OKAY, SO I'LL ADMIT THAT as much as I berated Moe--the cluttered and uncomfortable rock hall in which ARO.space now operates--I was the one to wail the loudest when I heard it was closing its doors almost two years ago. And I had more than a few passionate (and in retrospect, wrongheaded) verbal blowouts with ARO.space proprietors Tasty Shows, railing against their opening yet another queer dance club on the Hill, when the space was so well-suited for a rock venue. However, within weeks of ARO.space's debut, I changed my tune. Its decor is beautiful, the food wonderful, and the staff ever so lovely. And despite many bands complaining about the "room," the handful of times I caught a live rock set there--Pearl Jam and Lo-Fidelity All Stars being the most memorable--I walked home on cloud nine.

So I was hoping that persistent rumors of the club having declared bankruptcy were just that, and guess what? They are. While Tasty's Jared Harler admits that ARO.space needs "all the help we can get," they aren't that bad off yet. So bands: Quit bitching and play some shows there. Capitol Hill live-music lovers: It's completely feasible that you spend the time between Breakroom sets shakin' booty and guzzling hard alcohol down at ARO.space. The clubs are two-and-a-half freakin' blocks apart--pretend you live in a big city!

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Hee Haw: Before Limp Bizkit bassist Sam Rivers was finished throwing his "technical-difficulties"-induced rockstar fit during the band's tour kickoff show June 22 at Mercer Arena, he'd bounced his instrument off the head of a security guard stationed in the pit, and sliced his own hand wide open. A trip to the hospital and 10 stitches later, the band returned to the stage, but not before members of the audience took it upon themselves to entertain the masses. Three girls climbed on their dudes' shoulders and began making out--much to the crowd's lecherous pleasure--followed by extensive chest-baring and an impromptu floor vs. stands tit competition. Whatever happened to the Wave? Not surprisingly, "Limp Digit" called the show the best they'd ever had.

If Swans frontman Michael Gira's solo career doesn't take off, perhaps he has something to fall back on. At his June 23 show at the Fenix, the Most Intimidating Man in Music actually told a few jokes--and reviews say Gira was funny!

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More Mudhoney news: Bassist Matt Lukin is leaving the band and possibly retiring from music altogether, so says singer/guitarist Mark Arm, who was postin' his woes on www.unofficial-mudhoney.com.

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Red Stars Theory, who signed to Chicago's legendary Touch and Go label a few months back, have finished their new disc. Recorded at Avast! studios, Life in a Bubble Can Be Beautiful is scheduled to hit the shelves September 7. The Touch and Go folks say the thing would have been out earlier, but the band rejected the first set of masters--because they weren't LOUD enough.

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What's this I hear about Breakroom manager Rich--the big tall guy who can reach up and turn on the smoke-eater without a ladder--havin' his pregnant girlfriend's labor induced so he could work the Melvins show? Now that's what I call ROCK AND ROLL! Did they name the kid Buzzo? Actually, Rich and his girlfriend had a healthy baby girl, and her name is Fiona. Congratulations!