steven weissman


I sold it for some crack. Also, I don't care about your kid, really, I don't. Next time, I'll steal the whole bike. How 'bout that?
Tip from a cyclist: remove ANYTHING that is not bolted to your bike when you lock it somewhere. This is a city. Bikes get stripped. Stolen even. Anything a street urchin can pawn will be stolen. This is not news, this is ancient history.
Oh man---i cant wait to see what the rant will be when this kid has to actually go to a public school for the first time.
1967. Little league group outing to Sicks Stadium. After visiting snack bar, 10 year olds accosted by regular, ahem, locals in the cheap seats. All refreshments forcibly removed. Fast forward to 2017. Hand still in the pocket. You've come a long way baby.....
I'm sure the racist Cthulhu guy will be here shortly to blame you for leaving your bike unattended.
@5 It looks like people have already beaten him to it. Assholes.
that's pretty low.

@4: you sound nuts.
Your five year old was gonna cry anyway. Absolutely zero people give a shit about your bike lights. Just buy the $5 jams and replace them every time they get stolen.
@1, @3, @8: So what's wrong with trying to preserve the innocence of childhood as long as possible?
I have all kinds of loose accessories attached to my bike. They're always there. I suppose the day will come around when somebody takes my tire patches or something but thats a small price to pay for years of not having to unhook or lock up all that shit every time I stop.

There's just not that much crime any more, except on TV.
@11: Yeah, not much sex going on either - except on TV.
@8 you are kidding, right? USA has the longest adolescence of any culture in the history of the species.
@4 sounds like a funny guy, not nuts.
Good one!

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