the hypothetical, I assume we should skip the part where she says "I told him I couldn't, and he knew why," since that seems really unusual for a relationship that wasn't definitively seen as monogamous by all three people involved. @Ricardo-Omitting that part, though, I'm curious too about the same question BiDanFan asks.
His heart grow fonder as he fucks other women you mean, Fan.
Those other letters, bring up the Expectations people bring to a relationship. The two month girl hasn't had that conversation, yet she is caught by expectations that he might have..
The LDistance guy is also in the same situation.
Expectations are a burden. Because everyone brings different ones to the table at the beginning of relationships. Does one have to write a check list at the beginning of relationships that turn sexual?
Unspoken expectations are confining, yet we all have them.
@ 69 - Agreed. Until she admits to herself that she absolutely needs a non-vanilla partner (if I'm right) or that she's just not made out to be monogamous (if I'm not), and until she's able to articulate that to every potential partner, she shouldn't get involved in a relationship, period.

Unfortunately, people have been known to do stupid things.
Lava @72: Hey now. My heart did not stop growing fonder for my long-distance lover just because I had local lovers as well. NAA's heart does not seem very fond when he views Skyping with her as a chore, now does it? Having a hypothetically open relationship hasn't solved his need for a bit more space.
@ 70, 71 - Generally speaking, I would say: by default open for people over 30, by default closed for the younger ones, who haven't lost all their illusions yet. But that's taking my generation as the standard. I don't really hang out with young people (my youngest friend is in his late 30s), so maybe they do things differently.

But in truth, it's a highly hypothetical question to me: I don't know of any gay couple that didn't clarify these things pretty much from the start. Being guys and knowing what guys are like, it's the logical thing to do in order to avoid having unrealistic expectations.
Fair enough, Fan. And I agree with your comments up thread, this guy shouldn't have to contact her more than he wants to. If it's not enough for her, then she has to work out how to create the distance both feel comfortable with.
Intimacy is a felt thing. If it is forced by expectations, then the intimacy suffers.
Obviously LIAR has made some strong commitment, living with her bf..
The other two need to tell their lovers how they want it, one is allowed one's truth.
The two month girl really needs to have that conversation.
Lava your posts 62 and 72 are somewhat in contrast with 69 (also a post).
Both twos come across as understanding and helpful in untangling a situation. Yet 69 is more of a “don’t even try.” Pretty harsh on someone in her 20’s, despite the possible patterns.
And I’d say it’s also the father’s responsibility to choose his dates and whom he brings to his child’s life, though I can’t really tell what was going on.

Ricardo @ 73, also on the subject
The realization of who you really are and what you need may take time. Lots of mistakes are done along the way. Changes occurring, needs and desires shift.
@76 -- "The two month girl really needs to have that conversation." Two month girl needs to understand that she has placed her boyfriend in the role usually occupied by the family dog. If she wants friendship, security and affection without the sex, she should look into neutered german shepherds and let her boyfriend go find someone who is actually turned on by him.

Unless he has a cuckold kink. In which case, carry on.
@ 77 - Yes, and that's why I used "should" instead of "must", because I know people rarely are that self-aware.

I also know it took me a lot longer accepting my kinky nature than my homosexuality, so I understand that she might just not be there yet, and that her intentions aren't necessarily bad. But quite frankly, if you've already identified your pattern of cheating after two years, you should realize that you need to work on understanding yourself better before you ask someone else to come into your life.
Ok Late. Obviously this girl has got you going.
It is only two months, after all. And who says that one has become monogamous after a few fucks? If they haven't actually said the words to each other..
I don't like the way she has gone about it, and her story with two month guy is probably at an end.
I just don't agree that others should assume anything after a couple of fucks about how the other person is conducting their sexuality.
Having said re STDs never seems to be such a big concern for people. Fear of that is what controls some of my sexual behaviour, Not following some rule book I didn't have a say in writing.
I often seem to land on @69, CMD.
Did I promise consistency? I don't think so.. And I do just play with ideas as they come up. Teasing out the story..
When a child is concerned CMD, I guess I see red. A person in their late 20s.. Who says she has a habit of this?
And really her letter did freak me a bit. Her heading out in the cold light of day to go fuck Mr Great.. Something about her attitude to what she has committed to.
Why live with a man if you can't commit? Wtf is that story. And a man with a child.
Yes, it is the father's responsibility to watch who he lets in close to his child.
Did LIAR tell him of her two yr itch Before they shacked up?
@ 83 - "Yes, it is the father's responsibility to watch who he lets in close to his child.
Did LIAR tell him of her two yr itch Before they shacked up? "

Good point. He can't tell that she's not trustworthy unless he gets some evidence of it.
well i had to go back and read 45 to get an idea as to what the hell ass choking is...

hahaha.... damn you hunter
as to the letters... the kid one requires more finesse than the other two. Those other two could let those relationships play out (and keep up with their assholish tendencies... and see what happens). The one with the 2 year relationship and a child in the mix.. she needs to think a bit more selflessly.
EOD 1:

The well-documented fact that women can be assholes too has been proven once again to those who say that women can be assholes.

All genders and orientations come with a built-in asshole.
Some are more attuned to their inner one then others.

The committee in Stockholm or is it Oslo should be contacted again: Eud and BiDan just ask Ricardo for a compromise they both agree on in advance!
@11: I will agree to the stipulation that it might be a stretch for us to fairly brand TMI as someone with serious character flaws. The point was, Boyfriend might very well do that; and if she persists in trying to draw out this it's-technically-okay-because-we-have-never-OFFICIALLY-discussed-it phase, he is very likely to do exactly that, and the longer she goes, the more deserved it will be.
@21: "I find it a bit baffling that Dan thinks cheating on Mr. Two Months is an asshole move, because 1. They still haven't discussed whether they want to be exclusive"

Knowingly letting someone continue to conspicuously believe that things are one way, while secretly going and doing the opposite, is an asshole move. Caveat emptor is no way to run a relationship. I wouldn't do business with a shopkeeper who worked that way. Why is it okay in a love interest?
I am a 23-year-old straight male who has a pattern of getting into long-distance relationships

Close your laptop, take a shower, locate the exit to your apartment (hint - it's where the delivery guys bring you the pizza), and go outside into the real world to meet women.
he struggles to be dominant, rough, or talk dirty, which are things I really get off on. He says he's too self-conscious to be dominant in bed.

Wow. So, wife and I had sex this morning, and I was feeling it a little more than usual, and it was an epic struggle not to been too dominant, rough, or dirty for her tastes. God how I wanted to take that cock-teasing princess by her hair and teach her a hard lesson about what happens to pretty little fuck sluts when they get a man all worked up.

If they're into that sort of thing, of course.

Damn, LW, I kind of hate your boyfriend.
Lol @92. I'm a total weasel-eyed wimp (@52) myself who absolutely hates this "dominant" "rough" crap. Good thing that I'm single and intending to stay that way.
You're dirty Sean, I like it.
I can understand this girl wanting it a bit rough.. She doesn't sound D/s like some of the crew here like it. Well she doesn't say that she is.
If it's just sometimes she likes a caveman in her bed, then maybe bf could have upgraded his skill set.. If she had
found a way to unleash that man dragon. Or just told him to get the fuck a bit more proactive, giving her what she wants.
Bit bloody late now.
Thank you, Dan, LWs, all commenters, and Joe---your graphic covers assholery quite well this week.
sb53 @25. Is it a different set of rules when near the finish line of life as opposed to the starting line?
Hard call, unless the spouse says point blank no more nooky for you, in that case I feel it's fine to go, ok.. I'll just cruise off quietly and find some action elsewhere.
If, however, spouse hasn't closed the sex up.. Then I guess, rationalization does come in handy.
Hey Grizelda, how you doing?
Our spring so far has been very gradual and some nice rain. Fills the tank.
One son over in the Solomon Islands for few
weeks, doing some building.
Labour day here next Monday, I'm hoping to make that my first trip to the ocean. Those sharks better stay away.
Both TMI and LIAR are FCPOS. Either end their current relationships or have the decency to tell their partners WTF has been going on and let their partners decide if they want to continue the relationship. In each situation my response would be to DTMFA and move on with my life. They acted unilaterally and have destroyed their existing relationships. It would be different if their actions were mistakes that would not be repeated, but that doesn't appear to be the case. At this point it is far too late to discuss options, that went out the window when acted unilaterally, Neither partner has done anything to deserve being fucked over. TMI and LIAR need to minimize the damage done to their partners. From this point on they will not only be CPOS, but LPOS. They can not trust to providence that their cheating will never be discovered. The problems with lies, deceit, and betrayal is that over time it becomes harder
to maintain an increasingly complicated web of lies. They need to be honest with themselves as well.
Lava @80: It's a couple of months, not a couple of fucks. But yes - TMI is still within what I like to think of as the 90-day return period, and has all the evidence she needs to conclude that this guy isn't the guy. She had it before she fucked the other guy, but it took the other guy to make it clear. She needs to DTPNP (dump the perfectly nice person) already.
As for LIAR, she needs to go out and find herself a dude with a cuckold fetish.
Seandr @91: Yeah exactly? Why does he have all these long-distance relationships? Maybe he could try meeting a girl some way other than online?

Registered @93: I'd rather fuck you than Sean. Someone even tries to "take me by the hair," I show them the door. Takes all kinds :)
Maybe I'd be happy to fuck both of them Fan... you know, different days different fellas.
Indeed, variety is the spice of life and so on :)

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