Stop with all the fucking self-pity and woe-is-me bullshit, you self-absorbed twat. Guess what? You totally deserved to get herpes. Not because you made a reckless decision and let a random dude go down on you without protection, but because you're so fucking full of yourself (plus, your reasons for said reckless decision were vaguely racist).

In fact, I can't think of a single person more deserving of getting herpes than you, with your overinflated ego and lack of self control. I am sick of hearing about all the boys you hook up with and the "adorable" things they say. I know you know I'm not interested—you actually have to ask me to ask you about what happened with so-and-so, and I still never do. Just so you know, a blank look means "get the fuck out of my room, it's three in the fucking morning," NOT "please spend the next hour and a half telling me every excruciating detail of your life." If I have to have one more conversation about how herpes is affecting your sex life, I am going to punch you in the ovaries.

And FYI, calling yourself a make-out slut is not cute, especially not when the reason you're not a real slut is because you don't want to admit to anyone that you have herpes.recommended