Pullout Jun 24, 2010 at 4:00 am

How to Win the War They're Waging on Us


Somebody please tell me how come this man doesn't own a Pulitzer?
Nicely done and well said.

And, if your an ally don't ever hold your tongue. Sure, there can be uncomfortable moments but bullies love to crow when their victims are out of ear shot and "friendly fire" takes the wind out of their sails. It makes them and their audience start to question.
Good article Dan, except your ageism is showing through a bit. Last time I checked, you aren't getting any younger.
Actually, Dan, in addition to coming out, I think an active campaign to bone as many gay GOPers and expose them would have a similar effect on convincing people to come out, if not switch parties.
Oh, hell yeah!

One more item to add:

Go to a Pride parade. Cheer your lungs out, and encourage your children to do the same.
All this time I thought only Republicans had the authority to tell me who I can & can't fuck!
You had me both in tears AND laughing.
I thought Dan wasn't fond of HRC.
What Dan says here is valid (in spite of the subtle rhetoric inserted by a few obvious trolls in the room). It's time, once and for all, to not take a back seat to what we're up against here. I would only add this: the movie STONEWALL UPRISING is now showing in independent film theaters around the country. If you weren't there, are too young, or don't remember the media coverage, go see this very important film--and take note of the fact that if the GOP (Gnarly Old Putzes) had their way, this country would revert back to those days in a heartbeat (or lack thereof). Then see the film FALL FROM GRACE, a documentary about the "Reverend" Fred Phelps & his Klan of mindless, hate-mongering zombies--and take note of the fact that if gay-hating Bible-thumpers like them had their way, they would take their religious clout and have it made into law. Yeah, we've come a hell of a long way since the sexual revolution of the late 60s...but that doesn't mean that the battle's over by a long shot. We still have a LONG way to go.
"Fuck sending a check to the Human Rights Campaign or marching in a Pride parade or hanging a rainbow wind sock on your porch: Coming out is the single most important thing you can do to advance the cause of gay civil equality. Period."


The beauty of coming out is that it ISN'T an angry, polarizing, in-your-face political statement, it's just a quiet, little, "Um, this is who I am." It's one-on-one, it's personal, it's directed towards those in our lives that we care about, and it's more powerful than the most loudly-shouted "We're here, we're queer, get used to it" could EVER be.

If you're a closeted gay man or lesbian, and you're reading this, and you haven't really given much thought to coming out, think about it. If you have been thinking about it, DO IT! To hell with doing it for the gay community, do it for selfish reasons, to free yourself and your spirit.

Free your mind, and your bubble-butt will follow.
Awesome, awesome, awesome, as usual.
I am an activist in Texas, and let me say, this is possibly the most sound piece of advice for our community here that I have heard to date. Let's get back to what works! Harvey Milk was able to lead the LGBT Community to win against prop 6 (Let's fire all the gay teachers) by running a campaign calling on people to come out! While many of us in the big cities are out and comfortable (thanks to so many of us being out) our rural areas (where the majority of Texans live) are still TERRIFYING closets.. we need to pry open those doors!
@1 Agree. I was thinking the same thing, this is just so well written.

"Free your mind, and your bubble-butt will follow."
Just in case you were interested, scroll down for the best bubble-butts EVER:

Dan Choi was discharged only recently. His case started over a years ago but the discharge was not final until a few weeks ago. They didn't even tell him about until the other day. Oh, he said it was an honorable discharge - small comfort.

Other than that, a decent rant. I'll give it a 87: good rhythm and easy to dance to.
How hypocritical you sound, Dan. Look at you spewing all that self-righteous bullshit.

If Dick cheney needs a heart transplant give him george bush's heart ,bush is brain dead anyway!
The best article ever! :) Dan deserves a nomination for greatest political Anti-GOP Anti-Republican writer ever and deserves a treat at the best restaurant in town greeted by a check from prize people of over $4 billion! :)
Fuck you @ anonymous person! :) Don't say that ish because it ain't cool! ;) Dan deserves high honors! :)
very cool. i'm not gay but to all my gay friends: please fuck some sense into these republicans. I fuck republican chicks and their on average much more masochistic than other chicks. They want you to come in their eye etc. Screwed up people man.
Well said!! I'm all fired up now
You had me at "Hello."
But all this is why Dr. Ron Paul want's the Federal Government out of our bedrooms!
Vote DR.Ron or live with the consequences.
Republicans are nothing but a bunch of piece of shit scum bags. I would rather have Bin L as a president over them incest scumbags. I have never had so much hate for anyone. Rush L , Grover fat pig Boner, Canter. I would love it if someone killed all of them. I would put a big banner outside my house and have a 5 keg party. And i would advertise it big time.

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