News Feb 22, 2012 at 4:00 am

Rob McKenna Slips Anti-Gay Talking Points into Gay Marriage Ballot Language


Works for me! seems thats the best they can do to avoid looking like the ignorant twisted hick ass hillbilly's they are?

the fact is still and still is that they do not recognize gay people as equal.

By religion by law by anything. in the exact same way they did not recognize slaves or women or Mexicans or Muslims or anything.

the question is and still friggin is when will these freaks recognize its own American people and let them live without the insane phobic crap from its tiny brained neanderthal beliefs?

At some time we need to interpret the laws to provide for the people? Not religions not Republicans with complex emotional problems and not same lame hick ass law that is on state law books?

Why put it to a vote? so they can make and keep creepy crapy laws on the books that prove they are evil creeps who cant don't wont or want to recognize its own people
McKenna's history. Jay Inslee's dead even with Rob-baby already, and he hasn't even started to campaign. Plus he's better looking that McKenna, and looks *always* count in elections
Once I thought McKenna could be a role model for centrist Republicanism, but he and is ilk just cannot help but screw with social issues.
Here's hoping he gets his ass served on a platter in November.
The man has no lips
Um, gays aren't redefining marriage for everyone else. They're redefining marriage for themselves. Have any of these lobbyists ever taken a course in logic or rhetoric? They're full of straw-mans.
Rob McKenna: A slimy asshole masquerading as a wet teabag.
I'm curious if McKenna believes that the Supreme Court "redefined" marriage 60 years ago when they forced interracial marriage on the entire country?

...and why is it, that it's ONLY redefining his marriage if gay couples can marry in his own state? I'm guessing his marriage wasn't redefined when 10 countries and 7 states permitted gays to marry. But his marriage WON'T be the same IF AND ONLY IF gays can marry in Washington. Funny how that works out. Depending on the plot of land you happen to be living on, your marriage could fall apart at any moment if two people you don't even know happen to get married. Shocking, but true! Translation: This guy is a homophobic a-hole.
#6 No one is arguing their marriage will fall apart if gays get married. Straw-man. If you're going to challenge their position than challenge their REAL position, not your flimsy caricature of it.
I would like to see every news article that refers to NOM to point out that it is listed as an ANTI-GAY HATE GROUP by the Southern Poverty Law Center,
"...based on their propagation of known
falsehoods — claims about LGBT people that
have been thoroughly discredited by
scientific authorities — and repeated,
groundless name-calling."

It is a misnomer for NOM to claim is it for marriage when it spends thousands trying to prohibit access of same sex couples to civil marriage.…
@7, the problem is, no one is certain what their position *is*. I mean, any time you ask one of these people to state logically why marriage equality is a bad thing, they spin off into some wharblgarble that makes no sense.

Can you make any sense of it?
#7: Redefining something means it's been changed somehow. The implication being that opposite-sex marriage will be harmed if gay couples can marry. That is a lie that needs to be exposed. The expansion of civil rights does not alter the rights of those that already have them. When women were given the right to vote, it didn't 'redefine' voting for men. When blacks were no longer considered 3/5's of a person, it didn't alter the status of white people.

The booklet, entitled Pure Manhood: How to become the man God wants you to be, states that "the homosexual act is disordered, much like contraceptive sex between heterosexuals".


Disorderly sexual activity to the degree of Safe sex between heterosexuals
I don't live in Seattle,but from hundreds of miles away that face of his screams, "Repressed Christian closet case!"
Rob, I wouldn't give up your day job just, I mean...give it up...go for it! Give this gubernatorial race all you got! Then we'll have a new atty. general, and a new governor who isn't YOU.
This guy is such an obvious closeted homo that it hurts me to type these words into this box.

Does nothing ever change? Can't this guy run for mayor of Spokane or SOMETHING ELSE?
If he were Gay it would be a great improvement and he would not feel the need to be a full term miscarriage.

I don't know any Gay people as creepy as these Republican monsters and I used used to work in my fathers gay bar?
Funny that people would say he's gay, in the way of self hatred.... I really don't want someone like that on my "team".... really a DB.

He's obviously being used as a tool (ok, is a tool). I don't know who's pulling the purse strings, but they're there. The "not wearing glasses" to look more approachable. If he'd thought that up himself, he would have don't it before his first political race.

I really hope Inslee wins. I hope his soft demeanor, is seen as a strength. The thought of someone like McKenna, having an impact on my life is frightening.
Rob McKenna fooled a few people early on by claiming he was a "moderate" and supported equality for everyone, but as time went by he continued to run his true colors up the flag pole. It's pretty difficult to reel this one back in now that it's flying over his headquarters/ship. The skull and crossbones have been seen, and now we can all recognize him for the manipulative right-wing slime-bag he is.

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