Assistant manager, barista, frosting expert
Cupcake Royale
2052 NW Market St, 782-9557

You've been frosting cupcakes full-time for a year. Are you sick of it yet?

"Nope. I'm a complete foodie."

Who the hell thought of lavender-flavored frosting? Were they fired?

"Actually, everyone contributes to what we've got and how we decorate [the cupcakes]... we get customer suggestions, and everyone on the staff has opinions as well. It's definitely a collaborative effort."

Have you reached a cupcake-eating threshold after a year?

"I'm not tired of them yet, but I do eat them too much. They taste better when I'm not working, but there's nothing like sneaking in the back and pulling a warm one off the tray."

What do you do when you're not working?

"Last night I went home and frosted a cake that I baked, and then my friends came over and we ate it."

Do you have non-frosting-related hobbies?

"I cook a lot, write about cooking and food in general, and in about a week, I'll start cooking school in New York City. I'll really miss it here, though."

Interview by Cienna Madrid