Brendan's Answers:

Section 1:

The one with the rounder face, glasses, and his name on his lapel is Neil Simon; the stern-looking guy is Eugene O'Neill.


Section 2:

1. A. Eugene O’Neill

2. B. Neil Simon

3. A. Eugene O’Neill

4. B. Neil Simon

5. A. Eugene O’Neill

6. B. Neil Simon

7. B. Neil Simon

8. A. Eugene O’Neill

9. B. Neil Simon

10. A. Eugene O’Neill

[These are correct.]

Section 3:

Big deal—so I said the Rep was going to produce a Eugene O’Neill play (which would be awesome) when they were actually planning to produce a Neil Simon play (less than awesome). That wasn’t an error—it was wishful thinking. And it doesn’t even matter because the Neil Simon premiere has been replaced with Private Lives by Edward Albee.

[This does not come close to resembling an acceptable answer.]