I use the term “prejudice” rather than sexism, racism, or homophobia because one can be preinclined favorably or negatively toward various identities. The Stranger


who's the NEXT terrorist ? ...and How will you Know? ......You can be Sure that CNN will rake in a Shite-Ton of dough in blood advertising, should another Terrorist shoot the fuch out of common citizens .... advertise with CNN ... and Wait for the Next local Blood bath!! ... should the F-16 fighter jets Take out CNN's revenue stream as well? Since they are PROFITING from Terrorism? (does Me no good to show dead cuvillians after-the-fact) ... advertising dollars, people !!! THOSE are the REAL Terrorists ! The Advertisers !!!!!!
And all me are rapists.
Which is why every time there is a mass shooting, the fucking hypocrites here at The Stranger and its commenters pray that the culprit is a card-carrying NRA member, preferably from an evangelical Christian denomination and who has selfies on his social media with prominent Republican politicians. Better luck next time Stranger. I'm sure if you keep projecting your insecurities on others, your wishes will come true.
it is an aspect of racial societies to see minorities as representative, and has been an idea in the discussion for decades now, this is absolutely nothing new. It is a result of small sample sizes, and the human instinct to cling to any information we have in an environment of low information.

The same thing happens with conservatives and homosexuals. It is no accident that anti-gay politicians change their minds when their kid comes out.

I did have to laugh at #3's post, remembering that when the shooting occurred, how badly the Slog community was hoping it was a white guy (including the author of a post just claiming they were white because he wanted it so bad), and trying so hard to convince themselves that it was a white conservative guy when they had no information.

Proves the thesis of this post quite well, honestly.
@4, although I can't speak for anyone else, when I first hear of a mass shooting I kinda hope it's a white christian male too. Know why? Because if it is, that's as far as the violence will go. No one will express their anger and fear by attacking or shouting slurs at other white males or go vandalize or burn an christian church. Anti-white guy prejudice hurts their feelings. Anti-Muslim prejudice kills.
@5: Ah, the old "my prejudices are fine, yours are destroying humanity" argument.

Things would probably be better if people worked on eliminating their prejudices rather than defending their validity, don't you think?
@6 Of course things would be better. Things would be better if people worked on eliminating a lot of bad behaviors: better parenting, respect toward fellow human beings, less selfishness and greed.. All would contribute to less violence in our society. But until that magic day comes, @5 is right. When a minority commits a terrorist act it spurs more violence, and when a white guy commits one, it spurs nothing, save for a few "thoughts and prayers."
Honestly, if you can't see the obvious difference you're either stupid or so beautifully liberal you can bring yourself to admit the truth. Christianity as a religion DOES NOT in any way suggest or condone killing people. There are NO pastors anywhere in the world teaching young men and women that they need to kill non-believers in order to enter heaven, or to get special bennies when they get there. Fundamentalist / hard core Christians are like the Amish. Not the Taliban.
Really, @9? No pastors anywhere in the world? How about Kevin Swanson, who literally calls for the mass slaughter of gay people? He's mainstream enough to host a conference attended by three of this year's Republican presidential candidates.

But please, tell us about "Islam as a religion" and its alleged death preaching. Since I'm unaware of this phenomenon, please cite to examples of imams with large followings in the Islamic community and influence over major political figures.
I mostly agree with you, but there is a difference between terrorism and mass murder and it's not as simple as identity politics. Timothy McVeigh, and Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik were terrorists. I would argue that Dear was also a terrorist. Most mass murderers are not terrorists, though that's small consolation to the victims' families.
@9......What about the late Fred Phelps and his Westboro church. It seems he stopped short of urging his members to kill gay people; he did preach a lot of hate though.
“If you are a member of a dominant group, you are always an individual. If you are a member of a marginal group, your identity is always the group identity as understood by the people who feel prejudice toward that group.”

I swear, this is the type of shit that teaches racism to kids who were probably never even thinking about it in the first place. You are doing your students a huge disservice by trying to codify and coin a phrase of your dumbed down view of the world.
And incidents of white on black violence that happen on the other side of the country get more condemnation, advocacy, and media coverage in Seattle than equally horrific incidents that happen in this very city but have a different racial makeup of perp/victim. How about condemning that?
@5 you say "Anti-white guy prejudice hurts their feelings. Anti-Muslim prejudice kills."
People are not murdered for being white? Twice as many whites as murdered by blacks then visa versa. None of theses murders or assaults are due to racism? (My stats come from the DOJ). I have white friends who have been "randomly" attack by black mobs. I've never heard of a white mob attacking a "random" black person without it immediately being deemed a racially motivated hate crime. There are 10 times more hate crimes against Jews than Muslims. When has the left and Muslim activists demanded the anti-Jewish rhetoric be toned down? The idea that Muslims are in great peril from non-Muslims is a joke. Over 3500 Americans have been killed since 2001 in hate crimes by Muslims, who make up 1% of the population. About 10 Muslims have been killed in hate crimes by non-Muslims (who make up 99% of the pop) in that same time period.
"And keep the Logic of Prejudice in mind"...especially when The Stranger tries to tell you who their picks are in the next election cycle! ROTFL - so hilariously hypocritical -
The phrase "Christian terrorist" should be used liberally in every article about the planned parenthood bomber and other Christian terrorists. Ex: "Christian Terrorist Admits Guilt in Planned Parenthood Attack" is a perfectly reasonable headline.
Weirdly, Family Guy wrote this whole article for you in advance:

@2: Don't be so hard on yourself bertha. :)
As for the bulk of the rest of you, don't be so easy on yourselves.
These prejudices are to some extent wired in from our cave dwelling ancestors who were suspicious of the "other" as a safety measure in order to survive. We've evolved past that need as a society (or at least most of us have), but it takes a bit of thought and to some extent bravery to get over that base fear response. The more fearful and the less evolved among us still cling to it as some kind of comfort, but we should recognize it for what it is. Fear.
No elites are threatened either way.

Only the Middle Class bears the brunt of extremist violence.

Because the Middle Class is the target of all warfare today.

It is a war of suppression and oppression of those who want up the ladder.
This post, this insatiable desire to tally up, measure, quantify, discordant events of mass shootings and terrorism into however the author wants to balance the teeter-tooter of Christian vs. Muslim, or whatever vs. whatever, is getting to be very bad problem. Trying to weave asymmetrical events into patterns is chasing red herrings.

I read the piece last night and I disagree with Savage. Dear, Farook & Malik are ALL terrorists. In fact, John Brown was a terrorist:


Sure some terrorists are 'lone wolves' but all deliver terror. Anyone can be a terrorist (note that Malik was a woman) for virtually any cause. The simple fact is 'terrorists' for criminal investigations purposes are more dangerous because they are organized. True, 'one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter'. But, that doesn't enable me for example, to conduct terror on behalf of even a moral cause. This distinction is small comfort to the victims of Dear, Farook & Malik among many others but it is important nonetheless. I don't use Savage's 'logic'. All of them are vicious, murderous monsters. And sometimes the use of a politically incorrect 'profile' is necessary to capture them.
"There are NO pastors anywhere in the world teaching young men and women that they need to kill non-believers in order to enter heaven, or to get special bennies when they get there."

Yup. That's not insulting a religion, that's not mid-level discrimination, that's imams in madrassas and mosques teaching people to kill infidels
@9: Plenty of "pro-life" pastors approve of the murder of doctors. Plenty of Christian pastors call for the extermination of homosexuals, through a variety of methods from suppression to deportation, to outright extermination.

You're just factually wrong.
@22- I was pretty shocked by bertha's confession myself.

did saudi arabia stop beheading people and stoning women?

it's less about religious opinion and more about the judicial values and punishments handed out by nation states. if those nations tie religion into their political and judiciary process it's easier to blame long held wrong headed beliefs of the 'group' than to identify individual religious opinion.
Sigh. Really? "Plenty of pro-life pastors approve of the murder of doctors." There may be some fringe nuts, but that is by no means a common thing, nor is it in any manner supported by Jesus in the Bible. Read the Bible, especially the New Testament and specifically the very words of Jesus. The idea that people who did not follow the way of God should be killed was never even vaguely suggested. So get over your anti-Christian diatribe and get real.
@29, Yeah, it's like she wants to get caught.
What can I say; I just sort of felt left out from all of the stereotyping and profiling.
I'd comment but an individual loner who yells out in court to just kill him sounds like someone with a mental illness vrs a devoted group who planned an attack for months and pledged loyalty to the Islamic State before they killed their coworkers ? Yes I'd say there is a difference.
@34- Because religiously motivated Muslim terrorists never shout in a courtroom or welcome martyrdom, right?
Is this article a joke? The author, while speaking like the voice of supreme knowledge, is clearly lumping all white people into one group. "white people think an entire race is suspect when one member of that race(brown) commits a crime.
Whereas, white people see themselves as individuals. Who the fuck does he think he is making idiotic claims that he somehow "knows what white people think". Is the author one of those hideous whites who claim to be something OTHER than white: Hey, my great grandmother was a native american! Idiots. Guys like this think if a white person marries a native American in 1800s that they somehow had some kind of impure relationship with a SQUAW they took from the reservation. Racist asshole. Huge majority of native americans JOINED modern society. They probably met at a party. Maybe a honky with brown eyes trying to pretend people.with blue eyes are inherately more violent. Accusing the white race of being naturally more violent than brown races is the worst form of whites who wish they were black.
Thinking that blacks and other minorities are so inferior that they need a blessed whitehead to speak down to them, as if to say " I'm white, but I'm speaking out for all the helpless non-whites. I'm a white sugardaddy who will support you poor, inferior minorities.
"American Nations", Colin Woodard.

"War Against the Weak", Edwin Black.
This type of thinking is manifested in people's perception of and response to all sorts of things. For instance, if an attacking dog is a pitbull, that dog represents all pitbulls. If an attacking dog is a different breed, then it's an unfortunate incident involving that one individual dog.
Oh snorkels...so to follow the logic of the article we have white men taking over America cities with riot and mayhem to further their cause. Let me count these cities...just give me time. I'll put it off for now. Cause mean time these white militias are going to forsake the Constitution and generate their own set of...oh, can I say, their own sort of Sharia Laws. You know, make their wimmen cover up all over cause you know what happens when other men lay their eyes on them. Yikes, that's a no-go wid all dem white guys running amuck in our cities. And I got this so right on...the fact is, them whites guys are running the Police Depts everywhere and each and everyone one of them should be disbanded and the Real People Liberation Police should be give full control. I tells yu dat as soon as all getout. QED

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