Music Mar 7, 2012 at 4:00 am

This Week: N.M.E.


This is a straight up copy of "Secret History of Chicago Music" minus Plastic Crimewave's in-depth histories and quality artwork.
Do you like creamed corn?
That guy should open up a detective agency. HOLMES IS ON THE CASE.
Johnny is right: If the obscure music of one city has already been brought to the public's attention, it's wrong to bring the obscure music of another city to the public's attention. Thanks for not letting Erdman get away with such a serious transgression, man!
"This is a straight up copy of "Secret History of Chicago Music" minus Plastic Crimewave's in-depth histories and quality artwork."

*nods head* *shakes head*
The problem isn't that he's doing for the Pacific Northwest what Krakow does for Chicago, it's that he's doing it in a way that poorly imitates *how* Krakow does it.
yeah, but this guy is just doing a tasteless, bland, hard to read, blatant ripoff of what plastic crimewave has been working with for years... no creativity here... learn how to properly align text, at least...this looks terrible

Mr. Erdman is an inspiration to millions of Americans with 1) no artistic ability, 2) no original ideas, and 3) no shame.

-- MrJM
If the artist wants to celebrate the secret sounds of the NW that's great- but please stop ripping Plastic Crimewave off- visually this is plagiarism and the result is very weak compared to Plastic Crimewave
Wow. This is a BLATANT rip off of The Secret Sounds Of Chicago, which has been running in Chicago for years now. Dare I say this person is going to receive some legal attention. I mean- if he'd changed the format and title, maybe it would come across as more an homage-but as it stads it is pure plagerism. I would think the Stranger would have vetted this a bit more. i'm sre they will when lawyers start calling.
i'm gonna start a sassy q and a sex column in the chicago reader and call it "wild love"
The Stranger would do well to hire Steve Krakow (aka Plastic Crimewave) to replace this poorly done column - that so obviously (but badly) mimics the formatting, concept, and even the name of the project that Steve has developed over the course of 200+ columns in the Chicago Reader. I am disappointed that The Stranger would run this lousy rip off. It shouldn't take legal action to resolve this - just better editorial judgement in the future and an acknowledgement of credit where it is due. In other words, dump this crap and give Plastic Crimewave some props in print!
@PlagarismRules - Don't forget to use your your "Wild Love" column to build a "It Gets Not So Bad" campaign!

-- MrJM
This nonsense shouldn't even be mentioned in the same breath as Plastic Crimewave's "Secret History of Chicago Music" because there isn't anything the least bit artistic about this hack job of a feature. It looks like something that could have been cranked out on a computer in less than five minutes. The issue here isn't about who should have an exclusive right to produce works that bring attention to underappreciated musicians in various cities across the USA. Instead, it's that Erdman basically stole Crimewave's entire format without giving credit where it's so obviously due. Common courtesy dictates that writers, artists, singers, and other creative types should acknowledge their influences when interpreting the style of someone else. It's that simple. However, when one considers the numerous bridges that Erdman burned while residing in Chicago, his behavior shouldn't be that surprising. Shame on you Stranger for publishing this pablum.

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