
To Be Unborn/First Hill/Wed May 26/10:04 pm: Officer R. Howard writes: "Suspect gave birth to victim on May 26, 2004, at Swedish hospital. A routine test of victim's blood conducted by medical staff tested positive for cocaine. Child Protective Services was notified of the incident.... [When I arrived,] suspect was given an SPD form 9.45. Witness who identified himself as the father of the victim was present in the room." Similarly, the poet T. S. Eliot once wrote: "O dark dark dark. They all go into the dark/The vacant interstellar spaces, the vacant into the vacant...."

Forget You/Montlake/Fri May 28/6:26 am: Officer Jelcick writes: "Early today, a man called 911 to report that an unknown male was knocking at his door and talking nonsense. Eventually, the subject wandered off, umbrella in hand. At 6:23 am, the subject was found and detained by Officer Upton at Fuhram Avenue East and East Allison Street. The subject... was disoriented. He could not remember where he lived or his telephone number. He was not intoxicated and did not appear to be under the influence of narcotics. He was obviously cold, and had no idea where he was, or how to get home. He... had obviously been walking around for some time. It was [also] obvious that he could not care for himself, that he may be dangerous to himself. Based on these conclusions, I had him transported to Harborview Medical Center for a mental evaluation." This is the first report I have come across that has a person who suffers from amnesia, an affliction that in my mind shares the same room with hypnotism. Both conditions are very suspect. Can a person really forget everything? Likewise, can a person be completely glamoured (in the original sense of that word)? The answer has to be no. If the body is there then the subject must be in there.

Rather Tiresome/Greenwood/Mon May 31/8:23 am: Office S. D. Enright: "During the hours of darkness last night, complainant believes her neighbors, either in unit [B] or in unit [A], let the air out of the left rear tire of her 1987 Toyota Camry. She states this same tire has been flat every morning, with the exception of Saturday morning (May 29). She states that on May 29 the car was parked in a different location and the tire was not flat in the morning. The complainant states she has seen the teenage neighbors in unit [A] and unit [B] laughing at her when she drives the car to the 7-Eleven to fill up the tires. She believes they are letting the air out of the tires in retaliation for her calling 911 to complain about frequent late-night noise problems from the two units.... Complainant states she has taken the car to Goodyear and they told her there were nails in all four tires, but that the nails should not cause the tires to go flat so quickly." I admit that this report is not very interesting, but its opening line, "During the hours of darkness," is simply marvelous. It sits on the top of the report like a dark jewel that has been pressed into the top of a seriously sucked, long-chewed, mortally white, and forever juiceless segment of sugar cane.