If you’re tight on funds, resisting the looming Trump presidency isn’t necessarily as simple as writing a check to Planned Parenthood or the ACLU in Mike Pence’s name. Though it’s crucial to support the organizations that are trying to protect our constitutional rights, throwing money at the fire isn’t enough. It’s also good to keep in mind that these organizations exist for us and are maintained by people like us. These conscious changes we make in how we move around this strange new world are equally important, and can serve as constant reminders that this isn’t normal. Luckily, there are many ways we can be agents for change in our own lives and communities without breaking the bank.

Related: Seattle Resistance & Solidarity Calendar


When you’re working long hours and/or multiple jobs, it’s difficult to commit much time to volunteer work when you’re already overworked and exhausted. But if you’re able to, find one local organization in your neighborhood to donate a few hours to, whether weekly or monthly.


Phone up your representatives! It only takes a few minutes to voice your concern and let your reps know that if they support policies like repealing the Affordable Care Act, which would threaten the lives of countless Americans, they will not have your support.

Support Wisely

Where you choose to spend your money is tremendously important. Boycott businesses that support Trump (grabyourwallet.org is a great resource), consider divesting from big banks and joining a local credit union, schedule your next reproductive health care appointment at Planned Parenthood, and when it’s affordable, try to patronize small businesses, particularly those run by immigrants, people of color, and members of the LGBTQ community.  

Educate Yourself

Learn how to protect your own rights so you’re better equipped to protect those of others—the ACLU has great resources on its website for familiarizing yourself with your rights.

Speak Up

You have no obligation to engage with bigots, especially not if you feel endangered. But continuing to call out those who propagate Trump’s dangerous ideology is critical as we move into an age where even the press is threatened to be silenced. Your voice is the most valuable thing you possess. Use it! recommended