You and your crap restaurant need to be exposed! Your millionaire "friends" just love you, your sweet little cafe, your two Beemers, and your big, fat, slobbering $4,000 "champion" DESIGNER DOG! But they don't know the truth about you. They've never had to work for your WRETCHED, DECEITFUL, MONEY-HUNGRY ASS.

You tell your employees upon hiring them that you take a cut of the tips because "we work as a team." You then sit on your fat ass all day surfing BMW websites, but insist on dividing up the tips at the end of the day. Well guess what? Each and every one of us has caught you stealing more than your "share." You take full advantage of the generosity, dependability, and loyalty of the people who help you, and then you FUCKING ROB THEM! You steal from your customers every day by falsely advertising your food as "fresh," when in reality it comes from a fucking CAN. You add a 15 percent gratuity to bills without telling customers so you can get a double tip! Then you turn around and PRESS CHARGES against an obviously homeless, drug-addicted man who walked out without paying for his fucking $14 breakfast! Who made you this way?!?!

You think there's a high turnover at your place because restaurant workers are "fickle." You're so fucking wrong. What you don't realize is that all those people just go and work in other restaurants where their employers have a shred of integrity.
