When: Sat Oct 30 Where: Off Broadway Ave,

Capitol Hill What: Halloween


This Halloween party is tough to miss--roughly 50 people are milling around outside the house when we arrive. Entering the place, we're instantly surrounded by hordes of people in boring costumes like "Sexy Kitten" and "Regular Guy With a Sombrero." For a Halloween bash, no one here's taking any risks. There's a beat coming up through the floors, and we decide to follow it, but it takes us five minutes to descend the stairs, as there's a line to get to the basement. When we finally make it down there, we discover the bar being thronged by another 50 thirsty "Sexy Schoolgirls" and "Zombie Frat Guys." I ask a random person whom this crowd comprises. "We're Cornish kids!" she yells over the bizarre reggae/house fusion. On the dance floor, two "Sexy Female Bunnies" are grinding on each other and moving on to those around them. Although it's mildly interesting to watch, we decide to leave. It takes us 15 minutes to get out of the crowded house, and we lose a friend in the fray. Someone dives back in to find him, and the rest of us smoke cigarettes on the sidewalk, waiting. A resident of the house attempts to kick us off the sidewalk, first pleading and then threatening. He asks my name, and I tell him. He answers, "My name's Fuck You."

Want The Stranger to crash your house party? E-mail the info to partycrasher@thestranger.com