Mardi Gras Canceled

Fat Tuesday, Inc., the association of Pioneer Square clubs that produces Seattle's annual Mardi Gras celebrations, has decided not to produce next year's bash. The decision is a response to last February's riots, where one man was killed. Next year's event is likely to be a family-oriented parade sponsored by the community association.

This takes the political pressure off city council liberals to pass the constitutionally questionable special events permitting ordinance ["Tsk-Tsk Force," Dave Osgood, Aug 23]. Despite ACLU criticism, the bad legislation had been gaining momentum because of last year's riots. JOSH FEIT

Transportation Evolution

In an e-mail to staffers, Daryl Grigsby, the director of SeaTran (the city's transportation department), announced his resignation last week.

Asked if his decision had anything to do with the beating SeaTran's taking on the mayoral campaign trail, SeaTran spokesperson Liz Rankin said: "I don't think you'll get a response to that." Rankin said Grigsby's decision was nothing more than a step in "career evolution." JOSH FEIT

Sidewalk Talk

At last week's city council budget retreat, City Council Member Jim Compton challenged colleague Heidi Wills after she suggested adding $1 million to the mayor's budget for sidewalks in underserved South and North Seattle.

After Wills cited the council's formally adopted 2001 budget priorities, which include sidewalks, Compton lectured: "This isn't last year. Our priorities have changed."

Funny guy, that Compton. Listen to his grandstanding in the September 25 Seattle Times: "Compton was irked by Schell's budget plan, which ignored the council's earlier plan to spend... money in four areas: transitional housing, homeless shelters, sidewalks, and roads maintenance.

"'Those were not in there by accident. They were important priorities for the council.... It's maddening,'" Compton said.

Wills would agree. JOSH FEIT

Debate Night

On Monday night, The Stranger's news editor, Josh Feit, and KUOW's Marci Sillman were scheduled to co-moderate a mayoral debate between Mark Sidran and Greg Nickels. Allied Arts was presenting the event, and The Stranger was co-sponsoring with the League of Women Voters and Washington State Arts Alliance. When Mark Sidran threatened to pull out of the debate if Feit moderated, Allied Arts booted Feit off the panel. Mark Sidran--the gutsy candidate, according to The Seattle Times--was apparently too afraid to answer Feit's questions. And the gutless wonders at Allied Arts were only too willing to bend over and grab their ankles at the request of the Sidran campaign. DAN SAVAGE