News Feb 8, 2012 at 4:00 am

Passing the Senate Was Just the Beginning


As I gaze into my magic eight ball, all I can see are myriad court challenges, arguments, derision, and hate.

Being queer, for me, is a life style choice. Yeah, I know, your's isn't. Just like a few other things in some peoples lives, lack of personal responsibility is the answer to what they refuse to own.

I'm Queer, I'm here, and I'm tired of it.

Marriage is a breeder tradition, that has been upsurped by our government, with tax advantages, incentives, and legal safeguards. Give queer folks civil unions, with the priviledges expected of such.
Fuck gay people, they hate transgendered like me, so fuck them.

I could put myriad of Bible passages, but you don’t give a hoot about those words. So in Bible-ees, I’m going to tell you how to look at this situation with proper eyes.

Washington State,USA, is all one filthy dog kennel, whore house and leper colony. YOU created the Josh Powell monster, and he did what YOU taught him to do, to wit:

1. Be a self-centered, self-indulgent, coward.

2. Murder his babies. (RememberSeattle, this nation, since the Supreme Court told your selfish, mean, perverted backsides that you could murder your babies, you have murdered them to the tune of 51+ Million.)

Those children were created for this hour, and it gives the servants of God a cause of rejoicing (Ps 58:10, 11) and it gives us a great and effectual door to utter these glorious and righteous works of God. Finally, the children are better off dead now than to grow and fill the cup of their iniquity to increase their torment in hell. Those parents of that mom had nothing to offer them except a life of rebellion and defiance against God.

Thanks for writing.

Your friends at WBC

Ummmm! maybe time for a Industrial size can of whoop ass? Its not about the Church jerks! its not about some freak ass Republicans with a god complex!

Its all about liberty and justice for all and making dam sure that the American Government keeps it nose to the grind stone on equality and the understanding of what equality means?

Far from just some gay issue as its actually a fabric of our nation and its values.

the Civil war was about what? It sure the hell was not about Church Jerks or political pigs problems.

Leaving the Nazi's room to breath was a big mistake and so is letting this viol crap exist in America as for too frigin long our wars start in our back yard and end on the dark side of the moon.

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