Film/TV Aug 10, 2011 at 4:00 am

Lindy West Mailbag!


I smell Pulitzer!

Or stale nachos. Might be stale nachos.
It's kinda weird that Ricardo wrote Lindy a letter about Lindy and not to Lindy. I think I'm going to adopt this approach. "Dear Mom: someone should tell mom that her french toast is the fucking shit. Love Jen."
@2 - Someone should tell @2 to tell me that I love this idea.
Someone should tell Lindy that her lindy is showin'. Lindy see Lindy do. Lindylindeelindyllliinnddyy....
I love Lindy West.
5 -- better hurry on that marriage proposal. Apparently letter #1's writer is gonna head down the aisle with her any minute. You've got that additional "love" bit that might win her to your team.
Ah, such is the state of movies out at this time. Truly a classic Miss Lindy, please keep up this good stuff.

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