I knew at the age of 8 there was something wrong with me, and there was something wrong with you, but I dealt with it because even though bad mommy screamed at me and hit me and said things that upset me, every other day good mommy would make me chicken noodle soup and hug me and tell me I was beautiful. I spent every day with you, and the last time we moved I abandoned my friends as well as my family until you kicked me out of the apartment at age 16. I spent a few days homeless before I found an apartment that was affordable, and then you moved into the same building to be closer to me.

I soon quit my job to get away from the owner of the shop, who sexually harassed me, and I lost my apartment and moved into the projects. You wouldn't help me with any bills and I spent days without any food, sleeping on the floor of the only house not abandoned on the street. I sold my virginity for 500 dollars. I earned enough to move out, and you helped me with money when you found out I had been diagnosed with schizophrenia and chronic depression, but bad mommy came back and I again spent days begging my landlord not to evict me, days without food, days with no electricity or heat. However, things are good now and I want to thank you for paying my rent. If only I had known it would take me slitting my wrists to get you to show me you love me, I would have done it a lot sooner than I did. recommended