Rachel Rudnick
The sassilicious Miss Rachel is the drummer for Get Down Syndrome, which plays the Crocodile on Friday December 7 with the Turn-Ons and Rock*A*Teens. In addition to charming the pants off of its growing audience, Get Down Syndrome does triple musical duty when functioning as the backing band for both Ursula and the Androids and Jackie and the Control Tops.

So what's on the career agenda for Get Down Syndrome right now? "I hope I don't jinx myself with this one. We're planning a West Coast tour in February. We hope to record with Jim Diamond of Ghetto Recordings in Detroit in the spring, and then maybe some poor sap will put up the cash to release it--that would be nice! In the meantime, we are just playing a lot of local shows as Get Down Syndrome with Ursula and the Androids and Jackie and the Control Tops--along with those sick bitches that do Faux Bang, and Ross from the Cripples. I guess I'm just a band slut."

What's your most irrational fear? "I have a deep and irrational fear of being in a crowd and getting hit by a big smelly dreadlock. That's why I try to stay away from reggae and Neurosis shows."

What's your biggest unfulfilled fantasy that has nothing to do with sex or money? "I would like to someday sell enough Mary Kay cosmetics to own one of them big pink Cadillacs!"

Do you know that Mary Kay is dead? "I can't believe Mary Kay is dead! No pink Cadillac?! That makes me mad!"

Interview by Hannah Levin