You were one of my best friends. Even after women in our community of friends came forward to say that you made (and continue to make) them feel uncomfortable by cornering them, being physically aggressive, trying to get them alone, fucking them with your eyes, plying them with alcohol, being pushy, and generally making them think that you're a sexual predator. This is unacceptable, especially given that you style yourself as an "anarcho-activist-feminist male-bodied individual." I stuck by you even after that guy in the restaurant in Portland heard me say your name and leaned over to tell me in detail how you got his girlfriend drunk and date-raped her. (I'm kicking my own ass for this one. How many others?!) Even after you repeatedly lied to my friends about me, tried to start shit with me every time that you saw me, tried to wreck my relationships and job prospects—all in the name of scapegoating me as the cause of the problems that you continue to have with your relationships, home, and jobs. Yeah, I realize you know karate, but I know enough people who would be very interested in holding you down on the ground so we can take turns spitting in your fucking face. So this is me not being nice to you anymore. Or keeping quiet about a manic, alcoholic, violent sexual predator in our community.