
Is this a movie review? 'Cause we already know about the fairy tale and don't need a recap! And how is The Bachelor relevant? I don't any see other girls vying for this dude, or are you saying Belle is competing with the tea pot, candelabra etc? Where's the cat-fighting, sabotaging other women, getting humiliated for ratings, and boring, gratuitous sex-in-the-hot-tub to get a lame ass flower from random bland-as-shit dude?

Honestly, go read a movie REVIEW, see where they talk about acting, directing, music, mood, cinematography, etc. You know, shit that has to do with the MOVIE! NOT just your own opinions about whatever you were ranting about! What was it by the way? Sounds like you thought you were being feministic, yet your rant was strangely anti-women! This is a movie where a WOMAN had the POWER and rescued the prince! Do you prefer Cinderella the door mat? Yes, there are problems with the tale, it's a live version of a Disney animation, based on a REALLY OLD FAIRY TALE! Ya know, from those lovely times when men could sell their wives on a block at the markets. Maybe you should go read some history!

God, I miss Paul!
Oh, re bestiality, while overlooking that this is a FAIRY TALE about a PRINCE who was turned into a beast (do we know that the beast is an ungulate? Couldn't it be a centaur, ipotane? orc? Pan?.. ), how do you feel about Swan Lake? Or is it okay for the woman to be the victim, er, beast?

Re being imprisoned in her dad's place because he stole, how do you feel about minorities being imprisoned for stealing minor shit like food and cosmetics RIGHT NOW, to make $$$ for private prisons' investors? SHOT for trespassing in our lively State of Texas or walking while Black in the neighborhoods where they "don't belong"? Or poor people being TRANSPORTED into penal servitude for life for stealing bread, less than 200 years ago?

Not trying to accuse you of bias here, just want some movie reviews that are written with some due diligence.
Get over yourself, just because it's not what you want in a movie review doesn't mean it's not one. You seem to have gotten most of her points but for some reason missed the fact that she brought them up.
Woa dude, this review cracked me up. Pointed and glib, and um, writerly. Makes me finally stop missing Lindy West (I still miss you, Lindy).
"Of course it's fucked up, it's a fairy tale, it's old, so you're dumb to criticize it."

"There's lot that's fucked up in the world, if you hadn't noticed, which makes you dumb to criticize this."

"Manic Pixie Dream Girls have power, so much man-fixer power, why do you hate strong women."

"And do you have any idea how much fucked up there was in the world hundreds of years ago? Why are you not complaining about that? You are dumb."

Did I miss any major points? Is there a cute animal name for the "why are you criticizing this when there are worse things in the world" maneuver? I move to call it harpsealing.
FWIW, I read and liked this article.
Chick does yet more emotional labor for yet another socially inept idiot man, falling in love in the interim. Yawn.
This was quite a confusing rant.

If you take out like 3 lines of this article you wouldn't be able to tell if this article was in reference to the old animated version or the live action version. I would have enjoyed more specifics to the film itself.
@3, @5

1. The reviewer compared Beauty and the Beast to the Bachelor, I found that comparison nonsensical, unless this production has DRASTICALLY changed the original story, which I've not read anywhere else. This review mentioned a rose, which I assume is the rose that in the original story represented the Beast's life, and in the cartoon represented the hope that he can turn back to human. How is that similar to the roses in the Bachelor? Please do explain to me.

2. Since y'all were so attentive in your mansplaining to me, I'll return the favor and womansplain a little to you! This is not a treatise/thesis of how women's victimization/infantilization /disempowerment/oppression/abuse in fairy tales. If the reviewer has THAT article, I'd love to read it! This is purportedly a MOVIE REVIEW of this particular production of Beauty and the Beast, which is an old French fairy tale. The Bête in the original fairy tale was a prince who was turned into a Beast by a curse, until he can find someone love him as he is under it, then the curse will be broken! The word Bête also means stupid/black/ugly/brutish etc., so as children we always understood that the prince was cursed to be hideous/deformed/stupid/vile/socially unacceptable etc., more than an actual animal, as he was depicted as being able to walk upright AND talk! So he is similar to Peau d'Âne or even Quasimoto/the Phantom of the Opera/Othello etc. So not exactly bestiality to fall in love with him!

This book was one of the very few books written by a woman novelist in the 18th C that actually got famous, and STAYED famous and widely known all over the world! AND she wrote it under her own name! She also was someone who actually applied to get control of her own property after marriage - so her husband couldn't spend all her money, AND she worked for a living, so hardly someone who would be advocating or glorifying women's imprisonment and oppression!

3. Every spring Slog prints a bunch of reviews from new writers to the blog, I have no idea if they're unpaid interns, paid/unpaid freelancers, college students, high school students, bored fan-fiction writers, or something else. But if they are hoping to get a JOB as a journalist, they need to write like one. That means they need to do their due diligence, research, and write with substance. A movie review that doesn't tell you anything about this particular production is useless. It won't get the reviewer a job offer, which I assume is the goal. Facile, pseudo-feministic, totally off-the-mark ranting is lazy, and definitely.does.not. Lyndy West make.

@5 Then why are you wasting your time here telling me what and how I should do things?
* treatise..of women's victimization...

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