The State of Denmark

Something Is Rotten/Green Lake/Mon Sept 22/10:29 am: This report, which I have not doctored too much, was filed by Officer Thomas: "On the above date and time, I responded to Green Lake on a report of a man possibly assaulting his son as they jogged around the track. The caller explained that the man would push and yell at his son, forcing him to run. I contacted the son and his father, along with the father's brother. I could see that the victim/son was sweating and tired, but he was not crying or upset. He did not appear alarmed that I was there, and when I asked him if he was okay, he said that he was. I explained to the suspect/father why I was there, and he said that his son was visiting from Denmark along with his brother. They brought the son out to Green Lake to go jogging in an attempt to get him into shape so he could stay on his hockey team in Denmark.

"The suspect/father said he was only trying to get the boy to work and sweat a little and lose some weight. He admitted to talking strongly to his son, pushing him along by the back of his neck in an attempt to get him to run. He said that he wasn't being unfair, and that they walked most of the time. I couldn't directly communicate with the victim/son, as he only speaks Danish. The suspect/father said that in Denmark the parents push their children hard to achieve and accomplish things.

"My partner, Officer Harner, spoke to five witnesses:

"Witness One: She saw the suspect/father push and yell at his son. She also saw the victim/son crying.

"Witness Two: She saw the suspect/father push his child.

"Witness Three: She observed the suspect/father attempt to hit the child on the head and miss. She saw him screaming at the child, grabbing him by the arm.

"Witness Four: She saw the suspect/father grab the child by the back of the neck and saw the child stumble, but he did not fall.

"Witness Five: She saw the suspect/father attempt to hit the boy and miss. She did not see him push the child.

"All witnesses, who incidentally were women, described the suspect/father as intimidating and abusive towards the victim/son. They also felt threatened by the suspect/father. (At one point, the suspect/father confronted Witness Two and told her, 'Mind your own fucking business.')

"I explained the situation to the suspect/father and he understood. He said that he should have used better judgment than he did, but he never actually hurt his son. The son appeared happy and content and did not fear being around his father. The brother also said that this would be somewhat normal in Denmark, but he realizes that cultural differences exist between here and there.

"...I did not see that a crime had been committed. However, the suspect/father exercised an extreme lack of good judgment. The suspect/father said that his son and brother were leaving that afternoon for Denmark, where they live permanently."