Natural Conversational/University District/Tue Sept 27/12:06 am: The writing in this report by Officer Hanley gives me great pleasure. It is in three parts, the first of which reads: "I arrived on the scene and contacted the complainant in this case [white, female, 30 years old], who told me the following: On 9-25-2005 at approximately 0300 hours, another tenant [white, female, 25 years old] at the boarding house attempted to lock her in the shared bathroom of the home. [The complainant] resisted this effort by sticking her hand outside of the door, which was then slammed between the door and the doorframe, causing the complainant great pain. She had recently returned from the hospital after finding it [her hand] had been broken by that incident. At the time of my visit, the complainant was wearing a cast on her right forearm and wearing a hospital gown with pant legs extending a foot past her feet."

The second, and most fascinating, part of the report reads: "As brief and concise as [the first part of the report] is in describing the events the complainant wished to report, it was the product of a very difficult interview.

"The complainant's boyfriend [white, male, 18 years old] purported to have seen the incident transpire as well. The unfortunate side effect of which was that they both attempted to tell me the same story at the same time.

"During my questioning of her, both she and her [much younger] boyfriend yelled over each other in an attempt to be heard, oblivious to the fact that it might make it difficult to glean information from them while doing so. They did not listen to my requests that they speak one at a time and conducted themselves as if conveying a meaning to a police officer required they both yell the same story at the same time. For them, simultaneous yelling was a natural conversational habit. This was compounded by the fact that neither had a concise nor consistent chain of thought, breaking into tangents, and answering questions that were inconsistent with the questions asked.

"Both parties were clearly under the influence of a stimulant, as evidenced by both facial and body tics, elevated breathing, short choppy cadence of speech, and the inability to sit still—both paced wildly around the room.

If the second part described the general aspects of the "very difficult interview," the third and concluding part gets specific: "At one point the complainant actually made a direct statement, rather than random reflections, in which she said: 'She broke my wrist. I want you to arrest her.' I asked the complainant why she took 48 hours to call for a police response and then, once again, she broke into a wild litany, briefly touching on the fact that her phone at home had broken, but mainly consisting of repeated assertions that the suspect had broken her wrist... At a minimum, the exact details of this incident remain obscure and ascertaining the truth is difficult."